22 tes dear Mothe DIATESSARON, - OR Elizabeth Molyneun Mor mouth. THE HISTORY Dec. 1808 OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, COMPILED FROM THE FOUR GOSPELS, ACCORDING TO THE AUTHORIZED ENGLISH VERSION, WITH BRIEF NOTES, PRACTICAL AND EXPLANATORY; TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED A MAP OF THE HOLY LAND, AND AN INTRODUCTION. BY THE REV. T. THIRLWALL, M. A. EDITOR OF THE LATIN DIATESSARON LATELY PUBLISHED, ILLUSTRATED WITH TWO ENGRAVINGS. London : Printed for J. SPRAGG, No. 16, King-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. ASPERNE, Cornhill. PREFACE. THE very flattering approbation which a candid public has been pleased to bestow on my LATIN DIATESSARON,* calls for my grateful acknowledgment; and encourages me to hope, that the same work, now presented in an English dress, will appear not less interesting and instructive. † It is a translation of the Diatessaron, lately published by the Rev. J. WHITE, S. T. P. Professor of Arabic in the University of Oxford. On the distinguished merits of the design and execution of his work, it does not become me to enlarge, after the honourable testimonies it has received from the Universities, the most eminent Divines, and its general adoption in respectable seminaries of education. How far the history of our Lord, if executed with care and diligence, upon this plan, in our vernacular tongue, may promote the interests of religion, and be read with advantage in families and schools, is with deference submitted to the judgment and experience of parents and instructors of youth. If however it be a primary duty we owe the rising generation, to sow the seeds of piety and virtue in their infancy, to imbue their tender minds with sacred knowledge, and initiate them in "the things concerning the kingdom of God;" the * This word is borrowed from the Greek δια τεσσαρων [Ευαγγελιων] and in its present application imports the history of our Lord, compiled from the FOUR Gospels. † See the preface to the Latin work, |