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Aaneras, the signification of, when
applied to Abel, iv, 132.
Lane, John Vincent, author of Fiat
lux, 25.


Last days, their true import, ii, 5.
Laud, Archbishop, his imposition of
superstitious rites on the universi-
ty of Oxford, i, 13.
Law, the different parts of it, i, 142.
Moral, cannot justify us, ib.
sacrifices, cannot, 143, 144.
wherein it agrees with, and dif-
fers from the gospel, ii, 4.
-how abrogated, iii, 365.
-terror attending the promulga-
tion of the, iv, 386.
Letter, a peace-making one, i, 39.
To Sir John Hartop, 40.

Levi, Mr. David, a letter to him, i,

Life of Christ in heaven threefold,
iii, 400.

Lindanus, an observation of his on

the authority of the Scriptures,

i, 51.

Lipman, his thought of Adam's sin,
i, 124.

Λίγος του Θεου, remarks on, ii, 54.
Love of Christ in delivering us from
sin, ii, 58. Of God, how admira-
able, 193. Of Christ, how great,

-of Christ, contemplation of the,
iii, 66. Its excellence, 195, 218.
Among believers, a fruit of the
spirit of holiness, 197. Cautions
against the hinderances of it, 202.
The most powerful oppositions to
it, 204. Its great trial, 227.
-brotherly, recommended and en-
joined, iv, 402.

Lovelace, Lord, Dr. Owen his chap-
lain, i, 14.

Luke, St. supposed by 'some, to be
the author of the Epistle to the
Hebrews, i, 71:


Marchir, Rabbi, a saying of, i, 280.
Maimonides, his notion of the Mes-
siah and his kingdom, 186.

-a saying of, ii, 17.

Man, made for eternity, ii, 108.
Manesse Ben Israel, Rabbi, his ac-
count of original sin, i, 127. His
opinion of the anointed cut off, 229.
The opinion of about the Messiah's
reign, 187.

Mardave, the import of, iii, 63.
Marriage, what, honorable, iv, 413.
Massora, what, i, 106.

Means, are sometimes given without
effectual grace, ii, 389.
Mediator, the difference between
such and a surety, iii, 381. His
office, 462. A definition of the
term, ib.
Melchisedec, was the first priest, i,
301. Was a sacrificer, ib.

-and his priesthood, iii, 272.
Whether a mere man, 273. His
descent not recorded, why, 292.
Wherein typical of Christ, 295.
Menahem, Rabbi, a remarkable say-
ing of, concerning the sin of Adam,
i, 124.

Merchants, Solomon's, ii, 289.
Mercy, that it hinders the exercise of
justice, confuted, i, 344. And
justice, properties of the Divine
nature, 349.

Messiah the first promise of the, i,
145. But a few times denotes the
promised seed in the Old Testa-
ment, 153. Frequently occurs in
the Targums, 154. Why called
an angel, 173. Truths spoken of
him mysterious, yet reconciled,
178. Ben Joseph, or Ephraim, his
story a talmudical romance, 181.
Ben David, ib. A Jewish tradi.
tion about his suffering, 182, 25.
One expected as a deliverer by the
Jews, 183. Maimonides's notion
of the, and of his kingdom, 186
A sum of the Jewish creed con-
cerning him, 187, 193 His com-
ing determined by the prophecy of
Jacob, 196; of Haggai, 205; of Mal-
achi, 216; of Daniel, 218. The
Jews tradition about the time of
his birth, 251. That he came
within the limited time, 258.
That no other during that season
came, 259.

Method, its advantage, i. 5.
Merate, the signification of, iii.


Michael, Mr. Dr. Owen's father-in
law, i, 38.

Milton, his description of hell,
iv. 359.

Ministers, of the Word, to guard
against negligence, ii. 30. Their
honor, whence, 310. Unfaithful,
worthy of contempt, 312. The
greatest but servants, 332.

their desire to profit their
people, iii. 209. Their duty, 218.
Their maintenance, 309.
Mirandus Picus, his observation on
the excellency of the scriptures,
i, 63.

Mishna, what, i, 110.

Monica, St. Austin's mother, how
she discerned Divine revelation,
i, 85.

Movcevs, its import, ii, 77.
Morality, not enough for a Chris-
tian, ii, 57.

Moses, the prophet, his privileges
above other prophets, ii, 11. The
glory of, wherein it consisted, 121.

the body of, what signified
thereby, iii, 458.

his parents' faith, iv, 224.
The means of his attaining the
knowledge of his descent, 229.
The faith and choice of, 230. His
faith in forsaking Egypt, 238.
Mysteries require an attentive con-
sideration, ii, 288. The scrip-
ture an inexhaustible repository
of, 516. Means for understanding
them, 517.

in scripture, require our dili.
gence, iii, 81. Should be insisted
on by ministers, 81, 143. An ap.
petite for them, 105.


Nachman, Rabbi Moses Bar, his
Exposition, i, 173. His appre.
hension of the Messiah, 174.
Nazarenes and Ebionites, strictures
on the, i, 397.
Noah, how he condemned the
world, iv, 152. How he became

an heir of righteousness, ib.

Oath of God, engaged against unbe.
lief, ii, 459.

Oath, solemn, lawful, iii, 244.
Obedience, formal reason of, ii, 351.
Stable and permanent foundation
thereof, 352.

of Christ, what, iii, 61.
When acceptable, 67. A practi-
cal experience of, ib.

blind, iv, 206.
Occumenius, his reason for sup-
posing that Paul was not the au-
thor of the Epistle to the He-
brews, confuted, i, 74.
Offering of Christ inseparable from
his suffering, iii, 648.
Offices of Christ, their efficacy de-
pend on his dignity, iii, 600.
Old Testament examples, their use,
ii, 355.

Onkelos, his explication of Jacob's
prophecy, i, 203.

Only begotten its genuine import
in reference to Christ, ii, 68.
Opinions, human, insufficient guides,
i, 387. Diversity of, 304. How
to avoid erroneous ones, 395.
Origen supposed Luke to be the
author of the Epistle to the He-
brews, i, 70. An observation of
his concerning the necessity of
the incarnation of the Son of God,

Owen, Lewis, Dr. Owen's ancestor,
some account of him, i, 10. Note.
Henry, Dr. Owen's father, his
character, 11. Note. Dr. his char-
acter in brief by Mr. Hervey,

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Payne, Mr. his conversation with
Dr. Owen, i, 36.

Penalties annexed to the gospel, a
motive to value it, ii, 153.
People of God, remarks on the
phrase, ii, 530.

Perfection of church state and wor-

ship, wherein it consists, iii, 331.
Perfections of the Deity, all belong
to the person of Christ, ii, 50,
Perseverance of the saints, charac-
ter of Dr, Owen's book so called,
i, 24.

Persian empire, continuance of it,
i, 233.
Person of Christ, the glory of it, ii,
50. As incarnate, 52.

importance of faith in the,

iii, 309.
Personal transactions in the Holy
Trinity, i, 309. Distinctions in
God, 317.

Petavius, his computation of Dan-
iel's weeks, i, 236.

Peter, the apostle, his testimony for
the epistle to the Hebrews being
written by St. Paul, i, 82.
Phaeton, who compared to, ii, 304.
Philo, the supposed author of the
Wisdom of Solomon, i, 67. His
perplexity in accounting for God
speaking of himself in the plural
number, 312.

Pilgrimage, what constitutes it, iv,

Пoavugas, its import considered, ii, 7.
Poverty, remarks on, iii, 226.
Prayer, a Jewish one, i, 143.
Preaching, ought to be seasonable,
iii, 128.
And diligently attended
to, 177.
Prejudices of the Jews obviated by
St. Paul, ii, 11.

Пger, its import as applied to God,
ii, 204.

Priest, the signification of the term,

i, 300. Every proper is ordained
to act for other men, 304.
Priesthood, the importance of it, i,
299. And sacrifice, indissolubly
related, 303. Of Christ, the ne-
cessity of it, 338.

of Christ, a great encourage.
ment to believers, ii, 574.

change of the, iii, 347. Of
Christ, its perpetuity, how im-
portant, 396.

Priestly, Dr. a letter to, i, 383.
What he thinks a good guide for
discovering the true sense of
scripture, 386. His method she wn
to be fallacious, ib. A singular
declaration of his, 395. Animad-
verted on, 395. His charge against
St. Paul answered, 397.
Priestly office, its glory depended
on the exaltation of Christ, iii,

Priests, high, their number under
the law, iii, 393. Remarks on
those under the law and gospel,

Principles, first, what, iii, 97.
Privileges, the disposal of, entirely
with God, iii, 500.
Profaneness, observations on, iv,344.

Professors, barren, righteous in
God to deliver them up, iii, 184.
Progress in knowledge, why neces-
sary, iii, 130.

Promise of the Messiah, under the
notion of a covenant, i, 98.

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how a general and eternal rule,
iii, 470.

Promises, the mistake of the Jews
in regard to them, i, 97. How
to be interpreted, 283. All of
them consistent with the Chris-
tian religion, 287.

- it is of great consequence to
have them left us, ii, 475. The
failure of men doth not make
them to cease, 476. The faithful-
ness of God in them not to be
measured by the faith or obedi-
ence of men, 508. Observations
on the, 509.

delayed, a great exercise to
faith, iv, 110.

Properties of God in Christ, a mat-
ter of consolation to believers, ii,

Prophet, the Messiah promised to
be one, i, 272. The character
belongs to Jesus, 273.

Christ, a greater than Mo-
ses, ii, 10.
Prophets, how proved to be such,
i, 69.

Пporex, its meaning, ii, 140.
Пpoonure, its acceptations, ii, 76.
Providence, the works of instruc-
tive, ii, 385, their end, 388.
Prudence, to be used by the dis-

pensers of the gospel, ii, 286.
Punishments, the effects of vindic-
tive justice, ii, 158. No place
will secure us against, 383.
Purgatory, an invention of Satan,
iii, 182.

Purification, how applied to heaven-
ly things. iii, 638.

Puritans, the principal writers of
the, briefly characterized by Mr.
Hervey, i, 34. Note.

Purpose of God in salvation, its
wisdom, iii, 261. Consistent with
general offers, 264,

Quintilian, his remarks on prosopo
peias, i, 319.


Rabbins, a saying concerning their
authority, i, 181.

Rainbow, Bishop, against the con-
venticle bill, i, 31.

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Redemption, the sovereignty of, 263.
Redemption, what included therein,
iii, 584.

Repentance, its nature, iii, 110. Its
necessity, 134.

Rest of God, what, ii, 465. Where-
in it consists, 467. Entering into,
what, 487. How it both precedes
and follows work, 499. The day
of, altered under the gospel, 538.
All true, only in Christ, 523.
Rests, the nature of several explain.
ed, ii, 491.

Resurrection, how a fundamental
principle, iii, 140.
Revelation, is eminently from the
Father, ii, 26. Gradual, a fruit
of Divine wisdom, 30. Of the
Gospel, its perfection, 32. What
a powerful motive to attend to it,


Reynolds, Bishop, succeeds Dr.

Owen in his deanery, i, 25.
Righteousness of God, what, i, 339.
Requires the punishment of sin,

Roman church, not the proposer of
canonical authority, i, 53.
Rulers, church obedience to, en-
joined, iv, 416.


Sabbath, doctrine of the, discussed,
ii, 529. Evangelical, first day of
the week, 539.

Sacraments, their use, iii, 458.
Sacrifices, their nature and end,
i, 306.

Salvation, impossible, but by the
self-sacrifice of Christ, ii, 56. The
gospel, how a great one, 105.

Schurman, Anna Maria, Dr. Owen's
correspondence with her, i, 35.
Scripture, every thing in it instruc.
tive, ii, 39, 445. Compared with
itself, 96. A firm ground of faith
and divine worship, 504. Direc.
tions to search it for our advan-
tage, 517.

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the proper way of interpre
ting, iv, 186.
Scripturists, who, i, 117.
Seasons, special, how to be observed
and improved, ii, 358.
Selucida, the time of their reign in
Syria, i, 235.

Self-denial, the foundation of sin-
cere profession, iv, 161.
Self-examination, the duty of all pro-
fessors, iii, 224.

Sepher Ikkarin, remarkable words
in, i, 272.

Shilo, the term explained, i, 199.
Proved to be the Messiah, 202.
Simeon, the son of Hillel, why the
latter Jews exclude him from
their roll, i, 109.
Sin and punishment entering the
world, i, 122. The immediate
effects of it, ib. The imputation



of it held by some of the Jews,
125. Original, variously called
by the Jews, 126. How long it
continues, 127. Could not be par-
doned without satisfaction, 345.
- its real demerit, ii, 160. Its hor-
rid nature, 253. Its aggravation
from the multitude joining, 370.
No place can ward off, 383. Per-
sisted in, its aggravation, 395.
How to administer an antidote
against, 418.

degrees of, iii, 18.
its gall and poison,

what, iv, 84.
How to form a right judgment of
its demerit, 89.

The mortifica-
tion of, the best preparation for
trials, 296.

Salus electorum, its character, i, 19. Sinai, why chosen for the promul.

in what sense is Christ the
author of, iii, 72. In what sense
eternal, 73.
Sanctification, its necessity, ii, 241.
Satan, the curse after the fali re.
spects him principally, i, 150.

his power over death, what,
and wherein it consisteth, ii, 250.
Scaliger, his account of Daniel's
weeks, i, 242.

gation of the law iv, 356.
Sinners, subject to death as it is
penal, ii, 253. Exemplary, made
exemplary in punishment, 453.
Sion, believers come to, iv, 368.
Skilfulness in the word of righteous-
ness, what, iii, 101.
Slothfulness, in hearing the word,
iii, 3, 213. Its ruinous tenden-
cy, 2.0.

Schlictingius, a gloss of, refuted, Smalcius Valentinus, i, 24.

iv, 428.

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Socinian notion of Christ being
taken to heaven, ii, 13.

notion of Christ's oblation,
refuted, iii, 580. Of his redemp.
tion, 586.

conjecture refuted, iv, 30.
Socinians, their exposition of Christ
making the worlds, ii, 23. Their
Cavils against the glory of Christ,
A false gloss of
refuted, 101.
theirs refuted, 261.

deny an expiatory sacrifice,
iii, 56. Their notion of Christ's
intercession, disproved, 401. Of-
fer violence to common sense, 584.
Socinus, his doctrine relative to
justice and mercy, refuted, i, 348.
Against Christ undergoing the
penalty due to us, refuted, 350.
Socinus, his impious assertion, that
Christ was offered for himself,
disproved, iii, 423; that there was
no promise of life under the Old
Testament, disproved, 479.
Solifidians, who, iii, 225.
Son of God, often appeared to the
Patriarchs, i, 171.

- of God, his excellency and glory,
ii, 17. His eternal generation, 51.
A signal name appropriated to
Christ, 67. Only begotten, 77.
Of God, what is understood there-
by, 578.
Song, one used by the Jews on the

evening of the sabbath, i, 159.
Sovereignty of God in making dif-
ference among believers, ii, 312.
Spanhemius, his confutation of Ca-
mero, i, 72.
Sprinkling, a

Divinely instituted
sign of covenant benefits commu.
nicated, iii, 628.

blood of why so called, iv,
Sufferings of Christ, how necessa-
ry, ii, 211. For the gospel, how
honorable, 227; profitable and
safe, 228.

of Christ, the general causes
of them, iii, 44. Their effects, 45.
Instructive, when according to
God's will, 69. God's love pre-
vents not his people to undergo
them, 69.

Syrian account of the Grecian em-
pire, i, 234.


Tabernacle, Christ the true, iil,
441, Structure and furniture of
the, explained, 510.
Tacitus, his testimony about the
time of Christ's death, i, 259.
Talmud, Jerusalem, compiled by
Rabbi Johannan, i, 111. Babylo-
nian, by Rabbi Asa, ib. Contents
of the, ib.

Targums, the import of the phrase
"the Word of God," in the i, 163.
Teaching, what sort of, under the
Old Testamen', iii, 515. Obser-
vations on, 523.


its signification explained,

ii, 138.

Taos, its import, iii, 331.
Temple, the glory of the second,
what, i, 210.

Temptations, their danger and re-
lief, ii, 276.

Testament, how distinguished from
a covenant, iii, 615. New, where.
in like those of men, 618. Where-
in unlike, ib.

Theodoret, his remark concerning
mos regis, i, 312.

μa, Dr. Owen's book so
calied 1, 25.

ecs, remarks on, ii, 192.
Threatenings, evangelical, ii, 134.
Of God, their stability, 169.
Tithes, whether necessary by the
light of nature, iii, 287.*
Travail of the Redeemer's soul, ob-
servations on, iii, 52.

Trinity, personal transactions con-
cerning man in the, i, 309.
Types, remarks on the, ii, 71, 355:


Vindicia evangelicæ, its character,
i, 24.

Virgin, the term vindicated against
the exceptions of the Jews, i, 269.
Unbelief, in a time of trial a pro-
voking sin, ii, 373. When it riseth
to its height, 376. A tempting
of God, when, 381. Negative and
privative, 403. How it operates;
407 The root of backslidings,
415. All, accompanied with re-
bellion, 457. Glorifies the great.
est severities of God, 458.
oath of God engaged against it,
459. Observations on,
Christ the,
the great danger of, iv; 254.

Suretiship of Christ, the security of
the new covenant, iii, 390.
Surety differs from a Mediator, iii,
381. What, 385.

of the new covenant, how, 386.

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