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for every thing that has hot a regulator, is liable to go to ruin: And if all things depend on chance, then by chance there may be a God and Devil, a Heaven and Hell, Saints and Sinners, and by chance the Saints may get to Heaven, and by chance the Sinners may go to Hell. It is evident in reason, that as a fiream cannot rife higher than its fountain, fo confufion can never produce order; for the effect cannot be more noble than the caufe: Confequently, if confufion had been once, it must have remained; but as the stars keep their courfes without infringing upon each other in the different revolu tions, fo that the aftronomer can calculate his almanacs years before hand, it is evident there is fuch a thing as order; and to fuppofe this order to have been eternal, would be arguing, that the earth has flood forever, as we now behold it; and to fuppofe that the earth hath forever had its prefent form, is to fuppofe that there has been an eternal fucceffion of men, beafts and vegetables, and that to an infinite num ber; (for if the number be not infinite, how could the fucceffion have been eter

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nal,) and yet to talk about an infinite number, is a contradiction in terms, for there is no number but what may be made larger, by the addition of units but that which is infinite, cannot be enlarged. Again, if there has been an eternal fucceffion of men and beafts; by the fame rule there has been an eternal fucceffion of days and nights, and years likewife.-This must be allowed, (that infinite numbers are equal, for if one number be fmaller than the other, how can it be faid to be infinite ?) Well, if infinite numbers be equal, and if there hath been an eternal fuccef

fion of years, and days, and nights, we must fuppofe, that their infinitenumbers are equal. And yet to allow there hath been as many years as there hath been days and nights, is inconfiftent, feeing that it takes 365 days to compofe one year; and if the number of years be lefs than the number of days and nights the number cannot be admitted to be infinite; confequently, the fucceffion cannot have been eternal; therefore it must be, that there was a time when years began: If so, we muf admit the idea, there is fome

thing fuperior to nature, that formed it, and of course an Almighty regu lator, that with wisdom, muft have conftructed and preferved this fyftem; and this power and regulator must be felfdependant, and of courfe eternal, according to the foregoing: And this eternal, felf-exiftent, all-wife regulator, is what we term GOD, and what the Indians term the GREAT MAN ABOVE. Various are the ideas formed concerning this GOD: Some acknowledge one Supreme Being, but difallow of what is called the Trinity; faying, how can three be one? Answer, as rain, fnow and hail, when reduced to their origin are one, (water :) and as light, heat and colour, are feen in one element, (fir) and as the Atlantic, Pacific and India Ocean, compose but one, fo if in natural things three can make one, why may we not admit the idea with reafon, that three can be one in things fupernatural and Divine; &c. What is meant by God the Father, is, that eternal Being, that is every where prefent. What is meant by Chrift the Son, is the manhood of Chrift, being brought forth by the Omnipotent power of God, as the

Evangelifts relate; and that manhood being filled with the divine nature, of courfe he would be God as well as man, and man as well as God-two diftin& natures in the one perfon ; and it is no more inconfiftent with reafon, to acknowledge that he came as above, than to acknowledge a miracle for the firft man's origin; which idea, in reafon, we must admit, for there cannot be an effect without a caufe; and as men do exift, it is evident there is but one way for them to generate in nature; if fo, who did the firft man and woman generate from-to fuppofe that they came by nature, is to fuppofe the earth brought them forth fpontaneously, if so, take the inhabitants from an ifland, and it would produce them again-but matter of fact, fayeth it will not. Then, if nature hath not changed, it never bro't forth people; for if it had, it might again do fo, and if not, a miracle hath taken place in nature. What is meant by the Holy Ghoft, is the fpirit of God, proceeding from the father, through the mediation of the man Chrift Jefus, down to the fons of men; the office of

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which fpirit, is to instruct mankind, and purify and prepare them, for the enjoyment of God in 'Glory.

If I deny there was fuch ar rfon as Chrift on this earth eighteen hundred years ago, I thould deny three things-1 ft. Our Dates.-2d, All Sacred, and 3d, The greateft part of profane history; which hiftorians in general would not be willing to give up If I allow there was fuch a perfon as Chrift, I must acknowledge his miracles too, for the fame hiftories, facred and profane, which mention his perfon, relate his miracles, and to deny his miracles, would be giving the hiftories the lie, and of courfe deftroy their authority. If I allow his miracles I must allow his facred character alfo; for it is inconfiftent with reafon, to believe that God would aid and affift a liar, or an impoftor, to do the mighty deeds which we are informed Chrift did.

If there be no fuch thing as infpiration, how could the Prophets foretel future events, out of the common courfe of nature? Some people fay the prophecies were written in prophetic language, after the things took place, but

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