| Stephen Denison - Bible - 1622 - 224 pages
...uni might ie^ble to dt whatfoe»er be veilli* heauen and in earth . H ence it is , that he is termed a Prophet , mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, Luke 24. 19. Hence it is that he is termed the Mighty God 3E fay $.6. Hence it is that he is... | |
 | John Austin - Bible - 1675 - 484 pages
...in thefe days > To whom He faid, what things? And they faid, concerning JESUSof Nazareth, wliowisa Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the People, And botv our Chief Priefts and Princes deliver i'ftvrcv to be condemn'd to death; and Crucitiei Him. But,... | |
 | Jean Le Clerc - Bible - 1701 - 650 pages
...there in thcfe days ? 1 9 And he laid unto them, What things ? And they faid unto him, Concerning Jefus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God, and all die people : The fame day two of the Difaples went fromJerKfalem to Emmau/ta Village about fix or fcven... | |
 | Joseph Hooke - 1701 - 184 pages
...in the Primitive Times. See Ac?. 28. 21. Whofe firft Author was a poor Wife Man.one Jt\m of Nttantb, a Prophet mighty in deed and word, before God and all the People, who went abcut doing good, and healing all that were opprefTed of the Devil; for Crod was with... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...there in thefe Days ? And he faid unto them, What Things? And they laid unto him, Concerning Befits of Nazareth, which was a Prophet mighty in Deed and...Word, before God and all the People: And how the Chief Priefts and our Rulers delivered him to be condemned to Death, and have crucified him. But we trufted... | |
 | Robert Browne (of Wapping.) - 1736 - 44 pages
...Chrifl rofefrom the Dead before the Sun rofe ! Matt. 16, 21. Luke 24, ao, 21. And bozo tbe chief Prieji and our Rulers delivered him to be condemned to Death, and have crucified him ', and bejides all this, to Day is the Third Day ftnce thife Things were done ; and if Friday, all... | |
 | Charles Moss - 1744 - 174 pages
...they had given over all Hopes that Je/its was the Chrift, were ftill firm in the Perfuafion that he was a Prophet mighty in Deed and Word before God and all the People f. Now the Jews had been Witnefles to fo many Wonders and Miracles wrought by him, that, whether... | |
 | Nehemiah Walter - 1755 - 550 pages
...(tumble at the crofs of Chrift. Thus the two difciples faid, Luk, xxiv. 20, 21. The chief priefts and rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him. But vie trufted (hoped) it bad been he, which fbould have redeemed Ifrael. 'J'hey feem to fpeak as... | |
 | Jonathan Mayhew - Bible - 1763 - 378 pages
...as executing three high and important offices in the capacity of a mediator between God and men. He was " a prophet mighty in deed and word, *' before God and all the people". He is the high prieft, the " great high prieft of our profeffion" : And he reigns as a king... | |
 | 1765 - 500 pages
...days? And he faid unto them, What things? And they faid unto him, Concerning Jefus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God, and all the people: And how the chief priesfts, and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and haye cruci* fied-him. §Eut we... | |
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