Gentiles would be called to the faith of Chrift; or that they would be called to the faith, without being obliged to fubmit to any of the laws of Mofes; it cannot be very furprizing that whatever they heard concerning the converfion of the Gentiles, fhould not be understood of the converfion of the idolatrous Gentiles, and the terms on which they were received into the fellowship of the faints, but fhould be turned to the Profelytes of the Gate. E We have a much higher inftance of the apoftles and first difciples being blinded by a prepoffeffion than this. For though our Saviour foretold them, in the most plain and exprefs words, that he must fuffer many things, and be crucified, and rife again the third day; nay, though they once told him, that now they understood him, for " that he then spake plainly, and fpake no pro"verb m; yet was this faying hid from "them":"and that not only before, but after, thefe events happened. So that after he was faid to be rifen by fome of their own company, yet, influenced by their pre-conceived opinion of a temporal kingdom, they loft all hopes concerning him; and only A John xvi. 28, 29. Matth. xx. 17. Luke xviii. 31-35. trufted trufted that this had been he that should "have redeemed Ifrael." 66 We have yet another inftance of a stronger and more furprizing prepoffeffion in the hiftory of the Acts, and in a cafe in point too. For though the prophets fpeak of the " calling in of the Gentiles by the Meffiah;" though Simeon, at Chrift's being prefented in the temple, had faid, that " he was a Light "to lighten the Gentiles, as well as the Glory "of God's people Ifrael;" though Christ had not only hinted it in his parables to the people, and more diftinctly in the parable of the wedding-fupper, but fpoke plainly of it to his difciples, and had given his apoftles commiffion to "go and teach all nations, and "to preach the gofpel to every creature ;" and had told them, that they fhould" be his "witneffes, after the Holy Ghoft was come 66 upon them, in Jerufalem, Judea, and Sa"maria, and even to the uttermoft parts of "the earth;" though the Holy Ghost was fallen on them, to infufe into them great degrees of all neceffary knowledge; nay, though Peter quoted the prophecy of Joel, "that God "would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh ;” yet their duty to preach to the devout Gentiles the people the beft difpofed of any to • Luke xiii. 19-22, 24-31. Ibid. xiv. 16-25. receive receive the gospel), in order to convert them, was fo entirely hid from them, that none of them attempted it, till about eight years after our Saviour's afcenfion. Nor could Peter then fcarce be brought to it by a vision from God to that purpofe; he still perfifting to say, "Not fo, Lord!" And though at last Peter went to Cornelius in confequence of his vifion, and on finding meffengers come from Cornelius, and on a farther direction from the Spirit to go with them; and on finding that Cornelius had had a vifion which correfponded with his; and preaches to them; and, on the Holy Ghoft's falling on them, baptizes them; yet is he queftioned about all this by the Jewith believers with great feverity: and scarcely can he juftify himself, by reciting this whole tranfaction in order to them. And after he had juftified himself, and it was a cafe fettled, in the church, that the devout Gentiles might be received, on believing the gofpel; we fee how fierce a contention broke out upon it at Antioch in Syria first, and at Jerufalem afterwards 9. NOR did any of the apoftles, even though they faw this point fo fully determined, attempt thereupon to preach to the idolatrous Gentiles, till about four years after the con ? Acts xv. 1, 4. b 4 verfion 7 1 verfion of Cornelius (as the men of Cyprus and Cyrene did to other Profelytes of the Gate foon after the converfion of Cornelius was known); and then only Paul and Barnabas, and they not without a fpecial revelation and commiffion given to Saul for that purpose, which Saul alfo feems to receive with fome reluctance: nor does he even then obey it, till Sergius Paulus firft, and the idolatrous Gentiles at Antioch in Pifidia afterwards, defire thefe two apoftles to preach to them: no more than Peter did to Cornelius, till he not only fent meffengers for Peter, but in perfon defired Peter (and by the direction of an angel) to preach to him. Thus though the Holy Ghoft revealed all truth to the apostles, that was proper and neceffary for them, on his firft defcent; yet this mystery of calling the Gentiles was ftill concealed from them a great while; cither they, or the rest of the Jewith church, or the Jewish nation, or all of them, not being as yet able to bear it. I hope I may be pardoned, if I make a digreffion here, in order to account for fo furprizing an appearance as the late difcovery of this myftery carries with it; efpecially fince it will be of ufe in the following Effays. THAT the apoftles themfelves were not able to bear the difcovery of this mystery fooner, appears very plainly from what I have just now obferved of the conduct of Peter, Paul, and Barnabas, even on the late revelation which God made of this mystery to them. How little the Jewish Chriftians could bear the reception of the devout Gentiles into the church, appears likewife from what I have but juft obferved happened at Antioch and Jerufalem, AND the malice and envy of the Jewish nation at the reception of the Gentiles, our Saviour defcribes and foretells in the perfon of the elder brother, in the beautiful parable of the Prodigal font. And St. Luke takes notice accordingly of the envy they were filled with at Antioch in Pifidia, on finding the gofpel was going to be preached to the Gentiles, and that the Gentiles were difpofed to receive it, Acts xiii. 45. And we have a like inftance of their envy, Acts xiv. 2-20. and xvii. 5. 13. xviii. 12, 13. Paul complains, that the Galatians were made his enemies by the Jewish teachers," because he told them "the truth":" that is, that they must not fubmit to any of the laws of Mofes; or that if they were circumcifed, Chrift could "profit them nothing." And he gives it as Gal. iv. 16. Luke xv. 25-31, the |