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The part of King Richard by a Gentleman, (who never appeared on any stage;)

King Henry, Mr. Giffard; Richmond, Mr. Marshal; Prince Edward, Miss Hippesley; Duke of York, Miss Naylor, &c. &c. with entertainments of Dancing, &c. To which will be added a ballad Opera, in one act, called "The Virgin Unmasked." Both of which will be performed by persons gratis, for diversion. The Concert to begin at six o'clock exactly.


IT would, perhaps, be difficult to discover any author who, in point of quantity, is at all capable of entering the lists with Francisco de Santo Agostinho Macedo, a Portuguese Jesuit, who was afterwards a Franciscan. He leaves even Lope de Vega far behind. We may well be excused from transcribing the titles of one hundred and six printed, and thirty-one manuscript works, by this indefatigable man; biography and martyrology, and theology, and genealogy, canonizations, and orations, and declamatious, and disputations: besides these, he recited publicly fifty-three panegyrics, sixty Latin orations, thirty-two funeral, and forty-eight narrative poems; and wrote one hundred and twenty-three elegies, one hundred and fifteen epitaphs, two hundred and twelve dedicatory epistles, seven hundred familiar epistles, two thousand six hundred heroic poems, one hundred and ten odes, three thousand epigrams, four Latin comedies, and one Spanish satire.


IN one of the western departments of France, a man, of the name of Le Fort, accused of conspiring against the republic, was seized and committed to prison. His wife, trembling for his fate, used every means that courage and affection could inspire to restore him to liberty, but without success. She then bought, with a sum of money, permission to pay him a single visit in his prison. At the appointed hour, she appeared before her husband, clothed in two suits of


her own apparel. With the prudence of not allowing herself, at so critical a juncture, to give or receive useless demonstrations of tenderness, she hastily took off her upper suit of attire, prevailed upon her husband to put them on, and to quit the prison, leaving her in his place. The disguise succeeded to her wish, Le Fort escaped, and the stratagem was not discovered till the succeeding day.-" Unhappy wretch!" cried one of the enraged committee, "what have you done?"" My duty," she replied, "do thine."


"The purpose *** is, to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature; to shew virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure."


THE population of Great Britain may be divided into four classes, and placed under the following general heads. Church-goers, chapel-goers, and play-goers. The fourth division includes those who go to neither, and those who occasionally go to each, but care nothing about any of them.

The line of separation of these classes, it would certainly be difficult to trace exactly; but it is sufficiently distinct in a general point of view, which is all I aim at in the classification. And I have chosen the above terms, not only as those generally applied to the different divisions, but because they show at once, without further explanation, the persons under con


I propose to consider them in the order in which they are arranged: and conclude each essay with some practicable advice.

First, then, of those termed church-goers.

This class is composed of a very numerous and highly respectable portion of the British public, including the government and all its principal officers,. and may be divided into two parts: those who are so from habit, and those who are so from principle.

The first of these forms, I fear, a very large majority of this division. They are trained from their infancy to a regular attendance in the sacred edifice; but while there, they are allowed to sleep, or play, or do just what they please, provided they do not make a noise: no other restraint being put upon them. If this be remarked to the parents, they only answer, (conscious they have been thinking, if not speaking, of other things themselves) "Oh, they are children; too much restraint must not be put upon them. It would only give them a dislike to come at all. They are young now-they will know better by and by. Besides, of what use would it be to check them? They could no more comprehend the reason for it, than they could the arguments of the learned doctor, were they ever so attentive." With this reasoning, plausible enough certainly, they are satisfied, and think every one else ought to be the same. This licensed inattention soon becomes as habitual as their attendance. And as, when they grow older, and begin to leave off childish ways, they no longer play while in their places, the habitual parents are satisfied, and think no more about it. "They are regular," say they, " in their attendance; manifest no objection to going, and sit still while there. What more can be expected?" Very true, very true. Nothing more can be expected! Certainly not; for if they be regular, if they do manifest no objection to go, if they be still while there, what are they doing? are they attending to what comes from the desk and the pulpit? No, no! it is more interesting to them to observe the dresses, &c. of those by whom they are surrounded; or to converse, softly, upon the occurrences of the past, and make appointments for the ensuing week; or, securing a corner of the pew, taking down the text, (that it may not be forgotten) and leaning against the hand with apparent attention, to enjoy a comfortable halfhour's nap. Whether the minister be eloquent or not is of very little importance to them. If he happen to be popular, the same phrase is in all their mouths, "What an excellent discourse the doctor gave us. How well he divided the subject, and explained the meaning of the text," &c. &c. But ask one of them

what the divisions and their meanings were, and they can no more tell you, than if they had been sitting at home in their own parlour. In fact, it is a question so seldom put to them, that they only express their astonishment that any one can ask such a foolish one at all. And thus they become habitual church-goers. I must now briefly speak of those who are so from principle.

Though the number of these is daily increasing, and may it continue to do so !---yet it is far less numerous than the other.

These likewise, take their children to church; but they are as injudiciously strict as the others are the contrary; and an early objection is often manifested, which is only removed, as reason begins to dawn, from the repeated lectures against it from the parent. After which, from a constant attendance on private as well as public devotion, they become church-goers from principle.

To conclude according to the plan proposed, I will now submit to the consideration of those, before whom I have endeavoured to "hold up the mirror," a practicable plan, which I venture to say, I have no douht they would find their advantage in adopting.

It appears that both the habitual aad conscientious church-goers, take their children with them, long before they can be expected to receive advantage from it; and that both go to extremes with them while there---the one being too careless, and the other too strict. What I would recommend is, that they be kept at home, while the parents are attending ding the "assembling together," under the careful superintendence of a proper person, till they shall be able in some degree, to follow the thread of the discourse they go to hear. And that in the evening, as the teathings are cleared away, the whole family assemble together, the servants not excluded, nor yet placed in the back ground, for it is a day in which rich and poor meet indiscriminately, to praise, pray, and pay their vows to the Lord, and the head of it recapitulate, from the notes he may have taken, and from memory, in the most simple and concise manner possible, what he has heard from the pulpit in the former part of the day, personally applying it in the way most likely to be beneficial, and encouraging the servants, children, &c. to ask questions, and require an explanation of all they do not comprehend.

This would not only be more useful to them, as being more easily understood, and giving them a relish for religious instruction, but it would be of greater advantage to the master; it would unite his whole household in a desirable bond of family affection.

February 10th, 1819.


R. F.


SOME months previously to this, a Cadiz merchant vessel had brought from Spain, a young niece of the governor of Assumption, whom her father, Dou Manuel, the younger brother of Pedreras, had left an orphan, and unprovided for. The relations of Don Manuel thought that the best plan which they could contrive to rid themselves of a poor female was, to send her to America, to her uncle, who had the reputation of being rich. Pedreras received his niece with more surprise than pleasure. His first idea was, to send her back to Spain, but from doing this he was dissuaded by Maldonado. He contented himself, therefore, with severely reproaching those who had placed him in such an embarrassing situation; and, by a great effort of humanity, he allowed the only child of his brother to remain in his house.

It may easily be imagined that the young niece did not live happily in the family of Pedreras. She well knew, she too plainly saw, that her presence was a burthen. Trembling lest she should excite her uncle's anger, certain of displeasing him, she paid a continual atten. tion to his actious, to his words, and thought that she had done much when she was looked upon as being only troublesome. She was scarcely sixteen, and her name was Angelina; a name which she merited by her beauty, her sweetness, her grace, her amiable mind,

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