| Matthew Hole - 1716 - 540 pages
...thro the Wildernefs, viz* that God went before them by day in a Pillar of a Cloud to lead them tht way, and by night in a Pillar of Fire, to give them Light to go by day and night; Exod. 13. 21. And the fame is affirm'd by the Pfalmift, Pfal. 78.14. Where by the Pillar of a Cloud... | |
| John Toland - Deism - 1720 - 264 pages
...Exodus on this 2C,i .•**, occafion are, The LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a Cloud, and by night in a pillar of Fire, to give them light to go by day and night j he took not away the Pillar of the Cloud by day, nor the Pillar of Fire by night , from before the... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...they took their Journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etliam, in the EJje of the Wildernofs. si And the LORD went before them by Day in a PILLAR of a...FIRE, to give them LIGHT : to go by DAY and NIGHT. 22 And he took not away the PILLAR of the CLOUD by DAY, nor the PILLAR of FIRE by NIGHT, from before... | |
| Jonathan Richardson - Biography - 1734 - 760 pages
...Infinite Beauty of it we have given it at Length) explains, the Cloud was Then taken up ; How then t the Lord went Before them by Day in a Pillar of a...of Fire to give them Light, to go by Day and Night, Chap. xiii. 21. Other Armies Pitch their Enfigns when they Encamp, and Lift them up when they March,... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...they took their Journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the Edge of the Wildernefs. 21 And the LORD went before them by Day in a PILLAR of a...in a PILLAR of FIRE, to give them LIGHT : to go by DAT and NIGHT. 22 Ard he took not away the PILLAR of the CLOUD by DAY, nor the PILLAR of FIRE by NIGHT,... | |
| Samuel Shuckford - Bible - 1743 - 552 pages
...to choofe the Way, for the Lord •went before them by Day in a Pillar of a Cloud, to lead them in the Way, and by Night in a Pillar of Fire to give...the Pillar of Fire by Night from before the People (d). Mofes had only to obferve the (c) Exodus xir. 3. (V) Chap. xiii. 21, 22. Guidance Book IX. and... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 454 pages
...to Succoth, and) from Succotb, and encamped in Etham, in the Edge of the Wildernejs ; Ver. 2 1 . And the Lord went before them by Day, in a Pillar of a...of Fire to give them Light, to go by Day and Night. Ver. 22. He took not away t hePillar of the Cloud by Day, nor the Pillar ofFire by Night, FROM' before... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 498 pages
...Species of Prefence, dwelt in the Cloud. Exod. xiii. 21. Jehovah fcovah -went before them by Day, in the Pillar of a Cloud, to lead them the Way ; and by Night in a Pillar of Fire, to give them Light. Protected the .Jraelites, xvi. 10. They looked towards theWildernefs, and behold the Glory Jehovah... | |
| Robert Clayton - Athanasian Creed - 1751 - 408 pages
...from before their Face, andjlood behind them. And yet, in another Place, it is faid, that [i] JEHOVAH went before them by Day in a Pillar of a Cloud, to...-, and by Night in a Pillar of Fire, to give them Light. LX. It is alfo faid, when Mofes went up to Mount Sinai, that [2] JEHOVAH called unto him out... | |
| Joseph Priestley - Philosophy - 1777 - 424 pages
...prefence to the Ifraelites in the wildernefs, was a cloud by day, and jire by night, Ex. xiii. 21, And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a...; and by night in a pillar of fire ', to give them light. Through this pillar it is faid, v. 24, that the Lord looked upon the hojl of the Egyptians,... | |
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