not keep naughty books about us. What would the crowd of belles, that honour us with a forenoon call, think of the purity of North's mind, if they even supposed him capable of dipping into such a book. We are sure they would never do so themselves. But we leave this subject at once; and, before breaking the seal, will bet the Bank of Ireland to a mealy potato, that here comes last, but not least, the congratulations of the Odontist. We are glad that he can spare as much time from his great work, as to shew us by such tokens the unalterable qualities of his friendship. It is also worthy of remark, that on this, as on former occasions, the writings of such illustrious names as the Scotts and the Byrons, should be found in juxta-position; though we suspect that you, my dear Public, will think the whole affair a matter of our own humour. THE CHAUNT OF FRIENDSHIP. Oh tell me not of prudence, oh deave me not, I say, The wintry air is snell and keen; the wintry wind is cold; And to drive the shade of care away from this commencing year. May down the stream of human life our barks glide calmly on, of human life to every crony here, And hail to thee, Old Scotland! my voice in triumph wakes, Still mayst thou be, Old Scotland, the glory of the earth, Now fill your glasses up, brave boys, and fill them to the brim, Long may he shine the glory of this literary land, Then up upon your feet, brave boys, then up upon your feet, But hark, the bell of St Giles! It is now "the witching time of night," and we must think of addressing ourselves to sleep; perhaps we have been enticing our readers to do so for half-an-hour past. We cannot wish less than light dreams and a blythe waking to you all. Excuse this egotism. Euge et Vale. C.N. WORKS PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. LONDON. Lectures on Parables, selected from the New Testament. By the author of "Ge raldine." In the press, a Tour through Belgium. By his Grace the Duke of Rutland, embellished with Plates, after drawings by the Duchess. Illustrations are announced of the History, Manners and Customs, Arts, Sciences and Literature of Japan, selected from Japanese MS. and printed Works. By M. Titsingh, formerly chief Agent of the Dutch East India Company at Rangasaki, a gentleman well known in India and Europe, with coloured engravings from original Japanese paintings. The Rev. H. Milman has in the press, The Martyr of Antioch, a tragic Drama. Mr W. H. Ireland will shortly publish France, for the last Seven Years, containing many Facts, and much valuable information, hitherto unknown; with Anecdotes, Jeu d'esprits, &c. On the 1st of February will be published, vol. I. and Plates, livr. I. of the Description de L'Egypte, ou Recueil des Observations et des Recherches Faites en Egypte pendant l'Expedition de l'Armée Francaise. Second edition. This Work is ranked among the most splendid, important, and interesting publications that France or any other country has produced; comprising the result of much laborious research, made actually in Egypt during the space of nearly four years, by numerous men of letters and others, the most able and accomplished in various departments of Literature and Science. On the Engravings with which it is illustrated, the French Government expended many millions of francs; they are in number 900, (of the very largest folio size,) and executed by Artists of the greatest celebrity; yet so few were the copies printed, that this Egyptian treasure has hitherto been almost inaccessible to any person not enjoying the advantages of a princely for tune. Of the Text, four divisions will contain every circumstance relative to-1st, the Antiquities of Egypt 2d, the Modern State; 3d, the Natural History; and, 4th, the Geography. Of the Engravings, (all in the largest folio size,) nine volumes are devoted to Antiquities, and contain 429 Plates; two volumes, comprising 170 Plates, relate to the Modern State of Egypt.. The Natural History of that Country occupies two volumes, of 250 Plates; and the Geographical Atlas contains 52 Plates. Of these, (the Geographical Engravings,) each, at an average, cost 4000 francs; of the Plates relating to Natural History, 173 illustrate Zoology, 62 Botany, and 15 Mineralogy-some containing from 30 to 40 figures. Several also of the 170 Plates that exhibit Egypt, in its modern state, comprise a multiplicity of figures, and introduce us at once among the inhabitants in every minute detail of their domestic life. The engraving of one Portrait cost 6000 francs. The figure of Seyd Mustapha Pacha is deemed a master-piece; and in one of the Plates are included 17 Portraits. Of the Antiquarian department, which is pre-eminently rich, the Engravings represent all that is worthy of observation in the Temples, Palaces, Tombs, and other Monuments of Egypt; Topographical Plans of the Ancient Cities; exact Delineations of Hieroglyphical Inscriptions, Astronomical Paintings, Sculptured Devices, Manuscripts in unknown Characters, Statues, Idols, Mummies, Vases, Gems, Medals, and other precious remains. The Work will be published in 25 volumes, 8vo. and the Plates in 180 livraisons, of five Plates each. The price of the Text will be 7s. 6d. per volume, and the Plates 12s. 6d. per livraison. A new edition of Ossian, by Mr Campbell, Surveyor of Districts in Ireland, with Notes, Illustrations, Additions, and Improvements. Miss Spence will shortly publish a new work, entitled Old Stories, in 3 vols. Views of America, in a Series of Letters from that country, to a friend in England, during 1818, 19, 20, by an Englishwoman (Mrs Frances Wright.) Second edition. Essays on the Love, the Poetry, and the Character of Petrarch, are preparing for publication by Ugo Foscolo. The Rev. J. Dachins, Editor of a Selection of Tillotson's Sermons, has in the press, a second edition of his Selection of Beveridge's Sermons. The Hon. and Rev. Wm. Herbert has in the press, The Weird Wanderer of Jutland, a Tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. The Chronology of the last Fifty Years, including the year 1821. Speedily will be published, Instructions for Civil and Military Surveyors, in Topographical Plans-Drawing; forming a guide to the just conception and accurate representation of the surface of the earth in Maps and Plans. Founded upon the system of Major Lechmann, in the Saxon infantry. By William Siborn, Lieutenant H. P. 9th infantry. Catiline, a Tragic Drama, by the Rev. G. Croly, will be published early in February. Very speedily will be published, Mr Croly's interesting work, The Revolutions of Empires, illustrated by Christian Prophecy, being a new interpretation of the Apocalypse. We have been favoured with the following abstract of its contents:"The author has established the coincidence of prophecy with all the more eminent events of civil history, down to the present day. 1. The prediction of the Papacy, from its assumption of temporal power, to its supremacy in the 13th century, and from that down to the French Revolution. 2. The French Revolution, in a remarkably detailed prophecy, hitherto totally unapplied. 3. The nature of the "Witnesses," and their history demonstrated. 4. The diffusion of the Scriptures in the present day, demonstrated. 5. The number of the Beast, "666," demonstrated. 6. The near approach of some tremendous and sanguinary convulsion of Society, in which Popery and Paganism are to expire, which is to be followed by the Day of Judgment," which is to be followed by the conversion of the Jews and Pagans which is to be followed by the Period of the Reign of God on Earth-the Millenium." 66 Shortly will be published, beautifully printed in 8vo. with a portrait, The Life of William Hey, Esq. F.R.S. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London; Honorary Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, and of the Literary and Philosophieal Society of Manchester, and late Senior Surgeon of the General Infirmary at Leeds. In two Parts. Part I. The Professional Life, with Remarks on his Writings._ Part II. The Moral and Social Life, with Appendices. By John Pearson, F.R.S. F.L.S. M.R.I., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, Honorary Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, &c. &c. Lieutenant Marshall is preparing for the Press a Naval Biography, to consist of Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical Memoirs of all the Flag Officers, Captains, and Commanders of His Majesty's Fleet, living at the commencement of the Year 1822. In the press, Tasso La Gerusalemme Liberata, 48mo. Printing by Corrall, uniformly with Horace, Virgil, and Cicero de Officiis, &c. recently published. Constance, a Tale, by Miss Hill, author of The Poet's Child, will be published on the 1st of January. On the 1st of February will be published, handsomely printed, in royal quarto, and dedicated, by permission, to his Majesty, A Celestial Atlas, comprising Projections of the Planispheres and particular constructions of the Signs of the Zodiac, and the Constellations in each Hemisphere, exactly as they appear in the Heavens, in a series of Thirty beautifully engraved maps, which are illustrated by scientific descriptions of their contents, and by catalogues of the Stars, from the first to the sixth magnitude inclusive, shewing by inspection, in successive columns, their names, magnitudes, right ascension in time and degrees, and their declination, with the annual difference of both; the whole accompanied by astronomical problems and exercises, analogous to those performed with the celestial globe, but adapted also to nautical and telescopic observations. By Alexander Jameson, A. M. Author of a Treatise on the Construction of Maps, a Grammar of Geography and Elementary Astronomy, Elements of Universal Science, a Grammar of Logic and Intellectual Philosophy, a Grammar of Rhetoric and Polite Literature, and Conversations on General History. Price £1, 5s. in boards, plain, £1, 10s. coloured. A Critical Dissertation on the Nature and Principles of Taste. By M. M'Dirmot, author of a Letter to the Rev. W. L. Bowles, in reply to his Letter to Thomas Campbell, Esq. and to his two Letters to the right honourable Lord Byron, in vindication of their defence of the poetical character of Pope. In 1 volume 8vo. Blighted Ambition; or the Rise and Fall of the Earl of Somerset; a Historical Romance, in 3 vols. By Maurice Brantome. Proofs and Illustrations of the Principles of Population. By Mr Francis Place. New Editions of Mr Brown's American Tales, Wieland and Ormond, are preparing for Publication. Mr Robert Stevens, of Lloyd's, is about to put to press a Fourth and improved Edition of his Essays on Average, and on other Subjects connected with the contract of Marine Insurance; to which will be added, the Practice and Law of Mercantile Arbitrations. Speedily will be published, in 100 volumes, Royal 18mo. a New Edition of the British Poets, commencing with Chaucer, Spenser, Cowley, and Milton; and closing with Burns, Mason, Beattie, and Cowper. Including Translations from the Greek and Roman Poets. With Johnson's Lives, and Fifty New Biographical Memoirs. Only 500 copies will be printed; 250 of which will be richly embellished with upwards of 150 Proof Plates. To be printed by Whittingham. Conversations on Mineralogy, with Plates engraved by Mr Lowry, 12mo. Madeline, a Tale, in 2 volumes. By Mrs Opie. The Village Coquette, a Novel, in 3 vols. 12mo. By the Author of " Such is the World." A Second Edition of the Elements of Latin Prosody. By J. R. Bryce. Mr Britton's History and Antiquities of Canterbury Cathedral, will be finished in March next. About the same time, will be completed, the Fifth Volume of the Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. Shortly will be published, Mr Booth's Letter to Mr Malthus, on the Subject of Population. The Miscellaneous Works of Henry Grattan, in 8vo. EDINBURGH. The Fortunes of Nigel, (that is the name of the next of the Waverley Novels,) will be out in a few months. The collisions of English and Scottish Characters, Manners, and Interests, during the queer days of the British Solomon, are to furnish, we hear it whispered, the Materials of this next tragi-comedy. Some Passages of the Life of Mr Adam Blair, Minister of the Gospel at Crossmeikle, One Volume Post Octavo, will be published in a few days. This Work is one which may be expected to make as powerful an impression on the public mind as any thing that has of late appeared. We think it fair to say so, after having been permitted to look over some of the proofsheets because the author's choice of a title is, we think, likely to excite a totally erroneous notion in regard to his object. The book is in reality a very elegant and amusing Romance-and so far as we may judge, not unlikely to become the Scottish Vicar of Wakefield. It affords a very stri king contrast to the Author of Waverley's manner of viewing certain very interesting subjects; and a still more striking one to that of the Author of the Annals of the Parish. Mr James Hogg has a New Work in the Press, to be, it is said, entitled, "The Three Perils of Man; War, Women, and Witchcraft." In 3 volumes. Dr Cook of Laurencekirk, has at present in the press, " A General and Historical View of Christianity, comprehending its Origin and Progress, the Doctrines and Forms of Polity founded on it, and the effect which it has produced upon the Moral and Political State of Europe." The work will extend to Three Volumes octavo. We understand that an Account of the Life and Trial of James Mackcoul, who was tried before the High Court of Justiciary, in June, 1820, and condemned for the Robbery of the Paisley Union Bank, in the Year 1809, is now in the press. Conduct is Fate, 3 vols. 12mo, will be published in March. Lady Jane Gray and her Times; by George Howard, Esq. with an accredited Sardanapalus, a Tragedy; the two Foscari, a Tragedy; and Cain, a Mystery. By Lord Byron, 8vo. 15s. Maid or Wife; or, The Deceiver Deceived, a Musical Comedy, in two Acts. By Barham Livius, 8vo. 2s. Astreus and Thyestes, a Tragedy, in five Acts. From the French of Crebillon. By Edward Lennet, 8vo. 3s. The two Pages of Frederick the Great, a Comic Piece, in two Acts. By J. Poole, Esq. 8vo. 2s. The Eve of St Hyppolito, a Play, in five Acts. 3s. A Grammar of the Sunscrit Language, on a new Plan. By the Rev. William Yates. 8vo. Just imported by Messrs Black, Kingsbury and Co. Rational Amusements for Winter Evenings; or a collection of above 200 curious and interesting puzzles, and paradoxies, relating to Arithmetic, Geometry, Geography, &c. 4 plates. By John Jackson, teacher of Mathematics. 12mo. 4s. 6d. An Introduction to English Composition and Elocution, in 4 parts. By Dr J. Cary. 5s. The Policy of Educating the Children of the Poor considered; with a brief Sketch of the Progress of National Education, from the Reformation to the Present Time. By the Rev. J. Trist, M. A. 2s. 6d. VOL. XI. FINE ARTS. Illustrations of the Merry Wives of Windsor; being the third number of the Illustrations of Shakespeare; from Pictures of R. Smirke, Esq. R. A. 8vo. 18s. A Series of Etchings, pourtraying the Physiognomy, Manners, and Character of the people of France and Germany. By George Lewis. Taken when he accompanied the Rev. T. Dibdin in his tour. Part II. containing 20 plates. Royal 8vo. £1, 1s. Médium 4to. £1, 4s. Proofs on royal 4to. £1, 11s. 6d. To be completed in three parts. Memoir on Crystallo Ceramie, or Glass Incrustations. By Apsley Pellalt, jun. 4to. 5s. HISTORY. The Naval History of Great Britain, from 1793 to 1820. By Wm. James. Two vols. 8vo. £1, 16s. A View of the Restoration of the Helvetic Confederacy; being a Sequel to the History of that Republic. By Jos. Plan. ta. 8vo. 5s. 6d. LAW. Selections of Precedents for Conveyancing. By W. M. Blythewood, Esq. 8vo. Part I. 10s. 6d. MEDICINE. An Epitome of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, whereby the art of prescribing scientifically may be facilitated. By Rees Price, M. D. 3s. On a Large Sheet, a Table of the Che. mical changes and decompositions of the various articles in the Pharmacopeia of the Royal College of Physicians. 2s. 6d. A Treatise on the Diseases of the Nervous System. By J. C. Prithchard, M. D. 8vo. Vol. I. 12s. A letter to C. H. Parry, M. D. on the influence of Artifical Eruptions in certain diseases incident to the human body. By Edward Jenner, M. D. 4to. 5s. Physiological Lectures. By John Abernethy, Esq. 8vo. 18s. Cases of Tic Douloreux successfully treated by Benj. Hutchison, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. 3s. 6d. MISCELLANIES. The New Dictionary of Anecdotes by Ramsey. 8vo. 15s. Annals of Sporting, and Fancy Gazette; a Magazine entirely appropriated to Sporting subjects and fancy pursuits; containing every thing worthy of remark on Hunting, Shooting, Coursing, Racing, Fishing, and Cocking; also on Pugilism, Wrestling, Single Stick, Pedestrianism, Cricket, Bil liards, Rowing, Sailing; and with striking representations of the various subjects. The plates connected with Field Sports, drawn by by Mr S. Alken, and coloured after nature. No. I. 2s. 6d. Q |