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ceiving that he cometh not at the first call, give over by and by, they will no more call upon him. Do they believe now, think ye? Do they sanctify God's holy name? God promiseth in his holy word; "Every one that calleth, that desireth help of me, shall have it."-" Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will hear thee, and thou shalt praise me." Likewise St. Paul saith, "God is faithful, which will not suffer you to be tempted above it that able."

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Now, when we give over prayer, being in trouble, do we sanctify the name of God? No, no; we slander and blaspheme his holy name, we make him a liar, as much as lieth in us. For he saith, "I will deliver thee, I will help thee." We will call no more; for we say, he will not help. So we make him and his word a liar. Therefore God saith to Moses and Aaron; "Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the sight of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land, which I have given them." Where it appeareth what it is to hallow God's name, that is, to believe his words, to shew ourselves, that he is true in his doings and sayings. He saith further, "Fear them not, neither be afraid of them, but sanctify the Lord of hosts."

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Here you see, what is to sanctify his name, that is, to believe that all things be true, that be spoken of him: that is, to believe, that our enemies be not able to go farther than it pleaseth God. And so did the Apostles, when they suffered for God's sake: they believed, that God would do with them according to his word and promise. And so they sanctified God: that is, they declared with their acts and deeds, that God is a true and faithful God. This did the martyrs of God, This did the three young men, which would not worship the idol, set up by

the king, and therefore were cast into the burning oven, to which pain they were willing to go. "We know," said they," that God is able to help and defend us, when it pleaseth him."

So must we likewise offer ourselves unto the cross, content to suffer whatsoever he shall lay upon us. We may call upon him, and desire his help, but we may not appoint unto him the manner and way, how he shall help, and by what means, neither may we appoint him any time, but only sanctify his name: that is, to call upon him for deliverance, not doubting, but when it is to his honour and our profit, to be delivered, that he will help. But if he help not, but let us suffer death, happy are we: for then we be delivered from all trouble. And so these three young men sanctified the name of God, they believed that God was a helper; and so according to their belief he holped them, marvellously shewing his power, and defending them from the power of the fire.

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In such wise did Achior, that good man, when Holofernes, that sturdy captain, made great brags, what he would do, and how he would handle the Jews. This Achior, knowing God, and believing him to be the ruler over heaven and earth, stepped forward, and said to Holofernes, "If this people have done wickedness in the sight of their God, then let us go up against them: but if this people have not displeased their God, we shall not be able to withstand them, for God shall defend them." Here this Achior shewed himself to believe that, which was spoken of God in Scripture, namely, that God would be a deliverer and defender of those, which believe in him. But for all that he suffereth; being before a great and mighty captain, he was now handled like a vile beast: but what then? Happy are those that suffer for God's sake. The prophet saith;

"Commit thy way unto the Lord, and he shall bring it to pass," that is to say, when thou art in trouble, call upon the Lord, believe in him; and if it be good for thee, he will deliver thee. So to sanctify God's name, is to believe in him.

Lady Judith, that good, godly, and holy woman, sanctified the name of the Lord. For she and her people, being in great distress and misery, she put her hope in God, she fasted and prayed devoutly, and afterwards being moved, or monished by a secret admonition, was not afraid to put herself in great danger. Insomuch, that she took in hand, being a woman, to kill the great captain (of whom all men were afraid), Holofernes: I say she was not afraid of him. I trow, she rebuked the priests, which would appoint God a time, as who should say, "He shall be no more my God, except he come by that time," which was very wickedly done of them. For we ought to be at his pleasure; whensoever and whatsoever he will do with us, we ought to be content withal.

If we were earnest and zealous as we should be, oh! how hot we would be in promoting God's honour, and sanctifying his name: we would, nor could not suffer, that any body should go about to disho nour the holy name of God. But we be very cold, we care not for his honour: we ought to be patient in our own quarrel; when any body doth us wrong, we ought to bear and forbear it; but in God's behalf we ought to be hot and earnest to defend his honour, as much as lieth in us to do.

But it is clean contrary with us: for in our own quarrel we be as hot as coals: but in God's cause, for his honour, we care not, we regard it as nothing, whereas it ought most above all to be regarded. For God, he is just, righteous, faithful, and kind, and therefore we ought to take his part. But nothing

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maketh more for the sanctifying of God's holy name, than to be thankful for such gifts, as we receive at his hands.

And this hallowing standeth in all things, that may make for the furtherance of God's honour. To hear God's word, and highly to esteem the same, that is a hallowing of God's name. How hallow now they the name of God, which refuse to hear the word of God; or for lack of preachers cannot hear it; and how can they believe, when they hear it not? Therefore, they that do somewhat for the furtherance of learning, for maintaining of schools and scholars, they sanctify God's holy name. As for those preachers, which have been in my time, they go away. How shall now this office of preaching, the office of salvation, how shall it be maintained, except there be made some provision for the same? Here I could say much against those, which let that office, which withdraw the goods, wherewith schools should be maintained, and take it to themselves; but my audience is not thereafter. This office of preaching is the office of salvation; for St. Paul saith; "It hath pleased God to save the believers by the foolishness of preaching:" how can men then believe, but by and through the office of preaching? Preachers are Christ's vicars, they are Christ's ambassadors: St. Paul saith; "The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for every believer:" it is the mighty instrument of God.

When we say, "Hallowed be thy name;" we desire God, that he, through his goodness, will remove and put away all things, that may let and stop the honour of his name. But, I fear me, there be many which would not, that it should be so we desire here, that God will remove all infidelity, we require that all witchcrafts be removed, that artmagic and sorcery be pulled out, necromancy taken

away: and so nothing left but his holy word, wherewith we may daily praise the name of God. For, I fear me, there be a great many in England which use such sorceries, to the dishonour of God and their own damnation. We require here further, that all heresy, all Popery may be abolished and extinguish ed. Farther, we require here, that all wicked living may be amended and reformed. Next, we require, that all magistrates may do their duties.

Finally, we require that every man in his vocation may do the work, whereunto God hath called him. There be many vocations. The magistrates' vocation is to see, that the commonwealth be well ordered, to see that the schools be maintained, to see that universities be well furnished, to see that justice be executed, that the wicked be punished, and the good rewarded: finally, to keep every one in good order. This is their duty.

Farther, we pray that the priests, the spirituality, or the churchmen (as they call them), do their duties; to preach God's word, to live godly, and to give a good example by their conversation: else they do against the honour of God, and their own honesty.

Likewise, we pray, that servants may do their duties. For to be a servant, is an honest estate, and much commended in Scripture; and Scripture speaketh much to the comfort of them. And truly, those that live in the fear of God (considering that they serve not only their carnal masters, but God himself), they be in a good case: but they may not be "eye eye servants." St. Paul noteth this fault, and saith, that they shall not be murmurers, nor froward answerers. St. Paul would have them to live so, that they may adorn and sanctify the name of God. For that servant, that doth that thing, whereunto he is called, he doth adorn his estate: that servant is a good gospeller, that will not be an " eye servant."

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