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eligible for answering this indication. He begins with the dif charge by perfpiration.

Perfpiration in fome degree, he obferves, is common to every kind of small-pox, particularly in the period of eruption; commencing generally with the eruptive fever, or foon after it. It is infenfible in the mild kind, copious in the contiguous, and, for the most part, moderate in the confluent, especially if diarrhoea occurs. When perfpiration is altogether wanting, the fever and other symptoms are more violent, and the crop of fmall-pox more numerous; an evident proof that it contains a portion of the contagious fluids. Our author observes, that if gentle perfpiration does not occur after bleeding, in this early Itage of the difeafe, it affords an unfavourable prognofis, and, with other circumstances, points out the neceffity of more blood being taken away. In this case, a few grains of James's powder, according to the age and habit of the patient, or other antimonial preparation, in small naufeating doses, may be given at proper intervals with good effect. The medicine which Dr. Walker has found to be more certain and effectual than any other, for an adult in this cafe, is the faline julep, with the proportion of one-eighth of a grain of emetic tartar to the dofe (two table-fpoonfuls, or one ounce), given once in two or three hours, according to circumftances. But however falutary this excretion may be, in carrying off a part of the contagious fluids, yet, as it feldom continues longer than the complete eruption of the puftules, our author thinks that little dependence can be placed upon it, for giving any effectual relief to the patient, by dif charging fuch an accumulated load of contagious matters as are generated in the system.

Dr. Walker next confiders the falivary discharge, which occurs in all bad cafes of fmall-pox, and is generally, though not always, connected with fwelling of the head, face, and fauces. By medical writers the ptyalifm is ufually regarded as a favourable fymptom; Sydenham confiders it even a neceflary discharge, which ought to be promoted and kept up. Dr. Walker, however, is firmly perfuaded that it is merely the effect of an extenfive affimilation; and that the excefs of the contagious fluids may be more advantageoufly reduced by diverting them into another channel. For the ptyalifm being commonly accompanied, as before obferved, with tumefaction of the head, face, and fauces, there enfues not only an increase of cephallagia and delirium, but an almost infuperable impediment to the fwallowing of drink, and even a danger of suffocation.

Our author observes that the continuance of fever, after the complete eruption of the puftules, plainly fhews the presence of the irritating caufe in the fyftem; but if, in the commencement


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of the difeafe, a reduction of the proximate caufe can be obtained by diminishing the excefs of the contagious fluids, the fever will be moderated, and of course the impetus upon the veffels of the head will be confiderably weakened, the falivation will proceed more equably and moderately, and the morbid faliva continue in a fluid ftate. On the contrary, if the quantity of contagious fluids is not reduced, the fever goes on even after the eruption is completed, with very little abatement, and the faucial glands being incapable of fecreting the faliva in proportion to the quantity of fluids hurried on to these organs, a very flow circulation, or a total ftagnation, muft neceffarily follow, by which they are thickened, and rendered more unfit for fecretion. Dr. Walker therefore concludes that, though ptyalism is a resource of nature to free herself from an excess of contagious fluids, and though this fecretion evidently tends to diminish fome part of them, yet the manifeft danger that attends it in every bad cafe of small-pox, does more than counterbalance any advantage that can be acquired by supporing it.

While our author maintains, however, that ptyalism, confidering the inconveniencies and danger which attend it, is not the moft eligible way of discharging the contagious fluids, he means not to recommend any undue refiftance to that evacuation, where it has already commenced. On the contrary, he specifies the means of promoting it in cafes of particular exigency.

The effects of the urinary discharge come next under our author's confideration. He obferves that, in every cafe of extensive affimilation, or where the vital fluid is strongly impregnated with contagious matters, the different fluids, fecreted from it, will more or less partake of its peculiar quality. On which account it is of importance to promote the urinary discharge through the whole progrefs of the small-pox, but efpecially in its firft ftages; though we cannot, in the opinion of our author, expect from it any confiderable reduction of the proximate caufe.

The remaining evacuation, the effects of which our author examines, is that of diarrhoea; which, as it forms the basis of the doctrine inculcated throughout the work, he appears particularly folicitous to establish upon the firmeft foundation. In general, the various teftimonies which he adduces from writers on this fubject, tend to fhew that phyficians have proceeded with great caution in the use of purgatives in the small-pox; while fome have even entertained the opinion, that, in this difease, any recourfe to them was accompanied with danger. This caution of fome, and timidity of others, our author afcribes to their not having a diftinct view of the proximate cause of the diftemper; and he remarks that the fuccessful examples which


occur in authors, of fuch treatment, though not founded on any juft principle, are fufficient to fortify the mind against the dread of purging in the worst cafes of small-pox.

In the tenth chapter our author proceeds to the treatment of inflammatory fmall-pox, under which head are comprehended both the contiguous and fimple confluent kinds of the difeafe.` But before he enters upon this part of his subject, he premises a fhort account of the reasons which induced him to adopt the method of cure fo ftrongly recommended in the prefent work. He had found that in treating the various kinds of bad fmall-pox, with all the advantages of the cool regimen, befides evacuation, by bleeding, and a laxative clyfter from time to time, he never was fenfible, by the ftricteft attention to this regimen, of the crop of fmall-pox being leffened; for the puftules were often as numerous as the fkin would admit of, with little or no remiffion of the eruptive fever. After many disappointments, obfervation at last taught him what was farther neceffary to render more complete the fuccefs of the cool regimen in this difeafe. In every cafe of fmall-pox, where the diarrhoea was confiderable, efpecially if it appeared early, he observed. not only the puftules to be lefs numerous, but the fever and other symptoms more moderate, particularly the fwelling of the head. This led him, in all cafes where the fymptoms indicated an extensive affimilation, and an highly inflammatory difeafe, to fubftitute early purging where no diarrhoea occurred. By this means the eruptive fymptoms were moderated, and the determination of the contagious fluids, both to the head and furface, greatly reftrained. The good effects of the purging courfe, he tells us, frequently did not appear fo obvious at firft, in many bad cafes, where the eruptive symptoms were violent; but fooner or later its efficacy became manifeft, and he was fully convinced that the early ufe of purgatives, in the worft cafes of the disease, by accidental infection, was much more pertinent than in the benign kinds of fmall-pox: in the former, its good effects were fooner or later visible; in the latter, often hurtful.

Dr. Walker having thus afcertained, from his own experience, the advantage of early purging, proceeds to answer some objections which may be made to this method of cure. His reafoning, through the whole, is acute and ingenious, tending ftrongly to confirm the theory, already exhibited, of the dif eafe. But the juftness of it derives a much more fatisfactory confirmation from the various cafes and practical remarks with which he supports it in delineating the treatment of the putrid and crystalline kinds of fmall-pox, which he profecutes at confiderable length, and with much judicious observation.

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The fubfequent, chapter is allotted to the treatment of particular symptoms, viz. fwelling of the head, face, and fauces; cephalalgia, delirium, coma, phrenitis, angina, dyspnoea, pain in the region of the ftomach, lumbago, fwelling of the hands, fuppreffion of urine, and convulfive fits. The treatment of thefe various symptoms is intelligently and ufefully detailed; and, in general, befides other means of cure, an attention to early purging is mentioned as highly advantageous.

In our next number we propose to conclude what farther we have to obferve on the work before us.

ART. XV. Chaubert; or, The Mifanthrope: a Tragic Drama. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Cadell. London, 1789.


HE modeft author of this maiden production pleads very hard for mercy, and acknowledges his piece is unfit for representation, which he imputes to the nature of the fable; complains much of the difficulty he found in compreffing fcenes of fo great a length of time, even into the ftate in which they now appear; and after obferving that neither the unities of time or place are obferved, tells us that the deficiency in incident and effect arifing from the conftitution of the ftory, prevents the thoughts of its ever paffing beyond the limits of the closet.

We would wish this young gentleman to recollect that he is as much an offender for choofing a fable he could make fo little of, as he would have been for ill-managing a good one.

-Cui lecta potenter erit res

Nec facundia deferit hunc nec lucidus ordo.

But our author has more to plead :

There remains fomewhat to be offered in extenuation of the many faults that will here be confpicuous; it is a first and a juvenile production; it was compofed under many and unavoidable difadvantages-only during the interval of neceffary duties, and for the fhort space of an hour at a time; interrupted by continued circumftances, and confused by numberless dillractions; amidst the chat of females, the noise of children, and the thrummings of a harpfichord."

As we are unacquainted with these chatting females and noisy children, we cannot be expected to call them to account for fo frequently interrupting their poet's beft thoughts. We are glad, however, to find by the neceffary duties hinted at, that he has fome other profeffion befides writing, or he might be too frequently interrupted by ftill more unpleafant intruders.

After thefe friendly hints to the author, we shall introduce our readers to the work, which, in many parts, difcovers marks of ENG. REV. VOL. XV. MARCH 1790.



genius, a lively imagination, and fome talent at embellishment. The following defcription Chaubert gives of his mistress is animated and pleafing enough:

O! fhall I paint to thee her peerless charms,
And picture out the beauties that adorn her?
Say, halt thou feen the rifing orb of night
Hanging in foften'd, moving majesty,

Juft o'er th' horizon; and, with looks askaunce,
O'er the high hill diffufe a tender light?
So hang, reclining in their fluid spheres,
Her melting eyes, that beam with pureft luftre;
Whilft round her lovely face, in treffes fweet,
The flowing locks (where many a wanton love
Sits fporting) fair befkirt the heav'nly scene;
Like, as at tummer's eve, the auburn clouds
Fringe round the dropping curtain of the sky.
Her lips are like the early-blooming rofe,
Enrich'd with all the perfume of the Eaft,
Blushing in beauty, and without a thorn.

Nor is the conversation between Valois and his patron deftitute of point:

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Valois, Yes-as a friend, the warmeft, truest friend,

I give thee joy; as one that owes thee all,

Bound by each tie of gratitude and love.

Chaubert. Hence with the thought-Valois, thou ow' me nothing;

And let me tell thee (but I know thee well)

This fubject is not right; for gratitude

Too much exprefs'd bears hard on wounded. pride.

enjoy the poor referve

Valois. What! muft I not enjoy the

Of rend'ring thanks for all that I enjoy?

The fea-beat wretch that, on the clefted plank,

'Scapes the rude furge, and climbs the defart fhore;
There, tho' defpoil'd of all, will grateful kneel,

And thank, for life, his tutelary faint.

And fhall I then be dumb, when life I owe,

And all its charities and dear enjoyments,

To thee, my friend, my patron, and preferver?

Chaubert. Valois, thou ow'ft me nothing.-What am I
What can I claim, myself a weak dependant,
By way of debt, from one that is my fellow?
Is't not enough the pleafing, grateful thought,
T'ave been the inftrument of gracious Heav'n
In faving thee to blefs and ferve mankind?
What though the beating waves impetuous roar'd
Above our briny heads, as bearing thee,
I journey'd thro' the deep; that fov'reign pow'r
That all fuftains, was my fupport, as thine.


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