The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans, Volume 11

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Page 243 - Had I but served God as diligently as I have served the King, He would not have given me over, in my gray hairs.
Page 59 - The king started a little, and said : ' By my faith, my lord, I thank you for your good cheer, but I may not endure to have my laws broken in my sight. My attorney must speak with you.
Page 272 - The hour of my death now approaching, I cannot choose but, out of the love I bear you, advise you of your soul's health, which you ought to prefer before all considerations of the world or flesh whatsoever: for which yet you have cast me into many calamities, and yourself into many troubles. But I forgive you all, and pray God to do so likewise.
Page 498 - Soon after a new negotiation was commenced, D'Ayala acting on the part of James, and Warham on the part of Henry ; which ended In...
Page 282 - O Father! O Creator! thou who art the way, the truth, and the life, thou knowest that I have not deserved this fate.
Page 285 - I pray God save the King and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never : and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord.
Page 284 - I think here will be but few, and I think a reasonable number were best ; for I suppose she will declare herself to be a good woman, for all men but for the king, at the hour of her death. For this morning she sent for me, that I might be with her at such time as she received the good lord, to the intent I should hear her speak as touching her innocency alway to be clear.
Page 272 - I must entreat you, also, to respect my maids, and give them in marriage, which is not much, they being but three ; and to all my other servants a year's pay besides their due, lest otherwise they should be unprovided for. Lastly, I make this vow, that mine eyes desire you above all things. Farewell.
Page 234 - ... the foul and contagious disease of the great pox broken out upon him in divers places of his body, came daily to your grace, rounding in your ears, and blowing upon your most noble grace, with his perilous and infective breath, to the marvellous danger of your highness, if God of his infinite goodness had not better provided for your highness.
Page 327 - This motion was univerfally approved ; and the archbifliop of Canterbury, the duke of Suffolk, the earl of Southampton, and the bifhop of Weftminfter, were appointed a committee for that purpofe. But they were directed not to do any thing till they had confulted the king, and obtained his permiffion. This mode of proceeding, it feems on further confideration, did not pleafe the king...

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