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Bacon's Essays, Apophthegms, Wis-
dom of the Ancients, New Atlantis, and
Henry VII., with Introduction and Notes.

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Beaumont and Fletcher, a popular
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Discoveries, and Origins. Revised and
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Bremer's (Miss) Works. Translated by
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Vol. 4. A Diary, the H- Family,' &c.
Butler's (Bp.) Analogy of Religion,
and Sermons, with Notes. Portrait.
Carafas (The) of Maddaloni: and
Naples under Spanish Dominion. Trans-
lated from the German of Alfred de

Carrel's Counter Revolution in Eng-
land. Fox's History and Lonsdale's

Memoir of James II Portrait.

Cellini (Benvenuto), Memoirs of.
Translated by RoscoE. Portrait.
Coleridge's (S. T.) Friend. A Series
of Essays.

Coleridge's (S. T.) Biographia Liter-
Just Published.


3 vo

Cowper's Complete Works. Edited,
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Illustrated with 50 Engravings. In 8 vole
Vols. 1 to 4. Memoir and Correspondence,
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Coxe's Memoirs of the Duke of
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*An Atlas of the plans of Marlborough's
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Lectures on the French Revolution. In 2 vols.

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Wesley's (John) Life.



New and Complete Edition. Double volume. 5s.

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