. EDINBURGH. Conduct is Fate. 3 vols. 12mo. £1, 1s, Annals of the Parish; or, The Chronicle of Dalımailing during the Ministry of the Rev. Micah Balwhidder. Written by himself. Arranged and edited by the Author of "The Ayrshire Legatees," &c. Second Edition. 12mo. 8s. Sermons by Sir Henry Moncrieff Well, wood, Bart. D. D. vol. 2d. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Sketches of the Character, Manners, and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland; with Details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments. By Colonel David Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. with a large coloured Map. £1, 8s. in boards. The Life of the late Right Honourable John Philpot Curran, Master of the Rolls in Ireland. By his Son, William Henry Curran, Esq. Barrister at Law. With a Portrait and Fac Similes. 2 vols. post 8vo. £. 1, 1s. A new Edition. Thoughts on a more intimate Connection between the Established Church and Presbyterian Dissenters; in a Letter to the Rev. Dr Burns, Glasgow. Is. 6d. The Works of John Home, Esq. now first collected; to which is prefixed an Ac. count of his Life. By Henry Mackenzie, Esq. F.R.S.E. 3 vols. 8vo. £1, 11s. 6d. Thomas Clark's Catalogue of Rare and Curious Works in Occult Philosophy, Facetiae, &c. &c. 1822. 1s. Edinburgh Christian Instructor, No. CXL. for March. 1s. 6d.. A Journey from Merut, in India, to London, through Arabia, Persia, Russia, &c. in 1819 and 1820. By Lieutenant Thomas Lumsden, of the Bengal Horse Artillery. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Thoughts on the Expediency of a Relaxation of the Corn Laws, as the most effectual Remedy for Agricultural Distress. 2s. An Inquiry into the Opinions, Ancient and Modern, concerning Life and Organi. zation. By John Barclay, M. D. Lectu rer on Anatomy and Surgery, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal Society, &c. &c. 8vo. 14s. An Account of Fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches. By Dr Francis Hamilton, (formerly Buchanan,) M. D. F.R.S. &c. 39 Plates. 4to. £2, 2s. The Edinburgh Annual Register for 1818. 8vo. £1, ls. A Monody in the Prospect of Death, while labouring under a dangerous Illness. By the Rev. W. Robb, Author of Poems illustrative of the Genius and Influence of Christianity. Third Edition. 12mo, Is. Rentals of Great Britain and Ireland, with General Observations on the Rental of England compared with that of Scotland. By a Scotch Landholder. Is. MONTHLY REGISTER. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, extracted from the Register kept at Edinburgh, in the Observatory, Calton-hill. N.B.-The Observations are made twice every day, at nine o'clock, forenoon, and four o'clock, after noon. The second Observation in the afternoon, in the first column, is taken by the Register Thermometer. fair day. A. 47 .552 A. 50 13 M.32 .562 M.38 SW. Fair foren. A.36 .618 A. 46 27 Μ.29 W. h. rain after. 14 M.30 .692 M.39 Sw. Fair and with hail. Frost, snow on hills. Dull, but fair and cold. 30.164 M.43 A. 36 .262 Α. 41 A. 39 .568 Λ. 133 mild. 28 M.34 .161 Μ.42 29.939 Α. 44sw. Average of Rai 2.231 inches. Average Prices of Corn in England and Wales, from the Returns received in the Week ended March 2. Wheat, 46s. 11d.-Barley, 19s. 2d.-Oats, 15s. 6d.-Rye, 23s. 5d.-Beans, 22s. 8d.-Pease, 23s. 4d. Course of Exchange, Mar. 6. Amsterdam, 12: 8. C. F. Ditto at sight, 12 : 5. Rotterdam, 12:9. Antwerp, 12:5. Hamburgh, 37: 3. Altona, 37: 4. Paris, 3 d. sight, 25:40. Ditto 25: 70. Bourdeaux, 25:70. Frankfort on the Maine, 154. Petersburgh, per rble. 82 3. Us. Vienna, 10:12 Eff. flo. Trieste, 10.: 12 Eff. flo. Madrid, 374. Cadiz, 36. Bilboa, 364. Barcelona, 36. Seville, 36. Gibraltar, 30. Leghorn, 47. Genoa, 434. Venice, 27: 60. Malta, 45. Naples, 39. Palermo, 118. Lisbon, 50. Oporto, 504. Rio Janeiro, 45. Bahia, 51. Dublin, 9 per cent. Cork, 9 per cent. in bars, £3:17:10d. New Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz. Foreign gold, VOL. XI. 3 B : Demerara and Berbice, 65 6 6 5 6 5 5 54 4 091 11 1 8 1 10 14 16 12 14 1011 0 0 11 5 126 16 06 04 021 61 07 16 111 111 091 00002111 West India, Pernambuco, Maranham, 0809 809월 1114 0 100 11 - ALPHABETICAL LIST of ENGLISH BANKRUPTCIES, announced between the 20th of Jan. and the 20th of Feb. 1822, extracted from the London Gazette. Atkinson, M. Fulbeck, Lincolnshire, scrivener. Axford, T. Abingdon, wine-merchant. Baker, T. Wolverhampton, mercer. Bilsborough, B. Lower Merton, cow-keeper. - Bramwell, J. Leadenhall-street, hatter. Capon, J. Strand, hatter. Collins, W. Clapham-road, corn-merchant. Chinnock, R. Froame Selwood, Somerset, builder. Coldman, J. Brighton-place, New Kent-road, carpenter. Colling, W. K. Liverpool, tax-collector. Compte, H. Church-street, Bethnal-green, cabinetmaker. Cramp, J. Broad-street, Wapping, victualler. Curling, W. Shadwell High-street, tailor and slopseller. Dansey, W. Bristol, brewer. Decker, G. Dawlish, Devon, builder. Dye, R. Peckham, wheelwright. Edmunds, E. Newport, Monmouthshire, draper. Edwards, T. Brighton, merchant. Farmer, G. jun. Birmingham, roller of metals. Fell, W. Workington, broker. Gallon, T. Leeds, stuff-merchant. Gilbert, I. and F. Taylor, Bristol, commissionmerchants. Gibb, M. Shepton, Yorkshire, haberdasher. Gray, C. Oxford-street, horse-dealer. Gray, T. T. Wardour-street, coal-merchant. Green, C. Leather-lane, victualler. Griffiths, T. Oxford-street, jeweller. Hay, S. Upper Lisson-street, carpenter. Hemming, J. Burford, Oxfordshire, dealer. Herrington, J. Fareham, Hampshire, linen-dradraper. Hill, J. Regent-street, Piccadilly, tailor. Holmes, R. Langbourn Chambers, merchant. Jackson, W. G. and W. Hardley, Great Surrey-st. Jarvis, T. Adderbury, Oxfordshire, fell-monger. Manning, T. Foulsham, Norfolk, grocer. Morgan, G. M. Queenhithe, stationer. Mynn, W. Thompson, Norfolk, farmer. Niblett, F. St Mary Axe, milliner. Parker, J. G. and J. L. and T. Roberts, Birchinlane. Passmore, J. Farnham, linen-draper.. Pilstow, J. Earl's Colne, Essex, miller. the rope and sacking manufacturers. Porter, S. London, stationer. Pownall, J. E. Little Chelsea, money-scrivener. Roper, A. Gosport, brewer. Sampson, D. W. Giltspur-street, tea-dealer. Small, T. Alnwick, brewer. Smith, A. King-street, Cheapside, Scotch-factor, Smith, W. Blyth, Northumberland, dealer. Smith, R. Humberton, Yorkshire, dealer and chapman. Smith, J. Russell-court, Drury-lane, tavern-keep er. Stead, W. Halifax, merchant. Stevens, J. Stafford, wine-merchant. Swann, T. Wardour-street, eating-house-keeper. Sylvester, T. Witney, currier. Tanban, T. Prince Edward's Island, N. America, merchant. Tatner, C. Horton Kirby, Kent, farmer. Taylor, J. Frant, Sussex, shopkeeper. Thompson, C. Deans, Durham, cattle-dealer. Thornley, J. Manchester, hatter. Threlfall, H. Blackburn, draper. Thurbon, J. March, Ely, draper. Tomlinson, R. J. Bristol, oil of vitriol manufac turer. Tutin, R. Chandos-street, Covent-garden, cheese Johnson, M. Leeds, woollen-cloth-merchant. monger. Joselin, J. jun. Smith's-buildings, Southwark, rope-maker. Urmson, J. Liverpool, ship-chandler. Judd, R. R. and B. S. Fowler, Birmingham, deal Valentine, R. Hatfield, Herts, miller. Wasbrough, M. Camberwell, stationer. ers. Watkins, J. J. Shadwell, butcher. Kendall, J. Mile-end, cow-keeper. Weetch, S. George-street, Commercial-road, linen King, R. Coventry-court, Haymarket. draper. broker. White, J. Great Winchester-street, stationer. Knight, J. Tattenhill, Stafford, draper. Wilson, G. Radcliffe-highway, brewer. Lea, C. Cheswardine, Shropshire, maltster. Wilson, J. Ely, miller. Lidbetter, T. Southwick, Sussex, corn and coal- Williams, W. Langbourn Chambers, merchant. merchant. Lilly, N. Leeds, linen-manufacturer. Lilwall, R. Pembroke, maltster. Williams, E. Liverpool, joiner. Wilkinson, W. and J. Mincing-lane, wine-mer chants. ALPHABETICAL LIST of SCOTCH BANKRUPTCIES, announced between the Ist and 28th February, 1822, extracted from the Edinburgh Gazette. Anderson, John, grocer and spirit-dealer. Berry, John, merchant in Glasgow. Brownlie, William, engineer, smith, and patent axle-tree maker in Glasgow. Gray, John, cooper and fishcurer, Helensburgh. - Harley, William, merchant and builder in Glas gow. Jackson, Matthew, haberdasher in Paisley. Macgregor, Alexander, merchant in Dingwall. Macleod, Alexander, merchant in Glasgow. DIVIDENDS. Brookes and Blackie, general agents in Grangemouth, and William Blackie and Company, Glasgow; a dividend after 13th March. Brown, Archibald, grocer in Leith; a dividend on 27th March. Donald, William, merchant in Greenock; a dividend on 26th March. Duguid, Wm. jun. merchant in Aberdeen; a dividend after 14th March. Forrester and Buchanan, wood-merchants in Glasgow; a second dividend after 3d April. Fraser, Alexander, manufacturer in Inverness; a dividend on 3d April. Fraser, James, merchant in Inverness; a second dividend after 14th March. Hay, John, merchant and dealer in wine, spirits, and other liquors, on Leith-walk, Edinburgh, a dividend after 14th March. Harthill, James, merchant in Aberdeen; a dividend of 2s. per pound after 10th March. Johnston, Robert and John, eattle-dealers in Stewartry of Kireudbright; a dividend after 18th March. Macnair, Alexander, merchant in Dingwall; a first dividend after 22d March. Morgan, Andrew, flax-dresser in Kirkaldy; a di vidend of 1s. 7d. per pound after 22d April. Muirhead, James, mason in Glasgow; a dividend 19th March. Perth Foundry Company; a second dividend of 1s. per pound after 15th March. Roxburgh, John and Andrew, carpet-manufactu rers in Kilmarnock; a second dividend after 19th March. Wilson, Anthony, merchant and ship-owner in Aberdeen; a second dividend of 1s. per pound after 24th March. h. p. 55 F. (rec. diff.) Feb. 14, 1822. Feb. &. 36 Bt. Maj. Campbell, Maj. by purch. vice Rifle Brig. H. C. Daniel, 2d Lt. by purch. vice Swain, ret. do. 7. Lt. Peacock, Capt. by purch. do. 14. 40 W. Stenhouse, Ens. by purch. vice Dawson, 9 F. 44 50 Lt. Halahan, from h. p. 80 F. Qua. Mast. vice Jones, h. p. Feb. 14. -Bartley, Capt. vice Jauncey, dead Dec. 9, 1821. P Surg. Gill, from 61 F. Surg. vice Jones, dead Feb. 14, 1822.. 55 Bt. Maj. Wheatstone, Maj. vice Giles, dead May 3, 1821. Lt. Booth, Capt. do. J. Wheatstone, Ens. vice Gray, prom. do. 1. 1st Lt. Webb, Adj. vice Uniacke, res. Jan 24, 1 Ceyl. R. Lt. Gascayne, from 85 F. Capt. by pur. Havelock, 21 F. Νοv. 15, 1821. vice Page, ret. Feb. 7. |