battle, in which he obtained an entire victory, uttered a generous prayer in a voice, and with a countenance that inspired all who heard and beheld him with like magnanimity; then turning to the squadron, at the head of which he designed to charge, "My fellow-foldiers," said he, " as you run my fortune, so do I yours; your fafety confifts in keeping well your ranks; but if the heat of the action should force you to disorder, think of nothing but rallying again; if you lose fight of your colours and standards, look round for the white plume in my beaver; you shall fee it wherever you are, and it shall lead you to glory and to victory." Examples of this kind fill the mind with great and noble ideas. We admire the man who, in the confcious integrity of his heart, boldly faces great and immediate danger, and inspires all around him with the like magnanimity. But, how little does every human example appear, compared with him who leads the armies of the faints; with him who conflicted with the powers of darkness; with him who gave his life a ranfom; who, by his own power, rose from the bed of death; who triumphantly entered into everlasting glory; and who is conducting his followers in safety thither, through all the difficulties and dangers which furround them! What encouraging words are these, Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Because I live, ye shall live also. Hear how he animates them from his celestial throne: To him that overcometh, will I grant to fit with me on my throne, even as I also overcame, and am fat down with my Father on his throne. Believers, your Leader is great and fuccessful; you fight under the banner of the cross; the motto is LOVE; be not afraid, how stern appearance foever your enemies may assume; for, In the last place, You are fure of victory in the end. The prospect of success tends greatly to encourage in any undertaking; Ff undertaking; but in no earthly thing have you the fame afsurance, as in your spiritual warfare. You have the word of truth that you shall prove victorious. You are compaffed about with a great cloud of witnesses from the beginning of the world till this day, who all declare that they have been more than conquerors through him that loved them. Your enemies are already subdued, so far as that they can never recover dominion over you, Injure you they will, but cannot prevail; make opposition they will, but it is ineffectual. Jesus Christ by his blood has atoned for your guilt; by his grace he purifies your hearts; and he hath spoiled principalities and powers, made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them; yea, he bath entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for you. Should not this confideration encourage and animate you? He is a coward, indeed, who will not fight when fure of success; he has not the spirit of a man, who will not withstand the shock with victory in his view. Let us remember at the same time, that though the enemies are conquered, yet our own exertions are necefsary. In the Christian warfare we are confidered as rational creatures, and as free agents. Dependence on Divine strength, and endeavours of our own, are perfectly confiftent. If we fit down in negligence and inaction, we need not hope for victory. There are two extremes in this cafe, from one or other of which we are in danger. The one is the neglect of due watchfulness, and the attendance upon appointed means, thinking that God will do all for us; the other is a too great confidence in our own strength, and not relying on the strength of the Almighty. What God hath joined let us not put asunder. Look around you and see the connection established between the means and the end; see that the means are necessary to attain the end; and that these are not successful without the Divine blessing. Believe that you must must work out your own falvation with fear and trembling; and that God must work in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure, otherwise you work in vain. These motives surely are enough to keep you from defpondency, and to animate you against all your enemies. Your cause is good, and infinitely important. You contend in the prefence of God and the holy angels; and under the banner of Jesus Christ, who will lead you to glory and to victory. Allow me, on this subject, to expostulate a little with you, my friends, who have never engaged in the Christian warfare. Think, for a moment, on the condition in which you are, and the awful consequences of it. You serve the devil and your own wicked lusts. These have dominion over you, and will lead you to inevitable ruin. You cannot now fully reconcile yourselves to the service. There is that within you which tells you, that you are guilty, and exposed to the displeasure of your Maker and Judge; but still you have neither will nor resolution to affert your liberty. The wages of fin is death. It now flatters and deceives you; it is, in the mean time, binding you faft, and you will, at length be cast into utter darkness, where is weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Lord Jesus shall prove successful over Satan, and all who take part with him. You have joined the weakest side. All enemies shall be put under his feet. Hear that dreadful sentence which he will pronounce upon impenitent finners of our race, when he comes to judge the world in righteousness: Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. If you now join on the fide of those rebellious spirits, you must expect to share in their punishment. My friends, there is yet hope. There is a treaty of reconciliation carrying on. Delay not to throw down the weapons Ff2 weapons of your rebellion. Flee from the camp of Satan. Come inlist under the banner of Christ. He will reward you with glory, honour, and immortality. In justice he might have refused, before now, to listen to any proposals of peace, but he is long-fuffering and patient. Come, and what is past shall be forgotten. He will take away all iniquity, and receive you graciously. Are there any here who formerly seemed to engage in the Christian warfare, and have returned again to the fervice of fin? What has been the reason of this conduct? Did you meet with difficulties which deterred you? Or, were the temptations of Satan and the world too powerful for you? You have forfeited the name of foldiers. You are cowards and deferters. Go, ye dispirited men, we would not fight in fuch company. Separate you from the camp of Ifrael, that we may know who are our enemies. Or, rather, let me call upon you, my deluded friends, to return while mercy is offered. Return and disgrace the cause no more. Return and retrieve the honours you have lost.-Quit yourselves like men, and fight. My believing brethren, to whom this subject is more particularly addressed, you have heard the enemies with which you have to contend, the duties to which you are called, and some motives to encourage and animate you. - Why should any of you fear? May not each of you, under difficulties, say with the Pfalmist, Why art thou caft down, O my foul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the bealth of my countenance, and my God. Or, may you not adopt his more confident language, and say, The Lord is my light, and my falvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Thougb an boft should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear : though 1 1 1 though war should rise against me, in this wil' I be confident. It may be but a struggle or two more, and the warfare is finished. After croffing the Alpine hills, would you now fit down in inglorious ease? After so many victories already obtained, and when the enemies fly before you, would you lose the cause for ever? No, if you have the spirit of men ;-if you would not submit to the galling yoke of fin and Satan;-if you would not fuffer the reproaches of your own confciences, and the cruel scoffs and insults of tormented ghosts in their dungeons of eternal darkness;-if you regard the glory of the great God; the love of a dying Saviour, and the inconceivable joys of heaven, yield not to the power of your enemies. Watch ye, fland fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. |