JOHN iv. 35, 36, 37, 38. Say not ye there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? &c. Paftor of the Firt Congregational Church, Norwalk, Connecticut. The Nature and Neceffity of Good Works. 275 ERRATUM, p. 483. for Sermon XXXIV. read Xxx. SERMON I. ON MINISTERIAL CHARACTER AND DUTY. BY JOHN WITHERSPOON, D. D. LL.D. 2 Cor. iv. 13. We also believe, and therefore Speak. TO O understand what ought to be the character, and what principles should animate the conduct of a minifter of the gospel, cannot be without profit, even to a private Christian. It will teach him whom to prefer, when he is called, in providence, to make a choice. It will teach him to hold such in reputation for their officefake, and to improve the privilege of a regular gofpelministry, if he himself is favoured with it. And I think it must incline him to make daily supplication to the Lord of the harvelt, to fend forth faithful labourers into his harvest.. But though there were no such general advantage to be derived from it, my particular charge, and the very aspect of this audience, would eafily justify me in making this, for once, the immediate subject of discourse. Now if we would know the character of a faithful minifter, we cannot better, or more immediately reach our purpose, A |