meetened for the bright and heavenly inheritance whether infants in days, or very aged in years. In our fields all grain is not ripe at one season, some is longer coming to maturity; wheat is first sown; barley is not long springing up; the interval between seed time and harvest is necessarily variouś, "But when the fruit is brought forth, imme"diately he putteth in the sickle, because the "harvest is come*." Some, indeed, God ripens rapidly, by the warm rays and beams of his spirit, by the thunder-storms of sudden and sanctified afflictions, and by the peculiar richness of the soil in which he had kindly planted them. 1. Let this subject console the righteous: those who are of the kingdom of heaven-your graces shall arrive at their destined maturity, the mercy which sowed the good seed, which blessed the springing thereof, shall ripen the character and prepare for glory. He who is our Sun imparts glory, wherever he has given grace; he reaps where he has sown. No link in that golden chain is wanting in the happiness of the real believer. " Moreover, "whom he did predestinate, them he also called, "and whom he called, them he also justified; and "whom he justified, them he also glorified."* * Mark, iv. 29. 2. Let each of us institute a close and serious scrutiny into our own condition and character. Are we ripening for the harvest of desperate sorrow or infinite joy? Let us not be guilty of selfimposition. O God suffer us not to deceive our selves! Few who deal honestly with their own hearts, can be long deciding on this important subject; let there be great searchings of heart, pursue this investigation in private-in hours of devotional solitude, for eternity of bliss or woe is the result of your present conduct. God attentively observes you; he sees the progress of your inward principles, the advance of your practice either in right or wrong; you are rapidly ripening for eternal vengeance, or preparing for the inheritance of the saints in light. Finally. Contemplate in the eternal security of the saints, that ripe and valuable grain housed in the garner of God,the vast obligations such are under to Him, through whose intercessions for them, when transgressors, their condition and character were changed; and through whose powerful advocacy, they have been brought gradually to this state of complete felicity; by his grace they were saved by his grace they * Mark, viii. 30. were preserved when they seemed but cumberers of the ground; through Him they brought forth fruit, whereby he is glorified. In every part of a religious life, we can trace the kindly interposition of Jesus; it was he that first broke the fallow ground of our barren hearts; he cast in unsparingly the precious grain; when, tender as the bruised reed, he cherished it by his merciful kindness; on it his doctrine dropped as the rain, and his gentle speech distilled as the dew; the sweet influences of the bright and morning star daily visited it; precious things were put forth, through his light reflected by those who partook, (though with many imperfections, for they were only fair as the moon) of his brightness; even stormy winds were destined to fulfil his gracious intentions; and at length, shining like the sun in his strength, he enriched these golden hopes with approaching glory; and, finally, sent forth those ministering spirits who do all his pleasure, to gather such into the garner of God; and so shall they be ever with the Lord. DISCOURSE XIV. REAPERS REWARDED. JOHN, IV. 36. He that reapeth, receiveth wages. IN all labor there is profit, the soul of the diligent shall be made fat; and it should be so, for he that laboreth, laboreth for himself, his mouth craveth it of him. The season of the year is now arrived when our fields present the loveliest and richest prospects; they are covered as with yellow gold; the corn waves before the gentle breeze; the cheerful laborers pursue their toils with songs; the thick standing sheaves mark their progress; their little ones come like a flock to glean up the falling ear; and as though heaven listened with delight to the grateful clamour, all besides is still and tranquil, and the sounds readily pass through the clear and unencumbered atmosphere. Happy is the destiny of those, who, lured by such agreeable scenes to walk through the fields of ripened and reaping corn; have their hap to light" on those belonging to some like Boaz, who on coming from his abode, said unto his reapers, "The Lord be with you," and they answered him, "The Lord bless thee." And are such masters and servants but rarely to be found? Mutual complaints on this subject, are indeed, frequently heard; whether just or not is a matter to be decided by your several consciences; suffice it to observe, that generally speaking, worthy servants will seek and retain employment with pious masters; and farmers who fear God, will usually succeed in securing the services of diligent and thankful laborers. How great is the mercy of the Most High in condescending to give advice appropriate to every class of society! How invaluable is that book which ensures happiness in this life, and guides to that which is to come! and it is to be expected that no real felicity in any relation can long subsist, where these best directions are disregarded. Let masters, then, lear to give to their servants that which is just and equal, knowing that they also have a master in heaven. Impose not on them by exacting excessive toil, or imparting inadequate reward, or delaying to pay them their due. Should |