Brilliants. WORSHIP. WHY should we crave a hallow'd spot? A church in every grove that spreads WORDSWORTH. AFFLICTION. AFFLICTION then is ours: We are the trees whom shaking fastens more, While blustering winds destroy the wanton towers, And ruffle all their curious busts and store. My God, so temper joy and woe, That thy bright beams may tame thy bow. MUSIC. GEORGE HERBERT. HIST! when the airy stress Of music's kiss impregnates the free winds, KEATS. THE MALCONTENT. I CANNOT sleep; my eyes' ill-neighbouring lids The stooping scythe-man, that doth barb the field, Repines and quarrels: alas, he's Goodman Tell-clock; INTERCESSION BETWEEN A FATHER AND SON. THERE stands before you The youth and golden top of your existence, When you were in the prologue of your time, Under his life. And thou, my younger master, And made this world for thee, in making thee. A SIMILE. BEDDOES. SEE how, beneath the moonbeam's smile, And, having swell'd a moment there, INDUSTRY. MOORE. LET thy mind still be bent, still plotting, where HERBERT. THE MOON. AND lo! from opening clouds I saw emerge BROTHERS' QUARRELS. THE jars of brothers, two such mighty ones, KEATS. The breach scarce heard; but view the beaten current, Rise in his face, still swelling and still growing; SORROWFUL BEAUTY. In her face, Though something touch'd by sorrow, you may trace HOW TO LIVE. ALARIC A. WATTS. We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most; feels the noblest; acts the best. BAILEY. ADVERTISEMENTS. AS BEAUTITUL POETRY is a good medium for Advertisements, and as only a few can be inserted, the following will be the Scale of Charges: Just published, price 2s. 6d. Second Edition, HE ENDSLEIGH POLKA. THE Composed, and respectfully dedicated (by express permission) to her Grace the Duchess of Bedford, by JOHN T. GRIBBELL, Tavistock To be had of ADDISON and HOLLIER, 210, Regent-street; all respectable Music-sellers; and the Author. "It is one of the best Polkas that has come under our notice; it ought to become a great favourite, for it is well arranged, and speaks well for the composer's knowledge of music."-Plymouth Journal, November 25, 1852. No. I., price 3d., or 4d. stamped for post, IT and HUMOUR, selected by the Editors of WIT THE CRITIC, THE LONDON LITERARY JOURNAL, was published on February 1, to be continued Monthly. CONTENTS of No. I. THE THEATRE (Rejected Addresses)-Chalybeate Water-Robert Hall-Epitaph on Hume-Tables Turned-Mess-Room Gossip-How to get a LiftPrinciple" Equam Memento "-Retort-Dinner speechifying-Novel Courtship-OVER THE WAY (Hood)-PUNNING ON NAMES (Table Talk)-AuthorsHow to get on-Petition of Letter H.-LETTER FROM AN EMIGRANT (Hood)— Political Bon Mot- SCRAPS PROM NEW DICTIONARY (J. & H. Smith)-DAILY TRIALS (O. W. Holmes)-AMERICAN HUMOUR-DIRGE-Dennis the CriticON A PICTURE OF HERO AND LEANDER (Hood)-REMINISCENCES OF MOOREA CHILD (Bishop Earle)-TOLERATION IN SCOTLAND (Sydney Smith) -Epigram -Recipe for Salad-Enthusiasm - Spanish Proverb-Hint to MonopolistsReasonable Enough -Curran and the Duel-Cheap Literature-An Irish Voter, &c.-WHEN BIBO. A Copy sent free to any person enclosing four postage stamps to the publisher; or for one year, on transmission of 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. It may also be had by order through all Booksellers in Town or Country. THE CRITIC, for Feb. 15, contains: Sayings and Doings of the Literary World-Memoirs of George III.-The New Novels, by Miss Bronte and Mrs. Gore-Spencer's Travels-Kaffraria--The Australian Gold Fields-The Critic Abroad--Letters from Italy-Art and Artists-Books and Authors-Dictionary of Living Authors-Medical Science, &c. Price 6d. A stamped copy sent to any person enclosing six postage stamps to the CRITIC OFFICE. Published on the 1st and 15th of every Month. CRITIC OFFICE, 29, Essex-street, Strand. |