Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected;
With NOTES, Explanatory, and Critical:
Printed Verbatim from the Octavo EDITION.
I, Decus, i, nostrum : melioribus utere Fatis. Virg.
Printed for H. Woodfall, C. Bathurst, J. Beecroft, W. Strahar,
J. and F. Rivington, J. Hinton, Davis and Reymers, R. Baldwin,
Hawes, Clarke, and Collins, R. Horsfield, W. Johnston, W.
Owen, T. Cafston, T. Longman, E. and, C. Dilly, C. Corbett,
T. Cadell, E. Johnfon, B. White, G. Keith, J. Hardy, Ti
Lowndes, T. Davies, J. Robson, T. Beckett, F. Newbery, and
Robinson and Roberts.