THE Connecticut Evangelical Magazine. VOLUME III. CONSISTING OF TWELVE NUMBERS, TO BE FROM JULY 1802 TO JUNE 1803. THE PROFITS ARISING FROM THE SALE OF THIS MAGAZINE ARE DEVOTED TO FORM A PERMANENT FUND, THE ANNUAL INTEREST OF WHICH IS TO BE APPROPRIA TED, BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CONNECTICUT, TO THE SUP PORT OF MISSIONS IN THE NEW AMONG THE HEATHEN. HARTFORD : PRINTED BY HUDSON AND GOODWIN, FOR THE EDITORS, PREFACE. IN the original fubfcription papers for the publication of the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, the following was mentioned as the plan of the work: THIS MAGAZINE IS TO CONTAIN: Effays on the doctrines of Chriftianity, and on religious, experi mental and moral fubjects :-Occafional remarks on the fulfilment of fcripture prophecies in the prefent day, and expofitions of difficult and doubtful paffages of fcripture :-Religious intelligence concerning the ftate of Chrift's kingdom, throughout the Chriftian world, and sketches of the original ecclefiaftical concerns of this country :-Information refpecting Miffions to the new fettlements in the United States and among Heathen nations :-Narratives of revivals of religion in particular places together with the distinguishing marks of true and false religion:-Accounts of remarkable dispensations of divine Providence : -Biographical sketches of perfons eminent for piety:-Original hymns on evangelical fubjects :-Together with whatever elfe on the subject of religion and morals may contribute to the advancement of genuine piety and pure morality. This work will confift of original pieces and of extracts from the beft European and American publications. As the Magazine is defigned for the promotion of vital Chriftianity, and of a knowledge of the great and effential truths of the gofpel, Effays which are merely controverfial or deeply metaphyfical, it will be feen, come not within the object of this publication; nevertheless, should any fuch be sent which, in the opinion of the Editors, are highly meritorious, they will be admitted. The Magazine will be open to receive communications from all denominations of Chriftians who believe in the peculiar principles of Chriftianity; but if written the diftinguishing upon of their refpective fects, they will be excluded. The profits arifing from the fale of this publication will be appropriated to the fupport of Miffionaries to the Heathen or among the inhabitants of the new fet tlements. In tenets and pursuance of the above plan two volumes have been published; the generous patronage given to the work induces the Editors to continue it. They again folicit the affiftance of their Correfpondents to enable them to |