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John Prendergast, h. p. 7 West Ind. Regt.


Jan 20, 1822.

Geyer, h. p. Bruns. Inf. Brunswick,

Nov. 29, 1821.

- Montgomery, h. p. York

Light Inf. Vol.

Oct. 28, 1819.

[blocks in formation]

-Boyd, from 2 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Kell, h. p.

Hooper, from 3 F. rec. diff. with Capt. Rolland, h. p. 3 Dr. G. Lieut. Willet, from 6 Dr. G. rec. diff. with Lieut. Warrand, h. p. 22 Dr.


73 F.

M'Nair from 10 F. with Lieut. Broom, 67

Hamilton from 16 F. with Lieut. Deacon,

Francis, from 57 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Le Marchant, h. p. 10 F.

Waters from 78 F. rec. diff. with Lieut.

Mitchell, h. p. 92 F. -Smith, from 84 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Stewart, h. p. 63 F.

Reynolds, from Rifle Brig. with Lieut. Brownrigg, h. p.

Ensign Campbell, from 54 F. with Ensign Malim, h. p. 58 F.

Pyne, from 56 F. rec. diff. with Ensign Noyes, h. p. 25 F.

Paym. Grosser, from 88 F. with Paym. Robinson, h. p. 69 F.

Ens. Loraine, 1 F. Barbadoes,

Johnston, 51 F. Corfu,

Skinner, 58 F. Jamaica,

M'Math, of late 3 Vet. Bn. Coutance, do. 19.

Colkett, h. p. 9 F. Norwich,

Adj. Lt. Schultz, zh. p. Meuron's Reg.

Dec. 20.


Nov. 17.

Dec. 26.

Quarter-Master Ryan, h. p. 28 Dr.
Surgeon Jones, 50 F. Jamaica,
Assist. Sur. M'Gregor, 13 Dr. Bangalore,


Dec. 9.

Madras, 15. At Queensferry, Mrs Dimma, of a son. - At Ford, Mrs Fraser, of a son.

Morrah, 4 F. Barbadoes,


Oct. 8, 1821. At Bangalore, the lady of Captain A. F. Pattulo, 4th native cavalry, of a son.

Jan. 6, 1822. At Rome, Donna Letitia Bonaparte Wyse, the lady of Thomas Wyse, jun. Esq. of the Manor of St John, Ireland, of a son and heir. The infant has received the name of Napoleon.

25. Mrs Mason, St John Street, Canongate, of

a son.

Feb. 1. Mrs Clarke of Comrie, of a daughter. 2. At Whim, the lady of Archibald Montgomery, Esq. of a daughter.

Sept. 26.

Dec. 26.

6. At Abbey-hill, Mrs Kirkwood, of a daughter. At Edinburgh, Mrs Dewar of Lassodie, of a


7. Mrs Stevenson, Albany Street, of a son. 9. At Cockenzie, Mrs H. F. Cadell, of a son. 10. At Dunnikier-house, Lady Oswald of Dunnikier, of a daughter.

At Portobello, Mrs Glen, of a son. 11. At Oldfield, Caithness, Mrs Captain Henderson, younger of Stemster, of a daughter. 14. Mrs Walker, No. 22, Stafford Street, of a daughter.

- At the house of Mrs Admiral Deans, Anne Street, St Bernard's, the lady of Captain Deans, R. N. of a daughter, still-born.

At Mayfield, the lady of A. M. Guthrie, Esq. younger of Craigie, of a son.

17. The lady of Colonel J. J. Cochrane, of the 3d regiment of Guards, of a son.

The lady of John Cay, Esq. of a son. 18. At Campbeltown, the lady of Captain Hugh Stevenson, of a son.

a son.

Mrs J. S. Robertson, No. 12, Pitt Street, of

19. At Edinburgh, the lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Holmes, C. B. commanding the 3d Dragoon Guards, of a son.

20. In Portland Place, London, the lady of Sandford Graham, Esq. M.P. of a son.

-At 154, George Street, Edinburgh, Mrs Robert Cadell, of a daughter.

22. At Foss-house, Mrs Stewart, of a daughter. 23. At Burntisland, Mrs Watson, of a son.

At New Saughton, the lady of James Watson, Esq. of Saughton, of a daughter.

24. Mrs Dr Sanders, No. 8, Elder Street, of a daughter.

29. At Cramond, Mrs Hope Johnstone, of a daughter.


Mrs Borthwick, No. 83, George Street, of a

27. At No. 13, St James's Square, Edinburgh, Mrs Spence, of a son.


Mrs Smith, No. 13, Hope Street, of a daughLately. At Brighton, the Right Honourable Lady Caroline Hamilton, of a daughter.

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By special licence, at the Earl of Albemarle's house, in St James's Square, Mr Coke, of Norfolk, to Lady Anne Keppel, second daughter of his Lordship. The bridegroom is in his sixtyninth year; the bride in her twenty-second.


Dec. 23, 1821. At Rome, Captain Robert Manners Lockwood, eldest son of Thomas Lockwood, Esq. of Danly Craig, in Glamorganshire, to Lady Julia Gore, daughter of the late Earl of Arran, K. P. and sister of the Marchioness of Abercorn.

Jan. 12. At Geneva, William Gairdner, M.D. lately of this city, to Cecilia, only daughter of the deceased John Bordiez, Esq. banker at Geneva.

Feb. 1. At Edinburgh, Mr William Shiell, writer, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Mr David Russell, Tranent.

4. At Leitchtoun, Mr Hugh Aird Galbrath, surgeon, Glasgow, to Menzies, eldest daughter of the late John Graham, Esq. of Leitchtoun.

5. At Gallanach, in the island of Coll, the Rev. Donald M'Lean, minister of Small Isles, to Isabella, second daughter of Charles M'Lean, Esq.

At Lerwick, Mr Gilbert Paterson, merchant, Lerwick, to Cecilia, eldest daughter of the late Mr Andrew Gordon, merchant.

6. At Edinburgh, the Rev. Robert Carr, minister of Luss, to Isabella, second daughter of the late Mr James Lyle, Edinburgh.

7. At Morton Cottage, Portobello, Duncan Hunter, merchant in Glasgow, to Catharine Gunning, youngest daughter of the late William Campbell of Fairfield, Ayrshire.

11. At Glasgow, William Ure, Esq. surgeon, R. N. to Elizabeth Frances, youngest daughter of Martin Skell, Esq. Grenada.

In Upper Grosvenor Street, London, the Earl of Albemarle, to Miss Hunloke, daughter of the late Sir Henry Hunloke, Bart.

18. At Leith, Alexander M'Kenzie, Esq. merchant in Leith, to Miss Harriet Newton, daughter of the late John Newton, Esq. of Curriehall.

20. At Edinburgh, the Rev. Patrick M'Isaac, minister of Comrie, to Amelia, daughter of the late Rev. John Wright, minister of Scone.

At Edinburgh, by the High Priest of the Jewish Synagogue, Mr Abraham Prince, to Miss Nancy Moses. This is the first Jewish marriage that has taken place here, and the ceremony was performed in presence of fifty of the brethren.

21. At Clapham, Robert Hunter, Esq. of Madras, to Louisa, youngest daughter of Captain Thomas, of the Honourable East India Company's service.

At Edinburgh, William Simpson, Esq. of Maw Carse, Kinross-shire, to Jane, only daughter of the late Mr James Philip.

22. At Dundas Street, Mr William Cullen, to Janet, only daughter of George Winton, Esq. builder.

Lately. At Melville Place, Stirling, Henry Thornton Mostyn, assistant-surgeon, 41st regiment, to Cecilia Susanna, fifth daughter of the late Dugald Forbes, Esq.

At Mrs Thomson's, 18, Dundas Street, Mr John Miller, to Christian, widow of the late Captain Penson.


July 23, 1821. On his way from Penang to Madras, Captain Lumley, R. N. of his Majesty's ship Topaz.

Aug. 7. In consequence of the loss of the Lady Lushington, Indiaman, wrecked near Coringa on the 7th of August last, Mr Henry Lister, son of the Rev. James Lister, minister of Auchtermuchty. He was second officer on board that ship, much respected in his profession, and, by the propriety of his conduct, he obtained many friends. Estimable as he was in his profession, he was still more to be admired in his private character; for moral qualities, that mark an amiable heart; for sensibility, benevolence, and honour, exemplified in the most engaging and elegant manners.

27. At Baccagunge, Bengal, Charles Chapman, Esq. judge and imagistrate.

Sept. 2. At Gooty, Chittore, Peter Bruce, Esq. First Circuit Judge on the Madras establishment, second son of the late James Bruce Carstairs, Esq. of Kinross and Tillicoultry.

5. At Dum Dum, near Calcutta, John Forrest Tod, M.D. assistant-surgeon in the Hon. East India Company's service, son of the late James Tod, Esq. of Deanston.

13. At Nagpore, East Indies, Captain William Hunter, of the 8th regiment of native infantry, son of Dr Hunter, Professor of Humanity in the University of St Andrews.

21. In the island of Jamaica, Alexander Farquharson, Esq. of Jobshill.

Of the liver complaint, Major John Stewart, aged 43 years; and on the 14th October following, of a wound received in the head on the 2d March preceding, Captain Thomas Guise Stewart, aged 38 years, both of the Honourable East India Company's service, Bombay, and sons of the late Thomas Stewart, Esq. many years Town Clerk of Montrose.

26. In India, Lieutenant John Hay, of his Majesty's 34th regiment, aid-de-camp to his Excellency Sir Thomas Munro, Governor of Madras.

At Calcutta, Mr Robert Robertson, second son of the late Mr George Robertson, writer, Leith.

Oct. 13. At Madras, Lieutenant William Cockburn, of the East India Company's service, second son of the late Bailie William Cockburn, Cupar Fife.

16. At Flamstead, near Montego Bay, in Jamaica, Mr Robert Small, surgeon, eldest son; and at Montego Bay, on the 24th November last, Mr James Small, third son of Mr James Small, in Montrose, North Britain.

Nov. 15. At Jamaica, Brevet-Major Masson, of the 50th regiment.

16. In the island of Jamaica, John, second son of the late Rev. John Fraser, Liberton, Lanarkshire.

Dec. 17. At Pernambuco, on board his Majesty's ship Morgiana, Watson Scales, surgeon, royal navy, fifth son of Mr John Scales, writer, Glasgow. 20. In Jamaica, Mrs Elizabeth D. Crichtou, wife of William Lambie, Esq.

20. At Salisbury Street, Mr John Chalmers, surveyor, fourth son of the late John Chalmers of Chamberfield, Esq. architect.

22. At Edinburgh, Helena Elizabeth Bell, wife of John Young, solicitor in the supreme courts of Scotland.

25. At Aberdeen, Mrs Mortimer, wife of Mr Alexander Mortimer.

Jan. 8, 1822. At St Lucie, Colonel Thomas Walker, Deputy Quartermaster-General. 13. At Madeira, Miss Hay of Westerton. 27. At Edinburgh, Mrs Pitcairn of Pitcairn. 28. At Glasgow, Mrs Dr Lachlan Campbell of Campbelton, in the 81st year of her age.

29. At the Manse of Kirkmichael, Perthshire, Miss Catherine Stewart, daughter of the Rev. Al

lan Stewart.

31. At Drumbuie, Mrs Beaton, relict of the late Hugh Beaton.

Feb. 1. At Edinburgh, Mrs Elizabeth Gairdner, widow of William Richardson, Esq. late of Keith


At Stirling, Mr James Macfarlane, for a long time steward on board the Morning Star


At Florence, Lord Howe Brown, second son of the Marquis of Sligo.


At Lawgrove, James Lawson, Esq. of Law

2. At Burntisland, the Rev. James Wemyss. At Wigton, Galloway, Mrs M'Kearlie, relict of the late Bailie M'Kearlie.

- At Branxholm Braes, Miss Jean Grieve, second daughter of James Grieve, Esq.

At Stirling, Mr David Goodsir, late accountant of the Bank of Scotland.

At Gourock-house, Malcolm Darroch, Esq. younger of Gourock.

3. At London, James Stirling, Esq.

At Perth, Mr D. M'Laren, formerly convener of the trades of that city, aged 86.


At Edinburgh, Claud Francis Du Fresne,

4. At Dunse Castle, aged 13 months, Robert, only son of William Hay, Esq. of Drummelzier. At Wemyss Castle, General Wemyss of


At London, Miss Helen Stirling, only child of the late Robert Stirling, Esq.

At Edinburgh, Barbara, the infant daughter

of John Irving, Esq. W.S.

- At Blairbeth, John Gray, Esq.

At Auchtermuchty, Helen Smith, after be

ing confined to bed twenty-nine years.

- At Greenwich, Mrs Garrick, relict of George Garrick, Esq. brother to the celebrated English Roscius, and mother-in-law to Mrs George Garrick, of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket.

5. At his house, 17, Broughton Street, Mr Robert Purves, ironmonger.

Lieutenant Richard Moffat, R. N. son of the late Rev. Dr Moffat, Newlands. 6. At Peebles, Mrs Marion Ritchie. 7. At his house, Castle Street, aged 76, Mr Alexander Reid, architect and builder.

At her house in Edinburgh, Mrs Sibel Hewetson, relict of the late Rev. William Scott, minister of the gospel at Southdean, Roxburghshire. 8. At Carron Hall, Eleanor Elizabeth, only daughter of Major Dundas.

10. At Hatton of Carse, Susannah Floyd, youngest daughter of the late John Farquhar, Esq. of Pitscandly.

At Longfaugh Mains, Mrs Janet Herriot, relict of the late Mr David Ronaldson, some time tenant in Peastonburn.

At Mr Marshall's, 27, Gayfield Square, Miss


At 76, George Street, Edinburgh, Ann Jane Henrietta, eldest daughter of William Burn, Esq. architect.

11. At Genoa, William Jackson, Esq. Deputy Commissary-General to the Forces.

- In Newgate Street, London, in his 25th year, Mr Henry Baldwyn, bookseller.

12. Margaret, the infant daughter of Mr Alexander Allan, merchant, Leith.

13. At Edinburgh, aged 36 years, Iscella Tait, wife of Mr George Wilson, High Street.

- At Blackfield-house, near Liverpool, Lieutenant-Colonel James Logan, late of the 51st regiment.

15. At Edinburgh, Mr Hugh Waugh, teacher, Portsburgh.


At Inverness, John Rose, Esq. of Ardin

At Redford, parish of Madderly, the Rev.

James Andrew of Redford, in his 68th year.
16. At Snab, near Borrowstounness, Miss Anne
Walkinshaw, daughter of the late John Walkin-
shaw, of Scotstoun.

At No. 2, Bellevue Crescent, Archibald Napier, Esq. of Merchiston, in the Island of Tobago. At Falkirk, James Walker, Esq. of Mumrills, merchant in Falkirk, aged 76.

17. At Edinburgh, aged 79, the Rev. John Thomson, D. D. minister of the New Greyfriars' church of this city. He was formerly minister of Sanquhar, in Dumfries-shire, afterwards of Markinch, in Fifeshire, from whence he was removed to Edinburgh. His exemplary conduct through life rendered him highly respectable and useful in the different places where he exercised the office of the ministry. He was a pious, eloquent, and impressive preacher, and adorned the Christian character by a liberality of sentiment, a cheerfulness of disposition, and a steady friendship, which endeared him to his own family, and secured the esteem of all who enjoyed the pleasure of his ac quaintance.

In Devonshire Street, Portland Place, London, Catherine Elvira, widow of the late Captain R. Jenkins, East India Company's service, aged 21 years.

18. At Leith, Mr James Brown Patison, surgeon, aged 30, son of John Patison, Esq. advocate. At his house, Royal Exchange, Edinburgh, Mr William Ritchie.

At Old Greenlaw, Berwickshire, Mr William Hogg, farmer there.

- At Pisa, in the 20th year of his age, Robert Baird, second son of Thomas Walker Baird, Esq.


19. At Kirkness, Miss Euphemia Clephane.

At Lochmaddy, in the 20th year of his age, Mr James Cameron, eldest son of Allan Cameron, Esq. Chamberlain of North Uist.

20. At the Manse of Crail, Catherine Beatson Bell, youngest daughter of the Rev. Andrew Bell of Kilduncan.

- At her mother's house, Leith, Miss Mary Graham, only child of John Graham, Esq. Edinburgh.

21. At Prestonpans, Miss Margaret Wight, daughter of the late Rev. Robert Wight, minister of the gospel, Dumfries.

-At Linlithgow, Patrick Geddes, youngest son of Mr Liston, sheriff-clerk, Linlithgowshire. 23. At Edinburgh, Frances, daughter of Mr Cargill, wine-merchant, late Captain of his Majesty's 74th regiment.

At Leith, John Aitken, Esq. merchant.
At her house, Elder Street, Edinburgh, Mrs
Jane Lawrie, wife of Mr Swinton Lawrie, sur-

23. At Tain, John Barclay, of Moorfarm, Esq. late Sheriff-Depute of Ross and Cromarty.

24. At his chambers in the Temple, London, James Boswell, Esq. Barrister-at-Law and Commissioner of Bankrupts. He was the second and youngest son of the author of that singular, excellent, valuable, and entertaining work, "The Life of Dr Johnson," of which Mr James Boswell, just deceased, superintended several editions.

- At his house, in Stratton Street, London, Thomas Coutts, Esq. Mr Coutts had attained the advanced age of 87. His life was one of great and useful exertion. He possessed a singularly clear judgment, with a warm and affectionate heart. Few men ever enjoyed, in the degree which Mr Coutts did, the confidence and esteem of his friends, or obtained, unaided by rank or political power, so much consideration and influence in society. The large fortune which he acquired was a consequence, and not the object of his active life, which, at every period, was devoted to the aid and advancement of those he loved. He died surrounded with friends, in the presence of Mrs Coutts and his daughters, the Countess of Guilford, and Lady Burdett, with their families, and Lord Dudley Stuart, the son of his second daughter, the Marchioness of Bute, who is now in Italy on account of her health.

24. At St Andrew's, Agnes, only daughter of the Rev. William Crawford, D. D. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University there.

At Ottar House, Captain Duncan Campbell. - At Edinburgh, Mr Robert Ranken, solicitor-at-law.

25. At Odell Castle, Bedfordshire, in the 85th year of his age, the Earl of Egmont. He is succeeded in his titles and estates by his only son, Viscount Perceval, Earl of Egmont.

At Tealing House, Mrs Scrymgeour of Tealing. At Edinburgh, Miss Elizabeth Douglas, eld. est daughter of the late Lord Reston.

27. At the apartments of Sir Richard Keats, at Greenwich Hospital, the Right Hon. Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart. G.C.B. Admiral of the White.

-At Edinburgh, Mr Alexander Watson, writer, youngest son of David Watson, Esq. late of Pitforthy.

- At Edinburgh, Frances Margaret, daughter of Captain James Haldane Tait, royal navy.

-At 77, Great King Street, David, the infant son of E. Catheart, Esq.

- At Hawthorn Hill, Berks, in his 91st year, Wilsted Keene, Esq. who sat near half a century in Parliament, and was father of the House of Commons some years previous to his retirement at the general election of 1818.

28. At Haddington, Miss Catherine Fraser, daughter of the late Alexander Fraser, Esq. Haddington.

28. At Edinburgh, Mr David Russell, candlemaker.. Lately. At her house, No. 1, Dundas Street, Edinburgh, Mrs Elizabeth Archibald, relict of the late John Archibald, Esq. wine-merchant in Leith.

At Badminton, after a short illness, Lord H. Somerset, third son of the Duke and Duchess. of Beaufort.

At Cork, the Rev. Francis Atterbury, LL.D. in the 88th year of his age, grandson of Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester.

- At Kirby, Mallory, Leicestershire, the Hon. Lady Noel, wife of Sir Ralph Milbanke Noel, Bart. sister of the late Thomas Lord Viscount Wentworth, and mother of the Right Hon. Lady Byron.

In London, William Adam, Esq. sen. in the 84th year of his age.

In the Royal Naval Hospital, Plymouth, Captain Sir Thomas Lavie, K.C.B. of his Majesty's ship Spencer.

At Watergrass Hill, Ireland, Edmund Barry, aged 115 years. He had been a pensioner 65 years; was at the battle of Fontenoy, and several others in the reign of George II. He was six feet two inches high, and remarkably upright; was able to walk a mile at least every day, until three days before his death, and retained his senses to the last.

- At Dublin, in his 79th year, Richard Nevil, Esq. of Furnace, in the county of Kildare, for many years Teller of his Majesty's Exchequer in Ireland.

Printed by James Ballantyne & Co. Edinburgh.

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THIS work has been already favoured with not the worst attestation of merit, in the extraordinary sale it has had: it being, we believe, no secret that a very large edition has been entirely disposed of in the course of a very few weeks. The high and wellknown character of Colonel David Stewart himself, and the interest naturally taken by kindreds and families in the celebration of ancestors and relatives, may in a great measure account for this immediate and extensive success; but we regard the Colonel's book as one possessed of claims to lasting honour, and are sure that its eventual popularity will be by no means confined to the circles, wide as these are, in which the history of our Highland Regiments is family history-or even national history.

The author of the book is a son of the house of Garth, an ancient and honourable branch of the Stewarts, settled in Athole. He entered life early, as an ensign in the Forty-Second, and served with that regiment in many bloody campaigns, including the expedition to Egypt, under Sir Ralph Abercrombie. At a subsequent period he was transferred to the Seventy-Eighth, or Ross-shire Highlanders, and had along with them a great share

in the glories of Maida. The severe wounds he received in that splendid action, have, we understand, never been entirely cured: and we are led to suppose, that the composition of the work before us has formed a principal occupation of his leisure during the several years he has since spent in the midst of his old friends here in Scotland.

The book, even had it appeared anonymously, and contained no clue to the real name of the author, must have been discovered by the most careless reader to be the work of a Highlander and a Soldier-most enthusiastic in either capacity. Colonel Stewart's prejudices are as strong as any man's prejudices can well be; but we are sincerely of opinion, that no man will think the worse of him for entertaining them. What would have been considered as eminently absurd in any other sort of person, will be universally honoured and applauded in the descendant of a hundred chieftains, whose infant ear was taught to relish no melody but that of the pipe, and who has charged the French a hundred times under the inspiration of its wild notes. This will be the first and most natural view of the subject. But he who

* Sketches of the Character, Manners, and present State of the Highlanders of Scotland: with Details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments. By Colonel David Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. Archibald Constable and Co. Edinburgh; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; and Hurst, Robinson, and Co. London. 1822.


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