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of Pherai,

Alexikles, 234

Alexios Komnenos, 360

Alkibiades, 183, 191, 198, 218, 225, 233,
240, 244, 257, 269

Alkidas, 157

Alkmaionidai, 34, 40, 79

Amasis, 58, 62

Ambrakiots, 163

Amompharetos, 115

Amphiktyonia, 11, 311

Amphipolis, 130, 139, 175, 187
Amyntas, 314

Anaxibios, 277
Anopaia, 91

Antalkidas, peace of, 299
Antigonos, 356


Antipatros, 352

Antiphon, 228, 230, 234
Anytos, 242, 282

Aristotle, 339

Artabanos, 82, 84

Artabazos, 108, 117

Artaphernes, 68, 73, 75

Artaxerxes, 133, 269, 295

Artemisia, 105

Artemision, 93

Aspasia, 151

Astyochos, 222
Athenagoras, 194

Athenian constitution, 35, 41
empire, 120, 129

Athenians, in time of Solon, 35; send
an embassy to ask for an alliance
with the Persian king, 45; vic-
torious at Salamis, 101; at Plataia,
114; and My kalê, 120; defeated
at Tanagra, 132; victorious at
Oinophyta, 132; evacuate Boiotia
after their defeat at Koroneia, 133;
not chargeable with bringing about
the Peloponnesian war, 145; mas-
sacre the Melians, 187; lose their
fleet and army in Sicily, 215; vic-
torious at Kynossema, 239; at Ky-
zikos, 241; and at Argennoussai,

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Skedasos, 308
Skiônê, 176
Slavery, 223

Smerdis, 59

Social War, 321

Sokrates, 183, 253, 265, 282

the Achaian, 274

Solon, 35

Sophainetos, 274
Sosikles, 46

Sparta, constitution of, 14
Spartans, summon Hippias to a con-
gress of their allies, 46; intreat the
Athenians to stand firm against
Mardonios, 110; make a secret
treaty with the Thasians against
Athens, 130, 139; promise the Poti-
daians to invade Attica, 142; make
overtures to the Persian king, 218;
fortify Dekeleia, 207; make a treaty
with the Persians, 221; break up
the city of Mantineia, 301; appeal to
Athens for aid against Epameinon-
das, 313
Sphakteria, 164
Sphodrias, 304
Stageiros, 30, 175

Sthenelaïdas, 144

Stilichon, 359

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Taras, 27, 64

Tarentum [Taras]

Tearless Battle, 315

Teleutias, 299

Tempe, 87, 90

Ten Thousand, the Cyreian, 264
Thasos, 130, 229

Theagenes of Megara, 34

Thebans at Thermopylai, 98; at Pla-
taia, 118

Thebes, 12; destruction of, 341

Themistokles, 76, 87, 89, 101, 121, 125-

Theôrikon, or Theoric fund, 327
Theramenes, 228, 234, 249, 266
Thermopylai, 91

Thersandros, 112

Theseus, 33

Thessalians, 12

Thimbron, 291

Thirty Years' Truce, 134

Thirty Tyrants, the, at Athens, 265
Thoukydides, son of Melesias, 137
Thousand Regiment at Argos, 186

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