brance of it, even at this distance, is almost still SERM. matter of amazement to us! "Blessed be the LORD GOD of Ifrael, who alone " doth wondrous things." And with our joyful praises, let us join our most devout and fervent prayers to Almighty God, for the king's and queen's majesties, "and for all that are in authority." And I may truly say, that there was hardly ever greater reason and occafion for it, from both our distractions at home, and our dangers from abroad; never was there greater need of our earnest supplications and prayers, than at this time, when our armies and fleets are in motion, and when God seems already to have given us fome earnest of good success; blessed be his great and glorious name. We have indeed a great army, and a more powerful fleet, than ever this nation fent forth; but un-. less God be on our side, and favour our cause, in vain are all our preparations; for whenever his providence is pleased to interpose, by strength shall no man prevail. Have we not reason then to cry mightily unto God, when the only strength of the nation is at stake, when our fins and provocations are so many and great, and there lies so heavy a load of guilt upon us? When the perfon of his facred majesty is exposed to so much hazard, not only in the high places of the field, but from the restless attempts of the malicious and implacable enemies of our peace and religion, that he would be gracioufly pleased to go forth with our armies and fleets, and not remember our iniquities against us, but fave us for his mercies fake ? We are too apt to murmur and complain of mifcarriages, and the ill management of affairs; but furely Ff4 LXXXIV. SERM. furely the best thing we can do, and that which best LXXXIV. becomes us, is to look forward, and to turn our cenfures of our governors and their actions, into humble fupplications to God in their behalf, and in behalf of the whole nation; "that he would be " pleased to turn us every one from the evil of our 66 ways, that he may return to us, and have mercy " on us, that so iniquity may not be our ruin; that " he may rejoice over us to do us good, and may " at last think thoughts of peace towards us, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give us an " expected end of our troubles." 66 Let us then betake ourselves to the proper work of this day, hearty prayers and thanksgivings to Almighty God, for the king and queen, " and for "all that are in authority ;" that as he hath been pleased by a wonderful providence, to refcue us from the imminent danger we were in, and from all our fears, by the happy advancement of their majesties to the throne of these kingdoms, so he would of his infinite goodness still preferve and continue to us this light of our eyes, and breath of our noftrils, princes of that great clemency and goodness, which render them the true representatives of God upon earth, and the most gracious governors of men. And let us earnestly beseech him, " that he "would confirm and strengthen them in all good" ness, and make them wife as angels of God, to " difcern betwixt good and evil, that they may "know how to go in and out before this great 66 people; that he would give them the united af"fections of their people, and a heart to study and "seek their good all the days of their lives. And And finally, that he would be pleased to continue SERM. so great a blessing to us, and to grant them a long and profperous reign over us; and that their poste-. rity in this royal family may endure for ever, and their throne as the days of heaven; that under them the people of these nations, we and the generations to come, may lead quiet and peaceable lives, in all godliness and honesty; for his mercies sake in JESUS CHRIST, who is king of kings, and Lord of lords; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honour, and glory, dominion and power, now and for ever. Amen. LXXXIV. THE 1342 THE CONTENTS. SERM. LIX, LX, LXI, LXII. LXIII. Of constancy in the profession of the true religion. SERM. LXIV. The chriftian life, a life of faith. 2COR. V. 7. For we walk by faith, not by fight. SERM. LXVI, LXVII. Of self-denial, and suffering for CHRIST's sake. MATT. XVI. 24. Then faid JESUS unto his disciples, if any man will SERM. LXVIII, LXIX. Good men strangers and sojourners upon earth. ΗΕ Β. ΧΙ. 13. SERM. LXX. The prefence of the Messias, the glory of the second i temple. HAGGAI II. 6, 7, 8, 9. For thus faith the LORD of hosts, yet once it is a Shake all nations, and the defire of all nations shall come, and I will fill this house with glory, faith the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is faith the LORD of hosts, and in this give peace, faith the LORD of hosts. place will I p. 1081. SERM. |