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of it; i.e. equal to 13 Roman pound; and 100 drachmae make one mina. Consequently a talent has 60 minae or 6000 drachmae. The same names and proportions occur in the Greek coins. The most common silver coin, which forms the unit in calculations, is the drachma (which is worth 6 oboli). It varies very much in weight, according to the different places and times, but in general it is considered equal to the Roman denarius. The Attic drachma, however, is somewhat better than the Roman denarius. (See Böckh, The Public Econom. of Athens, chap. 4. 2d edit. Engl. transl.) When compared with Roman money, a mina is equal to 4 aurei, and a talent to 240 aurei, or to 24,000 sestertii.


[§ 875.] 5. The basis of Roman measures is the foot, pes, which, according to the most accurate calculations of modern scholars, contained 131 Paris lines, 144 of which make a Paris foot. The Roman foot is divided either, according to the general fractional system, into 12 unciae, or into 16 digiti (Sáκтvλo). measures are: semipes, foot; palmus, foot or 4 digiti, i. e. the breadth of a hand (waλaior), but in later times, and even down to the present day in Italy, the name palmus is transferred to the length of a span, and is equal to of a foot. Greater measures are: palmipes, a foot and a palmus, i. e. 1 foot; cubitus (Txus), 1 foot; passus, a pace, or 5 feet; actus, 120 feet, or 12 decempedae. The Greek stadium has 600 Greek and 625 Roman feet; 40 stadia are somewhat more than a geographical mile. On the Roman roads mile-stones were erected at intervals of 1000 passus, and such a Roman mile of 5000 feet contains 8 stadia, amounting to very little more than of a geographical mile, whereas a modern Italian mile is of a geographical one. 14 A Gallic leuca is 1 Roman mile. From leuca the French liene is formed, but the Franks assigned to it the length of 3 Roman miles.

[§ 876.] A jugerum is a square measure of 240 feet in length, and 120 in breadth, that is 28,800 Roman square feet.

Roman cubic measures for fluids are: the amphora or quadrantal, i. e. a Roman cubic foot; it contains 2 urnae, 8 congii, 48 sextari, 96 heminae, 192 quartarii, and 576 cyathi. There is only one larger measure, viz., the culeus, containing 20 amphorae. Greek cubic measures are: the metretes or cadus, equal to 1 amphora; it is divided into 12 xoûs, and 144 KOTÚλai, so that

one KOTÚŋ is half a sextarius. An amphora of water or wine is said to weigh 80 Roman pounds, and consequently a congius would weigh 10, and a sextarius 13. As the sextarius, being the most common measure, contains 12 cyathi, these twelfths are denominated, like the 12 unciae of an as, according to the common fractional system, e. g. sextans, quadrans, triens vini, for ,,of a sextarius.


Dry substances were chiefly measured by the modius, which is the third of an amphora, and accordingly contains 16 sextarü: 6 modii make a Greek medimnus. Respecting this whole subject the reader is referred to the excellent work of Joh. Fr. Wurm, De Ponderum, Nummorum, Mensurarum ac de Anni ordinandi Rationibus apud Romanos et Graecos, Stuttgardiae, 1821. 8vo.



[§ 877.] MANY words and terminations of frequent occurrence are abridged in ancient MSS. as well as in books printed at an early time; e. g. atque is written atq3, per p; the termination us is indicated by 9, as in quib?, non by ñ, and m and n are frequently indicated by an horizontal line over the preceding vowel. Such abbreviations are no longer used in books, and whoever finds them in MSS. or early prints, may easily discover their meaning with the assistance of a modern text. Praenomina, however, and certain political words, i. e. names of offices and dignities, are still abridged in modern editions. We shall subjoin a list of those which occur most frequently, for the assisttance of beginners.

A. Aulus.
Ap. Appius.

1. Praenomina.

C. or G. Gajus.
Cn. or Gn. Gnaeus.

[blocks in formation]

Coss. Consules, or Consulibus. Pont. Max. Pontifex Max

[blocks in formation]

1. c. or 1. 1. loco citato or loco scil. scilicet.

[blocks in formation]

Q. D. B. V. Quod deus bene vid. vide or videatur.

[blocks in formation]


The numbers indicate the paragraphs in brackets.

[blocks in formation]

ablative, with passive verbs, 451. Abla-
tivus instrumenti, 455. Ablativus cau-
salis, 452. Paraphrased by the partic.
perf. passive, 454. 719. Ablative de-
noting price or value, 456. Ablat.
denoting in regard to, 457. Ablat.
with verbs denoting abundance or
want, 460. Ablat. with the adject.
full and empty, 462. Ablat. of quality,
471. Ablativus modi, 472. Ablat.
denoting the time when? 475. Ablat.
denoting how long before or after?
476. foll. Ablat. in answer to the
question, "how long before the pre-
sent time?" 478. To the question,
"in what time?" 479. Ablat. de-
noting duration of time, 396. Ablat.
of place, 481. Ablat. in poetry and
prose instead of er or a with the
ablat., 481, 482. Ablat. with com-
paratives, 483.

Ablat. of measure,
488. Ablat. absolute, 640. foll.;
formed with the partic. fut., 643.
Ablat. absolute in passive construc.
tions has no reference to the subject,
640. Ablatives absolute, of which the
subject occurs in the leading propo-
sition, are rare, 641. Ablat. of the
partic. perf. pass. as ablat. absolute,


Ablat. absolute as an adverb
Ablat. of the gerund denoting
instrumentality, 667. Ablat. of the
gerund with ab, de, ex, in, pro, 667.
abscissum and abscisum, 189.

absolvere, with the genit., 446.

abstinere, 145.; construction, 468.

abstract nouns used for concrete ones,

abundare, construction of, 460.

abunde, 267.; with the genitive, 432.
ac, use of, 332. foll.; instead of диат,
Ac and atque after aeque, juxta,
&c., 340.


[blocks in formation]

accipere, with the participle future, 653.
accusare, with the genit., 446.
accusative, 382.; with intransit. verbs,
383-386.; with impersonal verbs,
390. Accusativus Graecus, 458.; the
same in prose, 459. Accus. denoting
space and time, 395. Accus. in an-
swer to the question, “how long be-
fore the present time?" 478. Accus.
without a preposition in poetry, 401.
Accus. in exclamations, 402. Accus.
with prepositions, 404.; with the
verbs of remembering and reminding,
&c., 439, 440. Accus. of the subject
in the construction of the accus. with
the infinit., 605. Accus, with neuter
verbs indicating a particular part, 458.
Accus. to denote dress, 458. Accus.
in relative clauses with the accus. with
the infinit., 774. Accus. of the ge-
rund, 666.

accusative with the infinit, as subject or

object, 600.; as nominat. of the pre-
dicate, 600. note; with the verbs of
saying, declaring, &c., 602.; after re-
lative pronouns and conjunctions, in-
stead of the subjunctive, 603.; used
as an exclamation or a question ex-

PP 4

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