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after seeing how matters stood, with an economy truly commendable, immediately descended to his cabin, to throw aside his holiday clothes and gewgaws-which, however stylish and Becoming becoming they may look on shore, are altogether unnecessary on ship-board, gala days being always excepted. His servant soon afterwards making his appearance, on his way to his master's cook, was interrogated repeatedly from the mess tables with the eager question of "What's the news?" and although the endearing appellations of, "I say my lad-my dear boy-my hearty shipmate-old ship, &c. &c., were carefully prefixed to the demand, yet seemed he to think himself a person of too much importance even to deign a syllable of reply, or to regard his various interrogators with any other looks than those of the most cutting contempt, as he slowly and gravely paced forward to the galley. This ill-judged behaviour had the speedy effect of putting compliment to flight; and, on his return, such volleys of abuse saluted him from all quarters, that he was glad to quicken his pace, and seek shelter in his master's cabin. Nor was this his only punishment; for he had the mortification, not a minute afterwards, to be compelled to answer this important question, and to answer it moreover before those very people whom he had affected so much to despise. In his former hurry he had apparently either forgot something or had received some fresh orders to deliver to the cook; for the uproar his behaviour had excited was barely subsided, when he again made his appearance bending his course the same way as at first, but with a good deal of more activity. Unfortunately for his self-elevated importance, which was destined from that hour to be completely kicked from its stilts, he was met midway in his journey by the gunner, whom the noise had drawn from his cabin, and who, quite unceremoniously, laying hold of the lappel of his jacket, brought him to a full halt, with the old question, rubbed down to a familiar, "I say you, Master What's-your-name, bear a hand and tell us what's the news?" Such a question from an anchor button was not to be eluded; he therefore, making a merit of necessity, threw his ready carcase into one of its most finished congées, and, with a face all over smiles, readily replied, "Really,

my good, sweet sir, my news is very trifling-vastly trifling indeed-Captain Switchem and I have been so hurried of late."-From this flowery commencement, however, he was suddenly warned to forbear, by observing in the gunner's countenance something of a squall beginning to be apparent, which he dreaded might be yet more obstreperous than the one he had already endured; making, therefore, a sudden eddyin his speech, he more modestly resumed, "But it can't be shore news a gemmen of your rank wants - certainly not. Excuse me, sir, but I've been in such a flurry all this morning. I certainly presumed-I crave pardon, I meant-I, I, understood you to say, as how you wished I to say, as to when we should sail."

"To be sure I did, Master Consequence," growled the Gunner, highly displeased; you don't suppose I would ask you for any other news?" "Certainly not, my dear Mr Fireball-to be sure not," cried the still smiling lackey, with a face reddening between shame and rage, at the power which thus rudely and publicly insulted him. "Well, sir, I heard Captain Switchem say to the pilot, in the Dock Yard there, just before he and I came off-You knows, says he, just when they parted, says he, 'Bear a hand, Master Tackabout,' says he, 'for I am quite impatient to be off,' says the Captain. Well, sir, the pilot he answered the Captain directly, and, says he, 'I shall merely take a morsel of breakfast, and be with you ere you know what you're about. Just get you all ready,' says the pilot, ' for I'll board you in an hour at farthest, and by that time it will be nearly flood;' and so, sir, with that Captain Switchem seemed satisfied, so the gig shoved off, sir-and, I believe, that's all, sir. But, my stars, the Captain will be so cross, and out of patience at my terrible absence! and me all his things to brush and put away!-I assure you, sir, I heard no more, sir;" and with another congée, more stylish than the first, away tripped the grinning domestic, followed by the eyes of the gunner, whose hard-featured, weatherbeaten countenance, betokened something between good-humour and contempt.

"Hilloah, master," cried his mate, with his large mouth stretched from ear to ear in the form of a grin,

"wan't you saying we would need a head and fished, than the first Lieute

spare monkey's tail for the after carronade?"

" I was so, Jack," replied the gunner, turning away; "but don't you think a cat's one might serve the turn as well?"

"Nothing better, master," rejoin-ed the half-choked mate, "provided you serve it out with a whacking doze of broomstick."

The arrival of the pilot put an end to this merry conversation, as the boatswain immediately piped All hands ahoy, who had hardly time to scamper on deck, when the first Lieutenant bawled through his speaking-trumpet the command to loose sails, which made the top-men spring to the rigging with redoubled alacrity. Our hero, in this out-set of business, found himself in no small dilemma, between a willingness to be useful, and an ignorance of all duty; he was, therefore, with a motley herd of landsmen and marines, alternately the follower of the boatswain's mate and the serjeant, who, bustling about the deck before them, put the necessary ropes in their hands. "Fore-top there-main-top there!" bawled the first Lieutenant. "Are you ready aloft?" which being answered in the affirmative, he immediately sung out, "Let fall! Sheet home!" and away scampered the deck-bands, helter-skelter with the sheets, until the blocks smacked together. "Belay, belay, men!" cried the officer. "Man the capstan! Jump cheerily, my lads. Look out there, forward! Down there, tierers! Are you ready below?"-"All ready, sir."-" Yo, ho! where the devil has all our hands got to? Foretop there! main-top there! Come down here, all of you! Master Ettercap and Master Pinafore, kick every soul of them out of the tops-a parcel of skulking lubbers!"-"Ay, ay, sir," cried the young gentlemen; and the capstan was speedily crowded. "Look out there, forward!" again bawled the first Lieutenant; "Come, my lads, pluck up a spirit, and off she goesplay up fifer;" and round went the capstan to a good smart step, the men beating excellent time on the hollow sounding deck with their feet, amid the accumulated vociferations of officers of all ranks, who, with their potent commander in presence, vied with each other in the notes of alternate encouragement and ridicule. The anchor was no sooner run up to the catVOL. IX.

nant gave, "Man the jib and top-sail halliards-Hoist away. The yards ascended, and the jib ran up its stay gaily; top-gallant-sails, royals, and sky-scrapers followed; and the Tottumfog thus gradually unfolding her white bosom to the breeze, was speedily under way, walking, like one of our far-famed Prince's Street toasts, steadily through the fleet, in all the glory of new canvass, fresh paint, moderate wind, and fair weather.

She was now pretty well through the fleet, when the Captain called out, "Mr Fireball-where is Mr Fireball? Hark ye, youngster, jump and tell the gunner I want him directly!" The midshipman ran, and the gunner in an instant stood before his commander. "Mr Fireball," cried the Captain, from the top of the round-house, “I hope you are all ready, for you see we are very near the proper distance." -" All ready, sir," answered the gunner, " I have only to unship the ports and run the guns out, which I can do in a trice." "Take a number of hands, then, and do so directly," said the Captain; "you know the sooner it is done the better -since we may all expect to be busy again by and bye.-Zounds! pilot, is not the wind chopping about?"-"Yes, sir," answered the pilot, surveying the compass; "It has come round fully two points just now, and begins to blow fresh. In my opinion, sir, I think you had better douse your courses and small-sails-take a pull of the fore and main braces, and get a hand in the chains.”

"You hear what the pilot says, Mr Fyke?" cried the Captain.

"Ay, ay, sir," answered the first Lieutenant, raising his speaking trumpet, and springing forward. "Man the fore and main clew-garnets-let go tacks and sheets-clew up!" And up went the courses to the yards, where they hung like drapery.

"Fore and main-tops there," cried the first Lieutenant. "Sir!" bellowed the tops.

"In royals and top-gallant-sails!" which, while executing, was next followed with a command for the captains of the tops "to send a hand each aft to the chains."-" Ay, ay, sir," answered both captains, leaning over the topsails.

"I'm all ready now, sir," cried the gunner, advancing to the Captain. "Ah! very good, Mr Fireball," re


plied the Captain, looking astern with his glass. "Stand by then, and be on the alert, for I will give you the word directly; and hark ye, old boy, mind you commence with your lee guns, and measure your time well-I think that always the best plan, for it makes your weather ones tell a thousand times better."

The gunner assenting, went forward. "By the mark seven!" sung the men in the chains.-" Steady," cried the pilot to the quarter-master. "And steady it is," replied the man at the wheel.

"By the deep six!" sung the leadsmen again.

"Luff, boy, luff," cried the pilot; and "Luff Luff it is, sir," was the response. By the half-mark five!" again sung the leadsmen.

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"Steady she goes, my lad-nothing off," said the pilot, with the usual reply.

"By the deep four!" continued the leadsmen; and the pilot immediately cried to the Captain, "'Bout ship, if you please, sir,-luff a little, my dear boy, luff a very little!"

While this conversation was going on, the most perfect silence had been maintained-all hands being on the alert, and ready for duty. The first Lieutenant, therefore, once more raising his speaking-trumpet, now sung out

"Helm alee!" and the boatswain's pipe gave its usual trill, which was instantly followed by, "Square the main-topsail-yard-forecastle there-shift over the jib, and haul aft the jib-sheet-man the fore and main-braces-haul of all!" These orders were all executed in far less time than they can possibly be enumerated, and round went the Tottumfog on another tack.

She was running athwart the narrow channel of the Swin, with her broadside to the fleet, when the Captain gave the word "Fire!" which was instantly obeyed, and all hands were immediately enveloped in the smoke of the salute, which the wind as speedily carried off to the Admiral. This piece of ceremony being immediately returned by the Admiral's ship, after one or two more tacks, the pilot declared his duty at an end; and after partaking of a slight refreshment, and receiving the necessary documents of the faithful discharge of his official duty, he wished Captain Switchem and all his officers a fortunate cruize, jumped into his own boat, and took his leave; while the Tottumfog stood steadily to sea; and while also many a one on board, as the shore sunk in the horizon, said, with a certain poet yet alive

"My native land, good night!"



Он! would my love would list my voice, Spread down, fair maids, a couch for me,

Thus lone and desolate;
I hear the little birds rejoice,

And weep beside the gate.-
I love the lofty chesnut's shade,
In evening's ruddy glow,-
Beside this spot I've often stray'd
With Henry, long ago!
These days are past no more to be,-
These happy eves are o'er;
My love is off, and o'er the sea,-
I ne'er shall see him more!

Oh! father, that thy cruel scorn
Mine ardour could withstand,
And cause my hero, all forlorn,
To leave his native land;
Grace never sate on nobler brow,
Nor fame on loftier crest,
Nor courage warm a heart more true,
Than throbs within his breast:

But these, alas! were nought to thee,-
And he, whom I deplore,
My love is off, and o'er the sea,-

I ne'er shall see him more!

I ne'er shall rise again;
Since Henry I no more shall see,
My heart must burst in twain :-
Oh! paths, where we so oft have stray'd,
Beside the waters soft;

Oh! woods, whose gentle twilight shade
Hath shelter'd us so oft:
Adieu! your sweets no more I'll see,
The strife shall soon be o'er;
My love is off, and o'er the sea, -
I ne'er shall see him more!

Build up a little monument
Of marble cold and white,
And let the rose's balmy scent
The passer-by invite
To read the fatal name of one
Who pined and died for love;
And thank'd the hand of death alone,
That sent her soul above:

For oh! to think, is misery,

On him whom I adore;

My love is off, and o'er the sea,-
I ne'er shall see him more!

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Hogmanay and New-Year's Day.

"Life glides away, Lorenzo, like a brook,
For ever changing, unperceiv'd the change."

There are few people to whom the commencement of a new year does not bring matter either of gratulation or regret. To those hastening onwards to the meridian of life, the gilded prospect of enjoyment to come, or fame, and riches, and honour to be acquired, renders every land-mark between desire and enjoyment a partial enjoyment of itself; while those in the decline of life look towards the NewYear, as the unwelcome precursor of bodily debility, or mental inactivityas a stage on the road which leads them to their permanent home. To the young and the prosperous, the annual revolution of a period, which brings with it only variety of pleasure, is hailed with rapture; while, to the aged and unfortunate, whose hours and minutes are registered by pain, or marked by calamity, the lagging moments move sluggishly along to the great gulf of eternity.

What a dreadfully hasty approach time makes!-how rapidly roll his chariot wheels! and, at their every revolution, mows, with unsparing scythe, whole crowds from the pleasures and pains of existence! When I look back on time past, I am almost stunned at the idea, and am apt to doubt the reality of the change, which has taken me from toys and boyish plays-from school, and school-companions, and


transformed all my early play-mates to fathers and mothers. And when I contemplate time to come, the interests and the value of existence rise higher; and the awful responsibility of manhood, and the account to be given of its stewardship, is enough, were not man the most careless of animals, to alarm even to madness, till assured, as far as human frailty can be assured, of entering on eternity with the conviction of time well employed, and all the duties of life discharged, as becomes a being whose existence is never to terminate; and who is placed here, in the sight of God and his fellow mortals, to make his election between happiness and misery.


New-Year's-Day in Edinburgh, and over the greater part of Scotland, is, however, rather a day of festive merriment, than of serious thought. The enjoyment of the present postpones, if not obliterates, all views of the future; and the congratulations of friends, and the meetings of families, at this period, are the leading features of the season. The festivities which commenced at Christmas are continued, with little intermission, till HandselMonday, or Auld Handsel-Monday, closes the annual round, and the months and days of ordinary life again roll on another year.



Gi'e me o' your white bread,
I'll hae nane o' your gray.

Hogmanay, or Hogmanae, for such the last day of the year is termed in Edinburgh, and over the greater part of Scotland, is employed in visiting,

and arranging parties for the due celebration of the commencement of the New Year. Every visitor was, on that evening, treated with wine and cake,

* Hogmanay, according to Dr Jamieson, is a term of uncertain derivation; but according to a writer in the Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, it is derived from the Scandinavians, who celebrated a festival with sacrifices and other religious rites in the month of December, hence called Hogmonat and Blothmonat, sig. nifying the month of immolation or sacrifices. "As this festival was always celebrated in the winter Solstice, when the sun returns upon the Zodiac, it was called Iol, whence

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