THE POCKET MAGAZINE OF Classic and Polite Literature. And Oh! if there be an Elysium on earth, MOORE. But they who saw him, did not see in vain, BYRON. "HOW very charming it is this evening!-An air refreshing yet warm meets me, so gentle, that it is not like air, for it does not stir a leaf of this orange-tree under which we are sitting." "No, not a leaf moves, but the fragrance of the blossoms seem to come on the breeze to us: if we were the only beings in creation, and every thing had been formed to render us happy, it could not have been otherwise than it is at this moment." "Ah! Glyceria, I can explain to thee why nature's aspect is so lovely to me now; perhaps, too, it may account for the happy calm that pervades thy mind." "Do, my dearest Alexis!-I always hear with particular pleasure whatever comes from thy lips-thy reasons are always convincing to me: yet, if thou art silent, I think it happiness to look at thee, and Ivam VOL. III. No. XVIII. DD T convinced there is nothing I love so much in the world as thyself." "About four months ago, I came and sat alone just where I do now. All nature wore as fair an aspect, the birds were singing, and at intervals the coo of the turtle doves made a sweet contrast-I heard at a dis tance the bleating of the sheep and lambs, and the little rill above murmured among the white pebbles; it was fuller than usual, and the water was clear as glass, giving a delightful coolness for the eye and ear to rest upon-I felt a melancholy in all these; a restless impatience pervaded my mind. I listened for a footstep, which I could not hear; mine eyes sought what they could not find; I sighed and shut them to reflect upon her whose image filled my heart. She was a little simple country girl, whom nobody else would have thought so much about I dare say; but one cannot account for those sort of inclinations-Can'st thou guess who she was?" " I have a strong suspicion who that simple girl was, and I was going to say thou wert very simple for letting her dwell so much in thy mind; but a woman's tongue thou knowest is apt to outrun her wit, for upon second thoughts, it was what I do most heartily commend thee for." "Well! that little girl is now mine, I sit by her side, I clasp her hand, I see the sweet smile of affection beaming from her eyes, I no longer seek in vain for the dear object centered in my heart; and all the charms of nature seem to glow doubly in her pre Glyceria was about to reply, when her eyes were attracted by a stranger, who was coming towards them; she pointed him out to her husband, they observed that he walked with a slight degree of lameness, and both arose to meet him with that native grace of politeness, arising from a desire to succour a stranger, which foreigners are so remarkable for showing. The stranger took off his hat, bowed, and seemed by his courtly manner, not used to solicit; for there was a degree of pride, and a commanding air about him; he was of middle stature, pale, and his high forehead shaded by his dark hair on one side, which hung in loose curls; his eyes were large, of a light hazel, expressive in an uncommon degree; his mouth was finely formed, and he had that peculiar air and countenance, which showed his superiority over the generality of people they were accustomed to see and converse with. "Presuming, Sir," said he, addressing Alexis, "upon the universal hospitality that has invariably met me in this country, I take the liberty of a stranger, and a traveller, to request accommodation for this evening, as I am informed you are the owner of the cottage below; the garden which really seems to rival that of Eden, attracted me first to your habitation." "I feel happy that its attractions have given me an opportunity of receiving thee as my guest, thou might have been put to inconvenience hadst thou gone further, for there is not any other house within several miles." The stranger bent his head gracefully, in token of acknowledgment, and seemed taller for having done so: his manner was not such as to excite familiarity, and Alexis and Glyceria walked on in silence down a gently sloping green bill, till they reached their habitation; it was covered with vines which hung in luxuriant bunches of purple and green. Nature and art seemed to have vied with each other in forming this spot, where fruit-trees of different kinds and the most beautiful shrubs and flowers, were con⚫veniently and tastefully arranged. Glyceria retired to make preparations for their guest, while her husband invited him to rest upon a couch, which he drew to the lattice. The lattice opened down to the ground, and from it you had a view of rich woods, and of flocks and herds feeding on the adjacent hills and dales, whilst at a distance you discerned the sea, and here and there a sail passing. "The serenity of the evening," said the stranger, "seems to diffuse a gentle calm even over the mind of man. I feel a tranquillity I have long been unused to; and you, sir, who seem to possess so many comforts in this happy climate, and charming retirement, cannot comprehend the feelings they excite in me: as whatever we are in the habit of experiencing we are apt to look upon as things in course, without properly reflecting upon, and appreciating, what to others seems so enviable." " In thy country men may be so ungrateful; here, we desire little, and enjoy much." " May I ask without being deemed impertinent, if you have long been in possession of this sweet spot?" "I have had the management of this farm for several years: the garden is of my own forming, the house itself nearly so, for it was but a very poor cottage, and I knew not till within these last few months, that I had been labouring for myself. It is a little Romance, of which I am the happy hero." Here Glyceria entered, followed by a servant, bringing in fruits, eggs, milk, &c. for supper. Seating herself at the table, with a timid air she requested the stranger would take some refreshment. He drew near, and helping himself to fruit and milk, had now leisure to observe his hostess. She was quite a Brunette; her dark eyes had when she was grave, a sort of pensive expression, but a smile lit them up in so much brilliancy, it was very evident that happiness and joy resided in her heart, for their image was reflected there; her white teeth were frequently shewn, for her mouth was not small, though her lips were so prettily shaped that you could not have wished it otherwise; she was slim, and her limbs were delicately formed. She said little, but seemed interested in the conversation that passed between her husband and the stranger, which was chiefly relative to the country they inhabited. They retired early to rest. The stranger also went into his chamber, but not to rest. He ruminated on the past, and, the present-sleep fled his eye-lids would not close-he traversed his little apartment: " And here," said he, "is happiness for all but mebut I will have a home here-perhaps she may visit me; even a transient glimpse of her would cool my fevered head: I am as the wandering Jew! like the dove from the ark! O, that I had wings like a dove, then would I flee away and be at rest! His countenance was perturbed; his lip quivered with agitation; he leaned his forehead on his hand; by degrees, however, he grew more composed; he threw himself on the bed, and seemed to lose himself in thought, which gently subsided into slumber. He was awakened in the morning by the soft notes of two melodious voices, joining in the following song: Morning zephyrs sporting round Gently wave the shrubs and flowers; Fans us in the noontide heat; Our hearts in unison and love. He arose, and went to the lattice, and saw there, seated like the first happy pair in Eden, Alexis and Glyceria, under the shade of a large myrtle. They smiled and rose, when they saw v him, to walk towards the house; he joined them, and they sat down to breakfast. Afterwards Glyceria retired to her household concerns, leaving Alexis with the stranger, who thus addressed him." I hope thou wilt not think of departing to day.. I will be thy guide, and show thee such lovely spots that thou wilt almost forswear thy country for ours; thine does not seem to have conferred much happiness upon thee, for who would run the risk of finding it in foreign countries if he possessed it in his own? What is there that could tempt me to quit this spot?" And have you been thus happy and contented all your life? What you said last night respecting yourself, has, I own, excited my curiosity. I should like much to be informed of your romantic history, but I cannot remain here longer than this morning, as my, attendants will be uneasy at my unusual absence." "If it will give thee any satisfaction, thou shalt hear how I became the happy man I am. Let us go and sit in the myrtle bower. 1 once felt uneasy for a short time; I could scarcely be called unhappy-it was about a woman." |