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Works lately published-continued.


W. YARRELL, F.L.S. Sec. Zoological Society. This work, which contains a complete History of the Ichthyology of Great Britain, including many species never before noticed, is embellished with 240 figures of Fishes, mostly taken from the objects themselves, and 145 Illustrative Vignettes, drawn and engraved by the most eminent Artists, and no pains have been spared to

ADDRESS on TEMPERANCE. By Dr. CHANNING. Handsomely printed in 8vo. with Wrapper, Is. (500.) By the same Author,


THE SUNDAY SCHOOL: a Discourse. (501.) EMILY TAYLOR. 6d. in canvas; Is. in cloth, and printed on superior paper.

render it worthy of public estimation. 2 vols. 8vo. illus-OLD TESTAMENT BIOGRAPHY. trated by nearly 400 beautiful Woodcuts, £2. 8s.

"This work ought to be largely circulated, not only on account of its scientific merits, though these, as we have in part shewn, are great and signal, but because it is popularly written throughout, and therefore likely to ewrite general attention to a subject which ought to be held as one of primary importance. Every one is interested about Fishes, the political economist, the epicure, the merchant, the man of science, the angler, the poor, the rich; we hail the appearance of this book as the dawn of a new era in the Natural History of England."-QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. 116, April.

John Van Voorst, 1, Paternoster Row.



MEN in all that relates to Guns, Shooting, and the

John Green, 121, Newgate Street.




HISTORICAL RESEARCHES. By T. CLARKSON, M.A. Author of "The History of the Abolition of the Slave Trade." 1 vol. 8vo. 7s.

"In this treatise the great advocate for abolishing Slavery has displayed that calm and accurate judgment which has guided his patriotic and useful career.....He has determined several facts of great importance (in the ancient Patriarchal History.)....This work will introduce the reader to that very interesting department of study, and afford him much assistance in prosecuting it." BAPTIST MAGAZINE. (503.) London: Longman and Co. Ipswich: S. Piper.

Game Laws. By Lieut. Col. P. HAWKER. 7th Edition, A CONNECTION of SACRED and

improved, (30 Plates and Cuts,) ISS. cloth.

"Col. Hawker is one of the best shots in England, and his Instructions to Sportsmen' the very best book we have on the subject."-BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. (490.)

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PROFANE HISTORY, from the Death of Joshua to the Decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Intended to complete the Series of Shuckford and Prideaux. By the Rev. MICHAEL RUSSELL, LL.D. Author of the History of the Church in Scotland. 3d and Concluding Volume, 8vo. 14s. boards.

** By the appearance of this volume, the public are at

length supplied with a "Connection of Sacred and Profane History," from the creation of the world down to the era of the Christian Redemption: in which are set forth not only the most remarkable events which befel the ancient people of God, but also an account of the origin, constitution, learning, commerce, and polity of all the distinguished nations of antiquity.

J. G. and F. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall.

**This Work may be had now complete, in 3 vols. 8vo. (504.)



By DE PORQUET. 17th Edit. carefully revised,3s.6d.
By the same Author,

(492.) LE PETIT SECRETAIRE PARISIEN. 7th Edition, much enlarged and improved, 3s. 6d. (493.) PARISIAN PHRASEOLOGY. 8th Edit. (494.) SYLLABAIRE PARISIEN, or Modern (495.) Spelling Book. 2s. PHRASE (496.) De Porquet and Cooper, 11, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden.



BOOK. 3d Edition, improved, 3s. 6d.



LIBRARY of REFERENCE. In Two Parts: the 1st Part consisting of a new and enlarged English Dictionary, a Grammar, Tables of Verbal Distinctions, with Examples, &c.; the 2d Part including, among many other things of value, a new Universal Gazetteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Compendium of Chronology and History, a Dictionary of Law Terms, and various useful Tables. The whole uniquely surrounded by Moral Maxims and Proverbs. By SAMUEL MAUNDER. 9th Edition, 1 thick volume, royal 18mo. neatly printed in pearl, 8s. 6d. cloth; or 10s. 6d. embossed and gilt. (505.)

Longman, Orme, and Co.



COMMENTARY, consisting of short Lectures for the daily Use of Families, Part II. containing Leviticus, Num

THE AUTHOR'S ADVOCATE, and Young bers, and Deuteronomy. By the Rev. CHARLES GIRDLE

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STONE, M.A. Vicar of Sedgley, Staffordshire. 8vo. 9s.
In this Edition of the BIBLE it has been one chief object
to supply Families with an Exposition for daily Reading.
The Scripture is divided into paragraphs of convenient
length and the explanatory and practical matter is
digested, under each portion, into one continuous Lecture,
so as to require no previous examination on the part of
those who read it to their families. At the same time it is
hoped, that the pains which have been taken to explain all
obvious difficulties, and to derive from each passage its
appropriate lesson, whether of doctrine or of duty, will
render the Work no less useful to those who study the
Word of God in private.

J. G. and F. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, and
Waterloo Place, Pall Mall.

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9s. each.

Works lately published-continued.



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Anacharsis, new edit. by Wanostrocht, 12mo. 6s. bd. 428

Aristophanes (The Frogs), by Cookesley, 8vo. 7s..... 367

Arnold's (Rev. T. K.) Latín Accidence, in the press

Boileau's Linguist-German Language, 12mo. 7s.

Bryce's (J. jun.) Treatise on Algebra, in the press
Carr's (T. S.) Latin Homonyms, fcap. 8vo. 3s.
Cicero and Pliny's Epistles, by Edwards, 4s.
Cicero's Select Órations, by Edwards, 2s. 6d.
Cornelius Nepos, Notes, &c. by Carr, 12mo. 3s. 6d.
Crabb's Germ. Conversations, by Bernays, 12mo.3s.6d. 429
Extracts, by Tiarks, 7s.

Croker's Rules and Exercíses, in Latin, 2d edit. 4s... 453

Key to Do. 2s. 6d.

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Assembled (The) Commons, 1 pocket vol. 3s. 6d. bd.. 517
Author's (The) Advocate, 1s. 6d.
Bijou Almanack for 1838, in the press
British and Foreign Review, No. 10, 8vo. 4s. sewed 306
Burke's Works, complete, 16 vols. 8vo. £6. 17s. bds.. 513
Channing's Thoughts on Conquest, 8vo. 1s.

Address on Temperance, 8vo. 1s.
The Sunday School, 6d.

Debrett's Peerage, by Courthorpe, 21st edit. 28s.

Baronetage, 7th edit. 25s.

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Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge, 9th edit. 12mo.8s.6d. 505
Montgomery's Christ. Correspondent, 3v. fcp. 8vo. 18s. 474
Mosse's Parliamentary Guide for 1838, in the press
Nimrod's New Sporting Work, in the press
Oakleigh (The) Shooting Code, 2d edit. post 8vo. 6s. 6d. 421
Penny Cyclopædia, Vol. 9, fcp. folio, 7s. 6d. cloth 302
Magazine, Part 66, 6d. sewed

Perils of Authorship, 4th edit. 1s. 6d.

Pocket-Book of Etiquette, 1s. 6d. cloth, 2s. 6d. silk.. 510

Pownall's (H.) Speech at Liverpool, 2d edit. 2d... 375

Sillig's Dict. of Ancient Artists, by Barker, 8vo. 8s. 6d. 272

Tagart's Remarks on Reasoning, 8vo. 4s. cloth
Tooke's History of Prices, 1 vol. 8vo. preparing.
Tomlin's Popular Law Dictionary, 1 vol. 8vo. in the press 337
Winslow's Young Man's Aid to Knowl. 18mo. 3s. bd.. 355
Yorkshireman (The) Vol. 5, Part 2, 8vo. 4s. sewed

De Porquet's Address to Families and Schools
Straker's Lithographic Establishment
Wood Engravings for sale.....


Testament, Cambridge Greek and Eng. 12mo. 8s. 6d. 371
the School Greek, 3s. 6d..
Wenderborn's German Grammar, by Boileau, 12mo. 8s. 354
Wilson's French and English Dictionary, 18mo. 5s. bd. 472
Xenophon, with Notes by Major, 12mo. 3s. 6d.

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Brewster's Treatise on Magnetism, post 8vo. 6s.
Bushnan's Philosophy of Instinct, small 8vo. 5s. 438
Fairholme's Geology of Scripture, 16s. cloth
Ferris (C.R.)Ornamental Gardening, fcp.8vo.6s. 6d. bd. 299
Graham's Elem. of Chemistry, Part 1, 2s. on Nov. 1st... 345

Hoare on the Cultivation of the Vine, 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Hooker's Fig. of New and Rare Plants, Part 4, in press 316

Jameson's Mineralogy, post 8vo. 6s.
Kirby's Fauna Borealí-Americana, 4to. 25s. pl. ; 35s. col. 278
Lindley's (Dr.) Botanical Register, 4s. each part
Ladies' Botany, 3d edit. 2 vols. 8vo. 32s. 419
Loudon's Suburban Gardener, No. 5, 1s. sewed
Lowry's Coversations on Mineralogy, 2 vols. 12mo. 14s. 422
Macfadyen's Flora of Jamaica, Part 1, shortly
Mackintosh's Ethical Philosophy, by Whewell, 2d ed.9s. 435
Parkes' Chemical Catechism, by Barker, 12mo. 7s. 6d.. 440
Phillip's (J.) Treatise on Geology, post 8vo. 6s.
Turner's Chemistry, 6th edit. 8vo. 21s.


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Conversations on the Parables, 4th edit. 18mo. 3s. 6d. 387
Cox's History of an Old Pocket Bible, 1s. 6d. cloth 380
Cruden's Concordance, by Youngman, imp. 8vo. 15s. 362
Daily Companion, 21st edit. 32mo. 1s. bound
Derry a Tale by Charlotte Elizabeth, 5th edit. 12mo.
6s. cloth; and other works by the same Author 378
Dusselthal Abbey, 18mo. 3s. 6d. cloth
Evans' Scripture Biography, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 12s. cloth 484
-- Biography of the Early Church, 6s.
Faber on Doctrine of Justification, 8vo. 9s.
Faithful Friend (The) 3d edit. 18mo. 2s. 6d. half-bound 386
Fawcett's (J.) Sick Man's Employ, 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth 516
Fry's Script. Reader's Guide, 12th edit. 2s. 6d. hf.-bd. 382
Fuller's Works, 5 vols. 8vo. £3. 6s. cloth..
Girdlestone's Com. on Old Test. 8vo. Parts 1&2, 506
-NewTest. 4 pts.9s.ea. 507

Harriet and her Scholars, 18mo. Is. 6d. boards

Infant Brothers, (The) 4th edit. 18mo. 3s. 6d. cloth

Jenks' Devotions, bySimeon, 36th edit. 18mo. 3s. bd.

Keble's Primitive Tradition, 3d edit. 8vo. 6s. bds.

Kelly's Practical Sermons. 2d edit. 8vo. 7s. 6d. cloth..

Krummacher's smaller works, 6d. each..

Lardner's Works by Dr. Kippis, 10 vols. 8vo. £5.5s. cl. 473

Lady at the Farm House, 2d edit. 18mo. 2s. bds. 393

Letter to an Aged Friend, 18mo. 2s. 6d. cloth


Letters to my Sisters, 18mo. 1s. 6d. bds.

M'Ghee's Diocesan Statutes, 18mo. 3s. 6d.

Mandeville (Lord) on the Second Advent, r. 18mo. 5s.6d. 487

Maria's Reward, 18mo. boards, 2s.

Martin Luther, from the German, 18mo. 2s. 6d. hf-bd. 385

May's Lectures to the Young, 18mo. cloth, 3s... 379

Meditations, &c. on the Beatitudes, Is. cloth


Memorial of the Lord's Loving Kindness, 18mo. 1s. 6d. 399
Missionary Geography, 18mo. 1s. 6d...
Opinions of an Old Gentleman, 18mo. 2s. bds..
Pastoral Narratives, 18mo. 1s. 6d. bds.


**For the convenience of ascertaining, at one view, what
new works have been published, a list similar to this
will be given with every future number, in addition to
the Classified Index to the Works advertised; it is there-
fore recommended that notice should be sent to the
Editor of all Works published in the country as early as
possible, in order that the same may be included.
Affection's Keepsake for 1838, 32mo. 2s. 6d. silk
Allen on Classification of the Insane, 8vo. 6s. bds..... 294
Anderson's Sermons on Various Subjects, 8vo. 9s. 6d.
Bathurst's (Hon. and Rev. C.) Notes on Nets, 12mo.4s.
Berkeley's British Fungi, Fasc. 3, 4to. 20s.

Bible, Cambridge red-bordered edit. 2 v. 4to. £5. shts. 303

British Association, Sixth Report (Bristol) 8vo. 12s...

Bruce (M.) Lochleven, and other Poems, 12mo. 5s.

Burns' Midwifery, 9th edit. enlarged, 8vo. 16s.

Carr's (T. S.) Latin Homonyms, fcp. 3s.

Child's (The Fairy Library, Vol. 1, 18mo. 2s. 6d.

Christian Keepsake, 1838, 8vo. 15s.

Cookesley's Frogs of Aristophanes, 8vo. 7s....

Cooper's Designs for Cattle Pictures, imp. folio,94s 6d.

De Porquet's French & English Versions, 12mo. 3s. 6d. 296

Edinburgh Dissector, for the use of Students, 12mo. 9s. 237

Encyclopædia Britannica, part 90, 4to. 6s. sewed

.... 290

Epitome of Universal History, 14th period, 8vo. 1s. .. 284

Faber on Doctrine of Justification, Svo. 9s.

Ferris's Ornamental Gardening, fep. 6s. 6d. bd... 299

Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1838, 4to. 21s. 101

Juvenile Scrap Book, 1838, 8s...


Fletcher's Rudiments of Physiology, by Lewins, 8vo.19s.

Forget me Not for 1838, 12s, bound.

Flowers of Loveliness for 1838, 4to. 31s. 6d. bound

Girdlestone's (Rev. C.) Farewell Sermons, 12mo. 4s. 6d.

Glasgow University Addresses, roy. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth 277

Hay's Add. of Lords-Rectors of Glasgow, rl.8vo.10s.6d. 277

Heath's Picturesque Annual for 1838, roy. 8vo. 21s. bd. 288

Hone's Lives of Eminent Christians, vol. 3, fcap. 4s. 6d. 279

Hough's Protestant Missions Vindicated, 8vo. 4s.....

Isaacson's Select Prayers, 32mo. cloth, gilt edges,1s.6d.

Altar Service, 32mo. cloth gilt, edges, 1s. 6d.

Jennings' Landscape Annual, for 1838, 8vo. 21s. bd.

Kirby's Fauna Boreali-Americana, 4to. 25s. pl. ; 35s. col. 278

Lamb's Grace of God, 18mo. 2s.

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Marriage Act, with Supplement, 12mo. 7s.
Medical Gazette, Nos. 1 and 2 of the new vol.
Mitchell's Life of Wallenstein, 8vo. 12s. cloth
Morton's Veterinary Pharmacy, 12mo. 6s.
Müller's Elements of Physiology, by Baily, Part 1, 9s. 292
Oliver's Student's Comp. to Apothecarie's Hall, 2s. 6d.
Oriental (The) Annual, for 1838, 21s. bound..
Parley's (P.) Modern Geography, sq. 16mo. 4s. 6d. cl. 295
Stories for Long Nights, 16mo. 2s.

Penny Cyclopedia, Vol. 9, 7s. 6d. cloth

Pictorial History of England, Part 8, 8vo. 2s.

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Russell's Church of Scotland, 2 vols. foolscap 8vo. 12s. 483
Russell's Con. of Sac. and Profane Hist. vol. 3, 8vo. 14s. 504
Scoresby's Memorial of his Son, 12mo. 4s. cloth
Scripture Stories, 4 vols. 18mo. 11s. boards
Shuttleworth's Consistency of Revelation, fcp. 8vo. 6s. 482
Smedly's Reformed Religion in France, 3 vols. fcp. 18s. 481
Southey's Book of Church, new edit. 1 v. 8vo. in the press 333
Stevens' (Dean) Counsel of God, 8vo. 7s. bds...
Strauss's Duty of Restitution, by Miss Slee, Is. 6d. 444
Taylor's (Emily) Old Testament Biography, 6d.
Tholuck on the Doctrine of Sin, &c. fep. 8vo. 6s. cloth 476
Voyage (A) to Immanuel's Land, 18mo. 2s. 6d. boards 389
Wilson (G.) and bis Friend, 2nd edition, 18mo. 1s. 6d. 395
Wordsworth's Christian Institutes, 4 vols. 8vo. £3 3s. 372

[blocks in formation]

Common Prayer, Part 1, 2s. 6d.

Present State and Prospects of the Ch. and World, 6s. 271
Pratt's Magistrate's Parochial Statutes, Svo. 6s.



- Statutes relating to Justice of the Peace, 12mo.6s.
Quain and Wilson's Vessels of the Human Body, 54s. 293
Nerves, Brain, &c. fas.1to3,2s. each 273
Reid's Chemistry of Nature, 12mo. 5s.
Roscoe's South Wales, royal 8vo. 28s. 6d. cloth
Russell's Judgment of the Anglican Church, Svo.
Ryan's Philosophy of Marriage, fcap. 6s.
Shipman's Attorney's New Pocket Book, 12mo. 12s...
Silig's Dictionary of the Artists of Antiquity, 8vo. 8s. 6d 272
Smith's Bibliographical Account of Kent, 8vo. 14s. 21s.
Southey's Poetical Works, new edit. vol. 1, fcap. 5s. 274
Statutes, 7 Wm. IV. & 1 Vict. I. vol. 14, Part 2, 4to. 13s.
8vo. 11s.
Steggall on Chemical Decompositions, 32mo. 48.......
Stevens' (Dean) Counsel of God, 8vo. 7s. bds....
Tribute of Gratitudefrom a humbled sinner, 18mo.2s.6d.
Webster's Acting Drama, vol. 1. 12mo. 7s. 6d.
Yorkshireman, (The) vol. 5, part 2, 8vo. 4s. sewed..
Zoological Society (Proceedings of) Part 4, 1836, 8vo. 6s.


1. Lamb's Life and Correspondence.

2. Sir Francis Palgrave'sIllustrations of Scottish History.

3. D'Israeli's Novels.

4. Definitions and Systems of Political Economy.

5. The Tribute, a Collection of Poems, edited by Lord


6. Rev. W. Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences.
7. Professor Tucker's Life of Thomas Jefferson.

& The Workhouse System.-The Irish Poor Bill.

9. The Marquess of Wellesley's Despatches.

10. Defects of the Reform Bill-Business of Parliament.
11. Ireland under Lord Mulgrave.


London: Longman and Co. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

4. Emigration and the U. S.
5. Melange from the Jour-

nal of an Employé.

6. The Counties.

7. The Whigs and "Non-


8. Vagaries by an old Tra-
veller. Modern Rome.

9. Colonel Crockett.

[blocks in formation]

Pictures and Drawings by the most eminent Artists,

1. 11s. 6d.

Succinct Biographies (in most instances from materials

furnished by the Authors themselves) and Plates of Auto-

graphs are appended.


Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria Lane.


F. W. KRUMMACHER, DD. Author of "Elijah the
Tishbite," "A Glance into the Kingdom of Grace," &c.
12mo. 2s. neat cloth boards and lettered.

James Nisbet and Co. 21, Berners Street.


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