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Harding's elementary art, 316; a work
of this kind was much wanted, 317.
Harris's Great Teacher, 460; one of the

best specimens of theological writing
lately produced, ib.; shows that Our
Saviour was the best teacher of his own
religion, 461; contents, 462; specimen,
462-64; the originality of our Lord's
teaching,' 465-68; the character of
- Christ the character of the Father,'
468-70; of the Holy Spirit,' 470, 71;
further extract, 472, 3.

Hetherington's Fulness of Time, 349; a
-91 labour of the deepest and noblest in-
-terest to inquire into the mystery of
providence, ib. ; general plan of the

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- sent work, 350; parallel between in-
,dividual and social character, 350, 51;

the antediluvian era, 352; the first in-
dications of human character, as express-
ed in social institutions, must be sought
for in the patriarchal times, 353; the
energetic democracies of Greece to be
* recognized as the worldly manhood,
354, 5; author's attempt to account for
the existence of evil, 355-57; examin-
1x ved, 357.


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Hoppus's Ireland's Misery and Remedy,

&c., 318; the splendid protestant church
* establishment has done nothing for Ire-
land, 325; but has raised up positive
obstacles to Christianity, 326; extract,
ib.; the Irish society of London is a libel
on the Irish established church, 327;
religious statistics, 329, 30; an odious
system of fraud and injustice, 331.
Horne's protestant memorial, for the com-
memoration, on the 4th day of October,
1835, of the third centenary of the re-
formation, 204; some principal chrono-
logical facts connected with the progress
of the reformation, 204, 5; account of
048 Coverdale's version of the bible, 206 8;
John Fox in praise of the 'miraculous
invention of printing,' 209-12; Eng.

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land owes to the art of printing, at least
the permanence of her political and re
ligious reformation, 212; the greatest
boon bestowed upon the church since
the apostolic age, 213; but the full
benefit of this discovery has never been
reaped till now, 213, 14; the translation
of the scriptures was the principle of the
first reformation, their being printed was
the second, and the diffusion of the
printed scriptures in all languages, is a
third reformation, 215; extract, 216, 17.
Hoskins's travels in Ethiopia, 509; our
author possesses many essential requisites
for a traveller, 509; his companion,
510, 11; the banks of the Nile, 511; a
land storm, 512; the site of the ancient
capital of Ethiopia,' 513; some question-
able hypotheses of our author, 514-16;
ruins of Solib, 517; anecdote, 518,


Howard's remarks on the erroneous
opinions entertained respecting the Ca-
tholic religion, 1; author's sound no-
tions of religious liberty, 29 31; and see

Hughes, rev. Joseph. See Leifchild's

Huss, John, character of, 482-7.

Innes's letter to lord Glenelg, 375; colo-
nial statistics, ib.; working of the free
labour system in Antigua, 376; mr.
Loving's testimony, 377, 78; the ap-
prenticeship scheme, 379; results of its
being dispensed with in Antigua, 379-82;
the operation of the free labour system
upon the interests of the negroes them-
selves, 383; the apprenticeship scheme
in St. Kitt's, 384; this island far in ad-
vance of Nevis, 385, 6; Barbadoes,
386; British Guiana, 387; Grenada,
389; St. Lucia, 390; Dominica and
St. Vincent, 391; British Guiana,
391-95; Jamaica, 395-99; author anti-
cipates, from the difficulties of the plant-
ers, an improvement in society, 400; the
overseers and book-keepers oppose the
new order of things, 401; conduct of
the house of assembly, 401-402; the pre-
sent pamphlet fully proves the inefficiency
of the apprenticeship system, 404.
Irish Church. The reform association, to
the reformers of England, &c., 318;
extract, 328, 29; and see Hoppus, and
Broadhurst's letter.

Italy; see Conder's Italy, and Brockedon's
road book.

Jay's slavery in America, 437; particulars
of our author, ib.; extract from Dr.
Cox's introduction, 438, 9; the coloniza-

tionists themselves mainly the cause of
the degradation of the free blacks,
440-42; case of miss Crandall, 442-44 ;
series of facts proving the free people of
colour to be citizens, 444-46; attempt
to make out that the colonization society
has the same object as the anti-slavery
society, 446; flattering description of
Liberia, 447; tells against the coloniza-
tionist, as much as for him, 448; hard-
ships of American slavery, 449-55;
laws against the free blacks, 455,6;
original slow progress in this country of
anti-slavery opinions, 457; the church of
England, till lately, a slave-holder, 458;
slavery the fruitful source of all the na-
tional difficulties in America, 459, 60.

Karens, the, of India, supposed to be an
aboriginal race of mountaineers, 61;
and see North American review, art.

Lardner's cabinet cyclopædia, 473; has

not hitherto been subjected to competent
critical notice, ib.; some errors in the
distribution of its subjects, 475; extract
from Swainson on zoology, 475 77;
dr. Dunham's Germanic empire, 477;
openly assails the protestant reformation,
478; charges Luther with duplicity, in-
temperance, and other vices, 478, 9; the
author's character of Calvin, 480; and
of John Huss, 482; Stebbing's church
history, 481; an incomplete fragment,
ib.; account of the martyrdom of Huss,
483-87; contents of the biographical
cabinet, 487; and see lives of the most
eminent literary and scientific men, &c.
Latrobe's rambles in North America,


1832, 33, p. 257; the present aspect of
the federal republic seems almost to
menace the breaking up of the social
system, ib.; the existing disorders, how-
ever, are not directed against the govern-
ment, 258; nor are they indicative of
any weakness in the governing power,
259; it is slavery that menaces the
peace of America, 260; our author's
route, 269; description of the neighbour-
hood of Baltimore, 270, 71; the white
mountains of New Hampshire, 271, 72;
the scenery of the United States, though
often sublime, is rarely picturesque, 278;
our author most at home in his descrip-
tion of animate and inanimate nature,
275; sensitiveness of the Americans,
ib.; character of the New Englander,
277, 78; our author avers that the
holders of slaves, rather than the
negroes, are subjects of pity, 278; and
betrays other marks of prejudice, 280;

see also New England and her institu-

Lawrance's geology in 1835, 74; a pre-
liminary essay on the phenomena of
geological science, 75; specimen of the
author's style, 75, 6.

Leifchild's memoir of the late rev. Joseph
Hughes, A.M., 31; mr. Hughes's
birth, and childhood, 32; loses his father
in his tenth year, 33; his youth, 34;
his ingenuous confession concerning this
period of his life, 35; portrait of dr.
Stennett, 36, 7; mr. Hughes joins the
baptist academy at Broadmead, Bristol,
37; and subsequently enters King's
College, Aberdeen, 38; forms a Sunday-
school in Aberdeen, 39; is tutor to the
Broadmead academy, and assistant mi-
nister of the church, 40; is displaced
from both offices, ib.; Foster's criticism
on his style of preaching, 40, 1; be-
comes minister of a chapel at Battersea;
his labours there, 42; origin of the
British and foreign bible society, 43; its
first public meeting, 44; mr. Hughes's
noble appropriation of the salary attached
to the secretaryship, 45; his death,
46, 47.

Lewis's sketches and drawings of the Al-
hambra, 140; a splendid work, ib. 7 con-
tents, 141.

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Lindley's and Hutton's fossil flora of
Great Britain, 76; extract, 77.
Literary intelligence, 87, 164, 254, 848,

Lives of the most eminent literary and
scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Por-
tugal, Vols. I. and II., 473; contents,
487; life of Dante by Montgomery,
ib.; remarks upon the genius of Dante,
488, 89; extract from the life of Ariosto,
490; altogether, two delightful volumes,
Loudon's Arboretum Britannicum, or the
hardy trees of Britain, &c., 304; full of
valuable information, 306.

Mandeville's, viscount, Hora Hebraicæ,
405; erudite and ingenious, ib. ; found-
ed on the supra-lapsarian scheme, 406;
extracts, 407-409; the work contains
much labour expended in vain, 41łany
Matthews's practical guide to executors
and administrators, &c., 199; written in
a plain and luminous style, 203. *
Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin, 86.
Memoir of the life and public services of
sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, by his
widow, 189; a book of uncommon in-
terest, 190; extracts from a memoir on
the Malay states, 191–93; several islands
of the Malay archipelago inhabited by

Christians, 194; the discernment and
heroic perseverance of sir Stamford Raf-
- fles, 195; extracts, 195-197; sir Stam-
ford Raffles and the East India Com-
pany, 198.

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Mendham's memoirs of the council of
Trent, 1 dedicated to the pope, ib.;
manifesto of Gregory XVI., 2-5; ex-
hibits the Roman Catholic faith as neither
changed nor improved, 5; but yet the
English Catholic has always differed
from the genuine Roman Catholic, 6, 7;
how unfair would it be to charge to the
belief of every churchman, all contained
in the 39 articles, the rubric, the canons
ecclesiastical, &c., 7; there would be
similar unfairness in treating thus mem-
bers of the church of Rome, 8; besides,
exaggerations and misrepresentations re-
coil on the Protestant cause, 9; Romish
ingenuity in defence of popish tenets,
11; extracts from Gother's Papist mis-
represented and represented, 12-17; ex-
tracts from Dr. Challoner's grounds of
the catholic doctrine, 17-20; uniform
1 conduct of all church and state reli-
gionists, 21; why should popery be more
angrily encountered than Mohamme-
- dism? 22; origin of the council of
Trent, 23; extract, 23-25; Paul III.
issues a commission to examine into the
abuses of the papal court, 25; obstruc-
tions to its meeting, ib.; the council
meets in December, 1545, 26; extracts,
26, 7; after making every due allow-
! ance, much still remains in the Romish
-1 church, for our uncompromising opposi-
tion, 28, 9.

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Natural Theology; see Brougham's dis-


New England and her Institutions. By
one of her sons, 257; the opinion in
New England regarding slavery, 260–
62; present volume gives a complete
insight into New England character,
262; its contents, 263; the efficiency
of the voluntary principle, 263-65;
religious statistical information regard-
ing New England, 265: extract, 267, 8.
And see Latrobe's rambles.

North American Review, No. 87, Art.
Life of G. D. Boardman, 57; early
history of Boardman, 58; his thoughts
are directed to the Burmese mission,
ib.; arrives, with his wife, in India, 59;
their imminent danger, 60, 61; inter-
esting particulars of the Karens, 61-64;
Mr. Boardman's success with them, 65;
they urge him to come and visit them,
66; anecdote, 66, 67; mr. Boardman's
labours in Tavoy, 68; seriously affect


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der Glocke. Outlines to Schiller's
song of the bell, 48; beautiful illustra-
tions of the poem, 53. And see
Retzsch's outlines to Shakspeare.
Recollections of an excursion to the mon-
asteries of Alcobaça and Batalha, by
the author of Vathek, 127; our author's
companions, ib.; their arrangements for
the excursion, 128; extracts, 128-30;
beautiful description of scenery, 131-33;
further extract, 135.

Riland's Antichrist; Papal, Protestant,
and Infidel, 318; Dissenters accused of
making common cause with the Papists,
319; this has not the shadow of evi-
dence to rest upon, 320; extract, 321,22;
dissenters quite ready to join in combat-
ting the errors of popery, 322; were all
evangelical clergymen such as our au-
thor, a re-union of protestants would no
longer be chimerical, 324.
Ritchie's journey to St. Petersburgh and
Moscow, 491; description of St. Peters-
burgh, 492, 93; its population seem
scarcely to belong to the place, 493;
extract, 493-95; anecdotes of the em-
peror Nicholas, 495-97.

Roberts's, miss, scenes and characteristics
of Hindoostan, 414; character of the
work, 415; the apparent indifference of
the public mind respecting India, 415-
16; of great importance, that it should

be taught to take an interest in the
subject, 417; description of the Govern-
ment house, Calcutta, 418-20; etiquette,
421, 22; Patna, 422–25; ancient city
of Gour, 425-27; Mando, 427, 28;
Bejapoor, 428-30; a night in the jun-
gles, 430, 31.

Roscoe's tourist in Spain, 491; account
of Cadiz, 497, 98.

Rudiments of Trees, from nature, 304; a
clever series, 306.

Sacred Classics.

Vol. XIX. Knox's
Christian philosophy. Vol. XX. Se-
lections from rev. John Howe's works,
241; extracts, 241-46.

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Saffery's poems on Sacred Subjects, 247;
many of them of the highest order of
excellence, 248; the walk to Emmaus,'
248-50; Hagar in the desert,' 250, 51;
'apostrophe to Jeremiah,' 251-53; fur-
ther extract, 253, 54.
Scriptural unity of the Protestant Churches

exhibited in their published confessions,
78; contents, 82; extract, 82, 3.
Second address of the Annual Assembly
of the congregational union of England
and Wales, 78; its main topic, a faith-
ful administration of scriptural discipline,
ib.; extract, 78-81.

Silver's memorial to his Majesty's govern-

ment on the danger of intermeddling
with church-rates, 519; a literary cu.
riosity, 520; extracts, 520-24; author's
opinions on registration, 524; and on
marriage, 525.

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Specimens of the table-talk of the late
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 135; the
general effect of these specimens' is
liable to hurt the memory of their sub-
ject, 136; extracts, 137; Coleridge's
critical discussions of the highest value,
138; sir James Mackintosh, 139; Can-
ning, 140.
Statement relative to church accommoda-

tion in Scotland, 84; extract, 85, 86.
Styles's, Dr., ministerial solicitude and
fidelity, 434; extracts, 434-36.
Styles's R., poems, 411; stanzas,' 411,

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Taylor, the whole works of the right rev.
Jeremy, 358; the reviving partiality
for our older writers, ib. how is it that
the older writers manifest such a splen-
dour of genius? 359; was there not emi-
nent intellectual character formed in
the time of the Stuarts? 361; peculiar-
ities of that character, 362; Jeremy
Taylor, and Milton, 363, 64; the im-
agination of Taylor, his pre-eminent
endowment, 365; Milton's language
poetic, not his style of thinking, 366;
Taylor's political opinions accounted for,
367; he was more pedantic than Mil-
ton, 368; his qualifications as a preach-
er, 369-74.

Temperance societies, claims of the; see
abstract of evidence before the select

Tracts, British and Foreign,

Testamentary counsels and hints to Christ-
ians on the right distribution of their
property by will, 199; contents, 200;
much litigation occasioned by men mak-
ing their own wills, 201; the provision
to be made for widows,' ib.; author's
ideas on primogeniture, 202; 'on the
claims of the Redeemer's cause,' 202, 3;
present volume may be cordially recom-
mended to the Christian reader, 203.
Thomas Johnson's reasons for Dissenting

from the Established Church, 157.
Treasury Bible, 332; its motto, ib.; er-

tracts, 334, 35; larger edition of the
same bible, 336.

Williams's memoirs of the life, character,
and writings of sir Matthew Hale, knt.,
185; the subject of present volume one
of the most instructive characters of the
British Nepos, ib.; particulars of his
life, 185, 86; extract, 187; comparison
of Coke and Hale, 188, 89.

Winkles's cathedrals, 317; character of
the work, 317, 18.

Works recently published, 88, 164, 256,
348, 436, 528.


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