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of love, which has animated and unit- The first year of the existence of ed so many associations of Christians this our Society has been already sigin circulating the Holy Scriptures, their [nalized by very numerous and conside exertions, we are confident, will, onerable enterprizes and actions. Bethat account, be the more zealous and side the distribution of the Holy Scripindefatigable; and the period, we hope,tures in different languages throughout is not remote, when, in their labors of several countries of this extensive love, they will not be a whit behind Empire, the Committee have partly the very chiefest promoters of Bible || begun and partly undertaken to print Societies. Their labors will be facili-them in the Sclayonic, German, Fintated by the local proximity of Eng-nish, French, Polish Armenian, and land and Holland, and by the constant || Kalmuck or Mongol languages. The intercourse which the renewal of their || number of Members and Benefactors political union has opened between in this salutary work increases daily; both nations; at the same time, we anticipate the happiest effects from the godlike example, the aage counsel, the liberal bounty, and the fervent prayers of the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Now we beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with us in your prayers to God for us; and be assured, that we cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in our prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.

We are, dear Sir, with regard,
Your sincere friends, and
devoted humble servants,

2. From Prince Alexander Galilzin, President of the St. Petersburg Bible Society. St. Petersburg, Jan. 20,


My Lord,

the most distant provinces of Russia are emulating the nearest, in active contribution towards the success of it; and the light of the word of God begins to illuminate the cottages of the poor, the assylums of the helpless, the hospitals and the prisons. The prisoners of war partake of it; even the Heathen and Mahometans begin to receive and feel it. In the mean time, the happy effects of the establishment of the St. Petersburg Society and its Committee, has been, the production of similar committees, or rather parts of our General Committee, in several cities of Russia, such as Moscow, Riga, Yaroslaff, Dorpat, Reval, and Mitua.

We entertain the most sanguine hopes from the co-operation of these Committees in our general undertaki gs.

The Committee, while they prostrate themselves before the Almighty Giver of all good, who, with one hand, hath delivered Russia from her out ward enemies, and, with the other, planted in her bosom an institution for disseminating more effectually His word, acknowledge with a heartfelt satisfaction the instruments of his Holy Decrees.

THE Committee of St. Petersburg Bible Society have charged me, on the occasion of the departure of the Rev. John Patterson for England, to The British and Foreign Bible Sowrite to your Lordship, in order to ex-ciety have acquired a sacred right to press their most unfeigned gratitude to the everlasting gratitude of the Societhe British and Foreign Bible Society of St. Petersburg; which cannot at ty, for having sent hither this worthy Member, whose attention and cares have been so hearty and so successful for the benefit of the Bible Society in Russia.

the same time but give a solemn testimony to the indefatigable co-operation of their Member, the Rev. John Paterson, in their splendid successes.

Accept, my Lord, of the assurance

of my esteem and most unfeigned res- disappointed both his and our fairest

pect for your person.

oured Members of the London Bible Society;

hopes. He will himself report to you I have the honor to be the particular impediments which Your Lordship's most humble caused this painful delay. The anAud most obedient Servant, nexed proof-sheet, will however show PRINCE ALEXANDER GALITZIN. the execution of this edition of the To the Rt. Hon. Lord Teignmouth. Bible; and we beg leave to call your kind attention to the smallness, of the 3. Address from the Bible Society at letter, which although legible enough Abo in Finland. March 29, 1814, by young people, will not answer the Beloved Christian Friends, and Hon-purpose satisfactorily for those of more advanced years; especially of such as in the more distant parts of this counAr the time that the Bible Society try inhabit thousands of cottages, which for Finland have the greatest satisfac-have no chimneys, but merely holes tion in transmitting to the British and through the roof for letting out the Foreign Bible Society in London, their smoke; and which is no doubt the Report of what they have endeavored reason why the eyesight of those into do during the year 1813, in order habitants, early becomes greatly ento give effect to the kind and benevo-feebled. It is with feelings of anxious lent assistance afforded them by the concern for the everlasting good of London Society, for printing, on stand- those numerous poor people, that the ing types, an edition of the Finnish Society contemplate a quarto edition, Bible, they feel it no less incumbent with proportionably larger letter-press, on them, to express, in the strongest as soon as it shall please God to enaterms, their warm and heartfelt grati|ble them to undertake this good and tude, for the further donation of 2001. || needful work. sterling, so opportunely presented to The Subscriptions and Collections this Society, and paid accordingly by towards the Bible-cause in this poor the Rev. Mr. Paterson in the course country, which but a few years ago, of last summer, with a view of being had been desolated by war and faexpended in the purchase of Swedish mine, have greatly exceeded the Bibles, for the supply of those parish-highest expectations of the Society. es in Finland, where the Swedish still For this, no doubt, you will join us continues to be the vernacular lan-in blessing God; inasmuch as it afguage.

What this Society has been enabled to do, in pursuit of this latter object, is related in the Report herewith transmitted; and it will ever give them the highest satisfaction to be made active instruments in the hands of God for spreading abroad an experimental knowledge of the Doctrine of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ; such only as it is revealed to us in its original purity in the Sacred Volume.

fords a decisive proof, that the prevalence of infidelity, of indifference to Divine things, and of a practical levity, not less destructive than either, has not extinguished, in the breast of this generally poor, but manly and industrious nation, an ardent love for the Word of God; and a pleasing hope that He will lift upon them the light of his reconciled countenance in Christ, and with temporal peace and quiet, grant them that peace of God which Notwithstanding the most diligent, passeth all understanding, and which judicious, and persevering zeal, mani-shall end in everlasting rest in a betfested at all times by the Rev. Mr.ter world. Paterson in the affairs of the Society at St. Petersburg; still the casting of the printing types proceeded at such a unexpected slow rate, as to have

On behalf of the Bible Society, (Signed) STEINHEIL, Governor General of Finland, Lieutenant General and Commande»

Knight of the Imperial Order of
St. Alexander Nevski, First Class;
and order of St. Anne, Frist
Class, &c. &c. President of the
Bible Society in Finland.

in Chief of the Army in Finland; these sentiments of humility and zeal, we ordain, on the present occasion, that throughout our whole Empire, every temple of God be opened; that in every church solemn thanksgiving be presented on bended knees, to the Maker and Disposer of things; and that all present tears of the warmest gratitude to Him for the unspeakable mercy shewn us. By the power of his Almighty Arm He hath drawn us out of great deeps, and placed us on the pinnacle of glory: What shall we render unto Him but tears of grati tude and joy!

The following Imperial Ukase, or Proclamation, was read at the General Meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Soceity, on Wednesday May 1814, by the Rev. Mr. Pinkerton, from Moscow, as evincing the lively interest which the Emperor Alexander takes in the cause of religion.



ALEXANDER. Given at the Head-Quarters, Carlsruhe, Dec. 6, O. S. 1813.

Beloved Subjects! A year is elapsed since we were called upon to return thanks to God for delivering our realms from the hands of cruel and On the 5th of Sept. last, a Moral So powerful enemies. Scarcely is the|ciety was formed in the town of Westpresent year expired, and already our moreland. It consists of upwards of a victorious banners are erected on the hundred members, and has evidently banks of the Rhine. Europe, which thus far, had a very beneficial effect was armed against us, is now volunta- in checking vice and in strengthening rily marching with us! All the nations the hands of the virtuous. which lie between Russia and France The object of this Society, is the follow our example; and, having unit-promotion of good morals, particulared their arms with ours, turn them a-ly to suppress Sabbath breaking, ingainst the oppressor of the nations.

temperance and profane language, and if necessary, to countenance and sup port Magistrates, and all other persons, in all prudent and lawful endeavours, to convict offenders against the statute laws of this state, for suppressing im morality; and that each member of the Society, shall so far as his exam ple, advice or authority avail, discour age vice of every discription.

So great a change upon earth could only have been effected by the special power of God. The destiny of nations and states rises and falls by the power of his Almighty arm. Who is powerful without Him? Who is strong and stable, unless by his will? Let us turn to Him with our whole heart and mind. Let us not be proud of our own deeds. Let us never imagine we are more than weak mortals. What are On Wednesday the 19th of Octowe? So long as the hand of God is ber last, the Rev. Noah Coe was inwith us, we are in possession of wis- stalled over the Presbyterian Church dom and might: but, without him, we and Society in New-Hartford, (Oneida are nothing. Let all the praise of man, county.) The Rev. Mr. Mills, of Litchtherefore, be silenced before Him-- field, presided, and made the concludLet each of us present the sacrifice of ing prayer. Rev. Mr. Clinton, of praise to Him to whom it is due. Lowville, made the introductory prayOur true glory and honor, is humility er. Rev. Mr. Snowden, the predecesbefore Him. We are convinced that sor of Mr. Coe, preached the sermon. each of our faithful subjects always Rev. Mr. Frost, of Whitesborough, feels this, and especially after so much gave the charge to the pastor, and Divine goodness has been poured out|| Rev. Mr. Dwight, of Utica, to the Soupon us. Animated, therefore, byciety.





JANUARY, 1815.


No. 7.

ministry, and, with that view, took much pains with his education. But on a discovery of his inclinations, as he advanced towards manhood, this object was relinquished, and he was edNo one of our venerable fathers is ucated for a merchant. In his youth better known in the histories of New-he was distinguished for sobriety, and England than the celebrated founder an uncommon diligence in business. of the colony of New-Haven. His tal-Such habits, united with a quick apents, his piety, his persevering zeal, his prehension, and a sound judgment, uncommon sacrifices for the establish- could hardly fail of commanding sucment of these colonies, will ever enti-cess in his pursuits. Settling in the tle him to the high veneration and city of London, he engaged in the grateful remembrance of posterity. East-India trade, and soon became a No men could have less inducements merchant of great credit. He became of a personal nature, to exchange the a member of the East-India Company, felicities of their situation in their na- and was chosen deputy governor of tive country for the perils of a wilder-the company. For several years, he ness, than Mr. Eaton and Mr. Hopkins. was agent for the King at the Court of But their zeal for the church of Christ Denmark. For his services and fidelwas paramount to every other consid-ity, he received testimonials of partic eration. Rather, God had now de-cular acknowledgment from the Eastsigned, in his adorable mercy, to es- India Company, and from the Datablish Christian settlements, and gos-nish King. pel churches in the American land.During the time in which Mr. Eaton Such instruments were necessary to was engaged in his mercantile puraccomplish this great design. He who suits, the settlement of the Massachuholds all hearts at his will, disposed setts colony was projected, on the them for the work. principles of religion, for the establishTheophilus Eaton was born at Strat-ment of Christian churches according ford in Oxfordshire, in the year 1590. to the precepts of the gospel. In this His father was the minister of the undertaking, Mr. Eaton cordially, enplace; but removed soon after and gaged, and afforded important assist became a minister in Coventry. Hel ance. He was one of the original there contracted, in his childhood, that || patentees of the colony, and at the orpeculiar friendship with Mr. Daven-ganization of the company in England, port, whose father was an eminent mer- he was chosen one of the Assistants. chant in the town, which continued He did not then design to remove to till their deaths. In Coventry, under America, but by his influence and his the care of an able father, Mr. Eaton property he afforded much assistance enjoyed the privilege of a good aca- in the prosecution of the arduous endemic education, which was very prof- terprize.-At that time Mr. Davenitably improved. His parents inten-port was a minister in London, highly ded this son for the work of the gospel esteemed and was very active in pr

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As a civilian, the views of Mr. Ea

moting the estabilshment of the New-sustained in his native country, joined England colonies. As Mr. Eaton en- with his talents and integrity, procured joyed the ministry of this companion him universal confidence. Indefatigaof his youth, as they were mutually ble in his labors, his care, his exertions, engaged for the spread of the gospel of his property, were always devoted salvation in parts of the earth which to the interests of the colony. His talhad long been the seat of paganism, ents, his disinterestedness, his devotion their friendship grew to an attachment to the public welfare, gave him an influnot to be broken. ence and a command of the minds of The persecution of the Non-con-men, which very few men have ever formists, which under the administra-possessed. Having engaged in this artion of Archbishop Laud, raged with duous work for the honor of God and increased vigor, rendered the situation the service of the church of Christ, the of those who scrupled to comply with consideration of personal convenience, the prescribed ceremonies peculiarly much less the temporary impulse of pounpleasant, if not highly dangerous.-pular applause could never influence Mr. Davenport was obliged to fly to his conduct. The tempests of adverHolland, and was absent about two sity could never divert his purpose, for years. After his return, the burden- he had cast anchor within the veil. some imposition of ecclesiastical rites continually increasing, he and a num-ton were, for his time, uncommonly ber of his friends. resolved to imitate liberal and extensive. He was the the faithful servants of Christ, who had most influential agent in establishing for his sake been made a spectacle unto the connection and union of the Colothe world, to angels, and to men. At nies of New-England, which laid the the hazard of all worldly good, they foundation of their permanent securiwould attempt the establishment of aty and increase. From the formation settlement, in the unoccupied wastes of this union in 1643, he was always of America, the chief object of which one of the commissioners till his death. should be the service and glory of God. He was ever attentive to all objects In this undertaking, Mr. Eaton cordial- which concerned the common welfare, ly engaged. A company was formed and perceived the true interests of the which was one of the most opulent and colonies with the most discerning judgrespectable that ever came to New ment. Great reliance was placed on England. They arrived at Boston in Mr. Eaton to guard the plantations athe summer of 1637, and the spring fol- gainst the encroachments of the Dutch lowing began the settlement and colo- from Hudson's River, and his vigilance ny of New-Haven. and prudence were equal to public expectation. I believe no man in the United Colonies possessed a greater weight of character than Governor Ea

Mr. Eaton was, at all times, the head and father of the colony. At the first General Election in 1639, he was chosen Governor, and was rechosen every || ton. year to his death, in 1657. The colo- As a magistrate, he was equalled by ny had too great a sense of his worth, very few of his time. A fact evincive and of their own interest, ever to enter- of this, is, the colony of New-Haven tain a thought of a change. Mr. Ea- was distinguished above all the others ton was eminently calculated to be for union, harmony, and internal tranthe leader of a colony. He possessed quility. This excellent magistrate ina large interest, the greater part of spired even the natives with such a which was brought to this country.-confidence in his justice and his ascenHe was thoroughly versed in business, dancy over his own people, that the and was always fruitful in expedients colony suffered very little from any of in times of unexpected difficulty and their hostile machinations. In his danger. The high character which he public administrations, he maintained

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