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In concurrent Testimony to the Superlative Excellence of the



Recently infinitely improved in their manufacture.

Price per Sealed Packet, containing Nine Pens, 38, 6d.

The Patentee warrants these Pens to write, without mending for an indefinite period and with excellence for a longer time, than any other Pens whatever. He also warrants them to write faster, and (if the Writer's time is of any value) to be cheaper, than any other pers whatever. Finally, he warrants them to produce Writing more superlatively beautiful (and, if necessary, more exquisitely fine), than can be produced by any other kind of pen whatever, whether it be the goose or crow quill, the Birmingham or any other Metallic Pen, or the costly Ruby and Rhodium (selling at from 15s. to 30s. per single pen). The Pens in the Packets are those with, 1. Medium Points; 2. Fine Points; 3. Broad Points; and, 4. Perfectionated Soft with Medium Points. The Packets containing the second and the fourth kinds are most recommended for, by far the greater number of writers. The Patent Perryian Pens are sold wholesale and retail by JAMES PERRY (Patentee of the Perryian Pens), 37, Red Lion Square, London. They may also be had genuine, throughout the whole of the British Empire, and in every place abroad, of all Booksellers, Stationers, Silversmiths, Jewellers, Toy and Hardware-men, Writing-case Manufacturers, Perfumers, Druggists, &c. by only observing that the Pens are in a sealed packet, having on it the Patentee's signature,

The Imitation of this Signature is Felony.


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"His (Mr. Perry's) Pens are inimitable."-ATHENÆUM.

"The strong terms in which these pens now come recommended from every quarter, are worth the perusal of most readers. Testimony so forcible and fuil, has completely satisfied us that the pretensions of the Patentee are real, and that the article is of great national utility. " UNITED KINGDOM.

"We are inclined to think, from the decided advantages which the Perryian Pen affords the man of business or of literature, in common with the finest writer, that there can be little doubt that it will be shortly used to the exclusion of all other pens.' MORNING CHRONICLE. "It is remarkable in how very short a period the use of the Perryian Pens has become little less than universal. We infer this from the large proportion of Post-office letters, the paper stamp of which expresses that the paper is made for the Perryian Pens, a large number of which letters, moreover, are written by persons of the highest class, as Ladies of Title, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Bishops, and Members of Parliament." THE COURIER. "Having carefully and dispassionately examined and used the various kinds of

Metallic Pens, we are come to the opinion, that, with the exception of the Perryian Pens, they will prove to be very injurious to all those who use them, by spoiling their hands. Any pen, which does not possess the natural softness of the quill, accustoms the writer to bear on the paper so hard, as rapidly and irreparably to spoil his hand, and also speedily to unfit him for writing with ease and comfort to himself, with any pen whatever. The ordinary Metallic Pens, at the first appearance, seem soft; but it is an unnatural and delusive softness-the softness of distension, not of flexibility, and will inevitably produce the injurious, effects described. From this general censure, we have excepted the Patent Perryian Pens, as they do possess the flexibility of the quill-pen, and all its natural softness. It were to be wished that the endless attempts at imitation to which the Perryian Pen has given rise, had been more successful, or that they had never been made,"

ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE. "For some months we entertained a deep prejudice against the Perryian Pens, in consequence of some of the common Birming

These pencils contain the same quality of pure Cumber Pencils. S. M. & Co. have been induced to go extensively i improved machinery, from the very frequent applications for neers, who are desirous of obtaining with certainty the patronized by his Majesty's Stationery Office, London.

N. B. Please to ask for S. Mordan & Co.'s pure Cumb name stamped upon them; by so doing, purchasers will ensur

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ham Pens having been sold to us, for the Perryian; a friend, however, having noticed to us, that the Perryian Pens had the Aperture between the point and the shoulders, we applied to the Patentee for the genuine Pens, and found them, if used with the Perryian Ink, every thing that we could wish. The person, indeed, does not live who could make such pens with a penknife, Having since had occasion to know that the Birmingham pens, as well as other kinds, are very generally sold as the Perryian, we recommend the public to guard against imposition. The genuine Perryian Pens can be secured, only by purchasing them in packets under the Patentee's scal."

THE BRITISH Traveller.

"It is remarkable, that, ever since the use of the Patent Perryian Pens has been becoming general, excellent writing has been becoming general too." THE WORLD.

"We can with confidence recommend our readers to use Perry's Patent Pens, having tried them ourselves for some time, -and we can assure our friends that a single trial will acquaint them with what may be termed the luxury of a good pen."


"The comparative merits of the Perryian Pens have now been most fully and satisfactorily ascertained; and have become the subject of remark in every quarter where they have been introduced. The Globe paper, some weeks since, had an article highly recommendatory of them, which we copied into our columns of the 7th ult."

PLYMOUTH AND DEVONPORT JOURNAL. "The Perryian Pens are every day gaining in public favor, as the sentiments of the London and Provincial press sufficiently evince." BRISTOL JOURNAL.

"We observed, a few days ago, an immensely large iron-bound box proceeding down Fleet Street, on which was inscribed, in conspicuous characters, PATENT PERRYIAN PENS,' and addressed to a merchant of Philadelphia. Reflecting on the diminutive size of one of the Pens, and on the immensity of the box, which certainly did not contain fewer than twenty-four cubic feet, we could not help dwelling with admiration on the fact, that these Pens, which, from their real utility, and intrinsic excellence, have, in a few months only, obtained general use throughout the British empire, should now be acquiring little less than universality in the United States of America."



"In consequence of finding the usual inks unsuitable for the Perryian Pens, we obtained the Perryian Ink this was all we could desire; for the pens, which before seemed to admit of improvement, we now found to be the ne plus ultra of art. so satisfactory a resuit, we took occasion to ascertain more particularly the properties of the Perryian Ink, and are of opinion that no modern ink is equal to it, whatever kind of pen is used. Some of the ancient inks, doubtless, formed an exception in one particular,-durability; but, eren in this, the Perryian must be considered as equal to any of them, for it remains unchanged in its color, after being submitted for many hours to the heat of the hottest oven." THE Observes.

"The Perryian Ink being indispensable to the far famed Perryian Pens, in order to prevent inconvenience from being felt wherever the writer may happen to be, either for want of the Ink or of the Pens, the Patentee has contrived a pocket and cabinet Reservoir for both, which, on account of its utility, simplicity, neatness, and diminutive size, we recommend to all.”

THE PUBLIC Ledger. "Fashion displays itself in every thing,we at present see it in Letter Paper ;-for Perry's Letter Paper stamped “Perfection ated tinted blue" is now becoming general among the very highest class of society. We suppose this preference is attributable to the satisfaction which the Patent Perrian Pens have undoubtedly given in that direc MORNING POST


"We have used the Letter Paper manufactured by the Patentee of the Perryian Pen, and find it,-particularly that stamped "Perfectionated tinted blue”—totally unequalled for writers who use that valuable instrument." THE NEWS.

"In expressing our admiration of the ingenuity displayed in the Perryian Pens, and of the great satisfaction and pleasure we have derived from using this most valuable invention, we ought not to pass over unnoticed its cheapness. Infinitely surpassing the Rhodium and the Ruby Pens, each of which costs from 15s. to 30s., the Perryian Pens are sold at the rate of nine for 3s. 6d. Justice to the Patentee also requires us to add, that similar economy of charge is observable in every other thing that is used in connexion with that pen ;-as the Perryian Ink, Perfectionated Letter Paper, Perryian Pen & Ink Reservoir, &c." THE STANDARD.

Here might follow, did the space allow it, extracts from all the daily, weekly, and periodical press of the entire Empire, with scarcely a single exception, in which the tone of eulogy is not less remarkable, nor the terms of commendation less decisive, than in the preceding passages, which are submitted as fair specimens of the whole.

W. Pople, Printer, 67, Chancery Lane.

ress.-24. Journal of Literature-Music-Theatres, &c.

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A Pair of Pillar Compasses with Patent Pencils.


The spurious pencils bear Respectfully solicit the public attention to the frauds which are daily practised upon them as regards heir Patent Ever-Pointed Pencils, and the leads for refilling the same. he appearance of being made of silver, when, in fact, in many instances they are nothing but white etal, and the action so bad as to cause great annoyance to those using them. The public are also uch imposed upon with the spurious articles sold for leads, being nothing more than antimony and panish dust, which is of no comparative value to the beautiful, and in fact invaluable Cumberland ead; also their not being of a size renders them useless. To guard the public against the above mpositions, the patentees are induced to make the following remarks:

ist. Look for the London Goldsmith's Company's Hall Mark, on each silver pencil case. 2nd. The name of S. Mordan and Co., Patentees and Makers, on the body of the case.

3rd. The genuine leads contained in leather or paper boxes have a yellow belt, bearing S. M - Co.'s seal.

4th. The spurious leads have the word "for" or "as," in small characters, before the name S. Tordan & Co. Attention to this will immediately detect.

Portable Pens and Pen-holders.

The Portable Pen Boxes also have a yellow belt, bearing S. M. & Co.'s seal. The Pen-holders ear the London Hall Mark, which ensures their being silver. The spurious pen-holders are nothing ut white metal, which the acid affects, and consequently become a nuisance in use.

Cedar Pencils.

These pencils contain the same quality of pure Cumberland lead as their silver Ever-Pointed encils. S. M. & Co. have been induced to go extensively into the manufacture of this article, with proved machinery, from the very frequent applications for them from artists, architects, and engieers, who are desirous of obtaining with certainty the pure Cumberland lead. atronized by his Majesty's Stationery Office, London.

We are also

N. B. Please to ask for S. Mordan & Co.'s pure Cumberland Lead Pencils, which bear their me stamped upon them; by so doing, purchasers will ensure themselves a genuine article.

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The Lock manufactured by S. Mordan & Co., with seven guards, almost universally employed by Government, and fully appreciated by scientific men, is yet little understood by the Public. To obtain for it the patronage it deserves, S. Mordan & Co. earnestly solicit attention to the following points, in which it excels every other lock :

1. Its absolute inviolability by picking, or procuring a duplicate key.

2. The portability of the key.

3. The infinite variety of which the key is susceptible, and the power of producing it by an apparatus which of necessity causes every successive key to differ from all which have preceded it.

4. The difficulty of imitating the key, which is so great, that good workmen have failed to make a successful copy when the key has been placed in their hands for the purpose.

5. The impossibility of taking an impression, which is so easy in every other key, with sealing war. 6. The importance of every part of the key, which completely excludes those fertile sources of fraud, skeleton or duplicate keys, so easily obtained, and which prevents the imposition too often practised, of exhibiting apparent security in the key, but which has no counterpart in the lock.

7. The unlimited durability of the lock, which arises from its acting by mere pressure, instead, as in all others, of rubbing. This lock was never known to wear out, or to become sensibly altered by use. This in the end renders it the cheapest.

8. Safety is given in the absence of the principal to private stock, private papers, &c. The most serious losses take place by the use of duplicate keys, which enable the dishonest to re-lock to lull suspicion; the lock made by S. Mordan & Co. is a sure preventive.

Scientific gentlemen, and others, are respectfully solicited to visit the manufactory of S. Mordan & Co. 22, Castle Street, Finsbury, where the truth of all these statements will be rendered evident from an inspection of the lock, and the machinery by which it is made. The following is a list of the prices at which locks may be obtained from respectable dealers in every town of the United Kingdom:

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Bureau, Double-link Chest, or Box Locks

A Box of Guards for Bankers, Iron Safes, and Strong Rooms
Book-edge for Private Ledgers, Albums, &c.


Four-inch Flush Dead Locks.

Drawback, ditto.

Four-inch Rim Dead, one side.

7s. and upwards.

8s. 6d. do.

10s. Od. do.

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£2 Os. Od.


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Six-inch two-sided, ditto

Ten-inch Rim, a very strong secure lock for out doors.

Park Gate, Iron Gate, and locks of every description in proportion to their size, from the

Cabinet to the strongest Prison Door.

N. B. The usual reduction to the Trade will be made.

S. M. & Co.'s name is stamped on each Lock.

(Received the Royal Assent the 14th March, 1827.)

Religious Instruction, and Observance of the Sabbath. Baptism and Marriage.

§ 9. Sunday markets shall cease at 10 a. m., under forfeiture of goods, &c.-7. No shop or store shall be opened on a Sunday, under penalty of 10l., excepting as in England, for perishable articles of food, out of church hours.-§ 11. Prohibits labour on Sundays, even during crop: requiring that no sugar be boiled after 10 on Saturday night, nor the mill put about, or any other kind of field or plantation work performed, between the hours of 7 on Saturday night and 4 on Monday morning: penalty 50.- 8. Owners or managers to promote religious instruction and a knowledge of moral duties; to cause all slaves to be baptized, without fee or reward, wichin six months after birth; to have such baptism duly registered, and a copy of the register given to each slave baptized: under penalty of 10.- 10. Parish clergymen shall solemnize matrimony, without fee or reward, between such slaves as, applying with their owner's or manager's consent, appear to be sensible of the obligation of the marriage vow.

Food-Clothing-Lodging: General Treatment.

§ 13. All plantation slaves shall have assigned to them a portion of land fully adequate to their support; and shall be allowed 26 full working days in each year to cultivate the same. They shall likewise have for holidays, Good-Friday, Christmas-day, and the two days next following penalty 50l.-§ 14. A qualified medical practitioner shall be employed to attend all slaves who require medical or surgical aid, under penalty of 50l.; and shall keep a record of all patients and prescriptions.-§ 15. Owners or managers permitting sick or infirm slaves to wander about, shall forfeit 5l. to 107. for each offence.

Labour and Holidays.

§12. Every slave shall have half an hour for breakfast, and two hours for dinner; all manner of field labour before 5 in the morning or after sun-set, except during crop, is prohibited under penalty of 501-516-17. Assigns to mothers, idwives, and nurses, certain premiums in money for properly rearing infants; midwife and nurse to receive 8s. 6d. each, mother 49s. 6d., if the child reaches fifteen months, and 16s. 6d. when admitted into grass gang, to be allowed in taxes; the amount is about 4000l. per annum in premiums to increase the population. Exempts mothers of six children from all arduous labour, at the same time securing to them an "easy and com fortable maintenance," under a penalty of 100/. for each omission.


21. Limits punishment, by inferiors, to 10 stripes at one time, by owner or manager to 39, within any one week, under penalty of 15l. to 50l. for every excess. Record of all such punishments to be kept, and produced to any justice of the peace, under penalty of 201.-§ 23. No superintending slave shall, under penalty, as for a misdemeanour, carry the whip, as heretofore, as an emblem of authority in the field.- 24. Prohibits the placing an iron collar round the neck, or chains upon the body, of any slave, unless by permission of a magistrate as an incorrigible runaway, under penalty of from 5l. to 50l.: justice of peace, upon information, to remove such, under penalty of 100l.-5 80. Capital punishment shall be precisely as in England.

Separation of Families; and Sale of Slaves detached from Estates., Manumission.

§ 18. Facilitates manumission, and punishes the unlawfully detaining free persons as slaves by penalty of thrice the value of such persons' services. Any owner or manager manumitting an aged or infirm slave, to avoid the burthen of maintaining him, shall forfeit 200l., from which 201. shall be annually paid to the person manumised, for life. Fee on manumission, 47.

Evidence. Trial, and Defence.

§ 69. Slaves charged with grave offences shall be tried in all respects like free persons: with the exception of this superior advantage, that counsel be assigned such slaves at the public expense. Slave evidence, except against owners, admissible, as in case of free persons.

Right of Property, and Right of Action.

§ 5. Secures to slaves the possession of personal property, and guards against its invasion by a fine of 10., over and above the value of the property taken from them. Offender to be put on his oath contumacy to be construed into guilt.


Legal Protection.

§2. Declares slaves to be real estate and not chattels.- 20. Murder of a slave is felony, without benefit of clergy.- 25. Magistrates a council of protection: on information of ill treatment of slaves, magistrates bound to inquire; and, if the complaint be well founded, to

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