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after a date or the number of a volume indicates that the set is in progress.

† in the same position implies that no more has been published.

[] encloses words, dates, etc., that have been supplied.

denotes the omission of a word or words from the body of the title.

A., A. British Algae. [By A. A., i.e. Mrs. A. Atkins.] 3 Vol. fol. Halstead] P[ark, 18- to] 1853.

411 pls, of Cyanotype Photographs, in 3 Vol., each with a title-page and contents, the latter followed in Vol. 111 by the contents of an Appendix, at the foot of which is a notice signed "A. A.”

Vol. 1 of this copy wants the second folio, inscribed "Photographs of British Algae. Cyanotype Impressions," the third or preface, signed "A. A.," and the fourth or dedication.

A., J. An examination of Dr. Woodward's Account of the Deluge . . . By J. A., &c. See ARBUTHNot (J.) 8o. 1697.

A., J. The Woodland Companion: or a brief description of British Trees. [With an advertisement by J. A., i.e. J. Aikin], &c. pp. 92: 28 pls. 8o. London, 1802. A., J. Brief Directions, designed to facilitate the transmission of Specimens in Natural History to the Museum of the... Society. [By J. A., i.e. John Atkinson], &c. See LEEDS PHILOSOPHICAL AND LITERARY SOCIETY.

8o. [182-.]

A., S. W. Schola Botanica sive Catalogus Plantarum quas ab aliquot annis in Horto Regio Parisiensi Studiosis indigitavit. . . J. P. Tournefort. ut et P. Hermanni Paradisi Batavi Prodromus, in quo Plantæ rariores omnes, in Batavorum Hortis hactenus cultæ & plurimam partem à nemine antea descriptæ recensentur. Edente in lucem S. W. A. [i.e. W. Sherard]. pp. [viii,] 386, 26. 12o. Amstelodami, 1689.

A., T., Captain, Light Dragoons. History of the Azores or Western Islands, &c. [With a Preface by J. T. Haydn.] pp. v, 310: 5 pls., 5 maps. 4o. London, 1813.

AARAU.-Aargauische naturforschende Gesell-
schaft. [Founded 1810.1
Mittheilungen, &c. Hft. 1→
8°. Aarau, 1878->



[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

[Sér. II,] 1833-68. 12 Vol.

8. Abbeville, [1833-] 1849-69. Sér. III, 1869-86. Vol. I-IV. 8°. Abbeville, 1873-87. ABBOT (CHARLES) [1761 ?-1817] Flora Bedfordiensis, &c. pp. xii, 351: 6 pls. col. 8". Bedford, 1798. ABBOT (HENRY LARCORN) [1831-] Report... upon explorations . . . from the Sacramento Valley to the Columbia River, &c. See UNITED STATES.-Pacific Railroad Survey. Reports, &c. Vol. VI. 4o. 1855.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

ABBOT (JOHN) The natural history of the rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia Collected from the observations of Mr. J. Abbot... by J. E. Smith. Pp. xv, 214: 104 pls. col. 2 Vol. fol. London, 1797. Abbot (J.) Drawings of the Insects of Georgia, &c. 17 Vol. 4o. 1792-1804.

Original water-colour drawings with MS. descriptions. ABBOTT (CHARLES CONRAD) [1843-] Catalogue of Vertebrate Animals of New Jersey. See NEW JERSEY, State of Geological Survey. Geology of New Jersey. Appendix E. 8". 1868. Abbott (C. C.) Upland and Meadow: a Poaetquissings chronicle. pp. viii, 397. 8o. London, 1886. 'ABD-AL-KÁDIR IBN MUHYÍ AL-DIN [1807-1873] The Horses of the Sahara. with commentaries by the Emir Abd-el-Kader, &c. See DAUMAS (M. J. E.) 8". 1863. 'ABD ALLAH IBN AHMAD (DHIYA AL-DIN ABU MUHAMMAD) Al Málaki, called Ibn Al Baitár [1197 ?-1248] Grosse Zusammenstellung über die Kräfte der bekannten einfachen Heil- und Nahrungsmittel von ... Ebn Baithar. Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt von J. v. Sontheimer, &c. 2 Bd. 8. Stuttgart, 1840-42.

There is a corresponding title-page in Arabic.


[ocr errors]

See 'ABD-AL-KÁDIR IBN MUĤyi Al-Dín. ABDULLAH-BEY [pseud. i.e. CARL EDUARD HAMMERSCHMIDT] [1800-1874] Énumération des Fossiles Dévoniens recueillis par... Abdullah-Bey dans les environs de Constantinople et décrits par E. de Verneuil.-Tableau des Fossiles Paléozoiques rapportés de l'Asie Mineure. See TCHIHATCHEFF (P. DE) Asie Mineure, &c. Pt. IV, Paléontologie. 8o. & 4°. 1869.

ABEILLE, L'. Mémoires ([after Tom. x1] Journal) d'Entomologie par M. S. A. de Marseul. (Continué par la Société Entomologique de France.) Tom. 1-XXVII.

12o. Paris, 1864-92.

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Abel (G. F.) & Reitter (J. D. VON) Beschreibung der in Deutschland seltener wildwachsenden und. . . naturalisirten Holz-Arten, &c. See REITTER (J. D. VON) & ABEL (G. F.) 4o. 1803.

ABEL (HEINRICH KASPAR) D. H. C. Abelii, neu . . . medicinisches Kräuter-Paradiess-Bärtlein [sic]...Nebst einer. . . Vorrede und Erörterung einiger botanischen Fragen. pp. 24,240 [50]. 12°. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1719. ABEL (J. C. A. M.) Die Conchylien in dem Naturalkabinet des Bischofs von Konstanz. (Nachtrag), &c. pp. [xvi,] 282 (38). 8°. Bregenz, 1787. ABEL (LOTHAR) Die Baumpflanzungen in der Stadt und auf dem Lande, &c. pp. viii, 138. 8o. Wien, 1882.

[ocr errors]


ABELEVEN (TH. H. A. J.) Nederlandsch Kruidonder redactie van . kundig Archief T. H. A. J. Abeleven. Ser. II, Deel I→ See NIMEGUEN.— NEDERLANDSCHE BOTANISCHE VEREENIGING. 8°. 1871➡ Abeleven (T. H. A. J.) & Gevers Deynoot (P. M. E.) Flora Noviomagensis, &c. See GEVERS DEYNOOT (P. M. E.) & ABELEVEN (T. H. A. J.) 8". 1848. ABELIN (JOHANN PHILIPP).

See GOTTFRIED (JOHANN LUDWIG) pseud. ABELLA Y CASARIEGO (ENRIQUE) Datos topográfico-geológicos del concejo de Teverga, provincia de

Oviedo. pp. 6: 1 map. See SPAIN.-Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. IV. 8o. 1877. Abella y Casariego (E.) Memoria acerca de los criaderos auríferos del segundo distrito del departamento de Mindanao. Misamís.-Itinerarios geológicos. Observaciones tomadas al paso en los viajes hechos á las comarcas auríferas de Misamís. (Islas Filipinas.) -Catálogo descriptivo de las rocas que constituyen esencialmente los terrenos recorridos en los itinerarios geológicos referentes á las comarcas auríferas de Misamís. (Filipinas.) pp. 49: 5 pls. See SPAIN.Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. VI.

8o. 1879.

Abella y Casariego (E.) Apuntes físicos y geológicos tomados en el viaje de Nueva Vizcaya à Manila. See SPAIN.--Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. X. 8o. 1883.

Abella y Casariego (E.) El mayon ó volcán de Albay (Filipinas). pp. 19: 2 pls. See SPAIN.-Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. XI. 8o. 1884. Abella y Casariego (E.) El Monte Maquilin (Filipinas) y sus actuales emanaciones volcánicas. pp. 24: 2 pls. See SPAIN. Comisión del Mapa Geológico.

Boletín, &c. Tom. XI.

8o. 1884.

8o. 1884.

Abella y Casariego (E.) Emanaciones volcánicas subordinadas al Malinao (Filipinas). pp. 10: 3 pls., text illust. See SPAIN. Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. XI. Abella y Casariego (E.) La Isla de Bilirán y sus azufrales. pp. 11: 1 map. See SPAIN.-Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. XI. 8°. 1884. Abella y Casariego (E.) Rápida descripción física, geológica y minera de la Isla de Cebu (Archipiélago Filipino). pp. 187: 5 pls., 2 maps col. See SPAIN. -Comisión del Mapa Geológico. Boletín, &c. Tom. XIII. 8". 1886.

ABENDROTH (ABRAHAM AUGUST) & others. [Icones Plantarum. ediderunt P. D. Giseke.. A. A. Abendroth, &c.] See GISEKE (P. D.) & others. fol. [1777-78 ?]

ABENDROTH (ERNST ROBERT) Ueber Morphologie und Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Arachniden. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 64. 8. Leipzig, 1868. ABENDROTH (GUILIELMUS FRIDERICUS) [18021863] De Coffea. Dissertatio inauguralis, &c. pp. 42. 4o. Lipsiae, 1825. ABERCROMBIE (JOHN) [1726-1806] The Garden Mushroom, &c. pp. 54. 80. London, 1779. Abercrombie (J.) The Gardeners Pocket Journal and Annual Register, &c. pp. [iv] 251. 12o. London, 1789.

Abercrombie (J.) & Mawe (T.) The Universal Gardener and Botanist . . . Second Edition, &c. See MAWE (T.) & ABERCROMBIE (J.) 4o. 1797. ABERDEEN.-University. The... Calendar, &c. 8o. Aberdeen, 1887




ABERG (PEHR EDUARD) Dissertatio . in geographica Plantarum per partem provinciae Casanensis distributione illustranda periculum sistens. . . Respondente P. E. Åberg, &c. See WIRZÉN (J. E. A.) 8o. 1839. ABERLE (CARL) [-1892] Vergleichende Zusammenstellung der gebräuchlicheren Pflanzensysteme und statistische Uebersicht der Artenzahl und Verbreitung der Ordnungen (Familien) der lebenden und fossilen Gefässpflanzen. pp. iv, 132. 4o. Wien, 1876. Aberle (C.) Die Gefässpflanzen des k. k. botanischen Gartens zu Salzburg. Thl. 1-11, Hft. lt.

8o. Wien, 1876-77.

[blocks in formation]

Second Edition. pp. 352. 80. London, 1822. Abernethy (J.) Part of the introductory Lecture for 1815 exhibiting some of Mr. Hunter's opinions respecting Diseases. pp. 97-136. 80. London, 1819. Abernethy (J.) The Hunterian Oration, for the year 1819. pp. 66. 8°. London, 1819. Abernethy (J.) Reflections on Gall and Spurzheim's System of Physiognomy and Phrenology. pp. 75. 8°. London, 1821. ABERT (J. W.) [Natural History observations in the western United States.] See UNITED STATES. Notes of a... reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, &c. Appendix 6. 8o. 1848. ABERYSTWITH.-University College of Wales.

[Founded 1872.)

The Scientific Society. First report, for. 1892-93. 80. [Aberystwith, 1893.]

[blocks in formation]

[Another edition.] (Erläuternde Abbildungen, d'c.) pp. 8:8 pls., 2 maps. FR. & GERM. obl. fol. Berlin, 1837. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Geologische Beobachtungen über die vulkanischen Erscheinungen und Bildungen in Unter- und Mittel-Italien. Bd. 1, Lief. 1. Ueber die Natur und den Zusammenhang der vulkanischen Bildungen. (Erläuternde Bemerkungen zu den Karten und Ansichten nebst einem Aufsatze über Erhebungskratere.) pp. viii, 134 (xi: 2 pls., 3 maps).

4o. Braunschweig, 1841. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Ueber die geologische Natur des Armenischen Hochlandes. Fest-Rede, &c.

pp. 67:

4o. Dorpat, 1843.

1 pl. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Vergleichende chemische Untersuchungen der Wasser des Caspischen Meeres, Urmiaund Van-Sees. [With geological map and sections of the Natron lake on the S.E. slope of Ararat and a plate of recent and fossil invertebrata.] pp. 57; 2 pls. col. See ST. PETERSBURG. ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VI, Tom. Ix, Pt. 1, [No. 1.] 4o. 1859.

Abich (O. W. H. VON) Ueber das Steinsalz und seine geologische Stellung im Russischen Armenien. pp. 92: 11 pls. col. See ST. PETERSBURG.-ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VI, Tom. IX, Pt. 1, [No. 2.] 4o. 1859.

Abich (O. W. H. VON) Vergleichende Grundzüge der Geologie des Kaukasus wie der Armenischen und Nordpersischen Gebirge. pp. 174: 8 pls. (3 col.), text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG.-ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VI, Tom. Ix, Pt. 1, [No. 8.] 4o. 1859.

[Advance copy entitled :] Vergleichende geologische Grundzüge der Kaukasischen Armenischen und Nordpersischen Gebirge, &c. 4o. St. Petersburg & Leipzig, 1858. Differs from the preceding in the title-page and in having a Vorwort and Zusätze.

Abich (O. W. H. VON) Beiträge zur Paläontologie des Asiatischen Russlands. PP. 41: 8 pls., text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VI, Tom. IX, Pt. 1, [No. 9.] 4o. 1859.

Abich (O. W. H. VON) Sur la Structure et la Géologie du Daghestan. pp. 32: 1 pl. col. See ST. PETERSBURG. -ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VII, Tom. IV, No. 10. 4o. 1862.

Abich (O. W. H. VON) Ueber eine im Caspischen Meere erschienene Insel nebst Beiträgen zur Kenntniss der Schlammvulkane der Caspischen Region. pp. viii, 151 [5]: 1 pl. col., 3 maps geol. col. See ST. PETERSBURG. ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VII, Tom. VI, No. 5. 4o. 1863. Abich (O. W. H. VON) Einleitende Grundzüge der Geologie der Halbinseln Kertsch und Taman, &c. pp. 80, 1 tab.: 2 pls. col., 1 map, text illust. See ST. PETERSBURG. ACADÉMIE IMPÉRIALE DES SCIENCES. Mémoires, &c. Sér. VII, Tom. IX, No. 4. 4o. 1865.

Karten und Profile zur Geologie der Halbinseln Kertsch und Taman, &c. pp. 7: 3 pls. col., 1 map col.

Issued as a supplement to the preceding. "Geologische Fragmente," 1887 [q.v. infra].

4o. Tiflis, 1866.

Re-issued with his

Abich (O. W. H. VON) Geologische Beobachtungen auf
Reisen in den Gebirgsländern zwischen Kur und Araxes.
pp. 159: text illust.
4o. Tiflis, 1867.
Abich (O. W. H. VON) Études sur les Glaciers actuels
et anciens du Caucase. . . Première Partie. pp. 42:
2 pls.
8o. Tiflis, 1870.
Abich (O. W. H. VON) Otchet Kommissii uchrezh-
dennoi dlya izslyedovaniya Tiflisskikh Mineral'nuikh
istochnikov . . . Perevel . . . R. Kraft. [Report of
the Commission appointed to investigate the mineral
springs of Tiflis. Translated by R. Kraft.] pp. 137 [10]:
7 pls. col.
80. Tiflis, 1870.
Abich (O. W. H. VON) Geologische Forschungen in den
Kaukasischen Ländern. 3 Thl. 4o. & fol. Wien, 1878-87.
Thl. J. Eine Bergkalkfauna aus der Araxesenge bei Djonlfa in
Armenien. pp. vi, 126: 11 pls., text illust.
II. Geologie des Armenischen Hochlandes. I. Westhälfte.
pp. x, 478: 19 pls. (18 col.), 3 maps col., text illust.; Atlas,
5 pls. col., 4 maps col., 1 table.
III. Geologie des Armenischen Hochlandes. II. Osthälfte.
pp. xi, 163: 21 pls. (5 col.), text illust.; Atlas, 15 pls. col.,
5 maps col.
Abich (O. W. H. VON) Geologische Fragmente aus dem
Nachlasse H. Abich's. [Edited, with a Preface, by
Adelaide Abich.] pp. 11, 46: Atlas, 6 pls. col., 1 map col.
4o. & fol. Wien, 1887.

I. Karten und Profile zur Geologie der Halbinseln Kertsch und

II. Zur Geologie der Ponza-Inseln.

Barometrische Höhenmessungen im Kirchenstaate, etc.

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Abyssinia. [Maps.] Route Map of Abyssinia. Compiled by E. G. Ravenstein. Scale 10 miles to one inch. [London,] 1867.

Issued by the Topographical Depôt of the War Office.

Abyssinia. [Maps.] Northern Abyssinia and adjoining territories. Compiled . . . 1887. Scale 1: 316,800 or 5 miles to 1 inch. London, 1887. Intelligence Division, War Office, No. 683.


Abyssinia. [Maps.] Carta dimostrativa della regione compressa fra Massaua, Keren, Aksum, e Adigrat coi rilievi geologici con L. Baldacci. Scala 1: 400,000 [i.e. 1 in. 6 m. about]. See ITALY.-REALE COMITATO GEOLOGICO. Memorie descrittive, &c. Vol. VI. 8°. 1891. ACADEMIA ALBERTINA. See KONIGSBERG.KOENIGLICHE ALBERTUS-UNIVERSITAET.




[1652 Founded as Academia Nature Curiosorum. Naturforscher.)

(Akademie der

1687 Academia Imperialis Leopoldina Natura Curiosorum. (Kaiserliche Leopoldinische Akademie der Naturforscher.)

1694? Academia Casareo-Leopoldina Natura Curiosorum.

1712 Academia Casareo-Leopoldina Carolina Nature Curiosorum. 1727 Academia Casarea Leopoldino - Carolina Nature Curiosorum. (Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch- Carolinische Akademie der Naturforscher.)

1748 Academia Casarea Leopoldino-Franciscana Natura Curiosorum.
1752 Reverted to title of 1727.

Academia Casarea Leopoldino - Carolina Germanica Natura
Curiosorum. (Kaiserliche Leopoldino Carolinische Deutsche
Akademie der Naturforscher.)]

Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica, &c. Ann. I-VII.
4. Lipsia, &c., 1670–77.
Miscellanea curiosa, sive Ephemeridum medico-physic-
arum, &c. Ann. VIII-X.
4o. Vratislaviæ & Brega, 1678–80.
Ann. 1-x, forming 6 Vol., bound in 4.
Decuriæ II, Ann. 1-X. [In 5 Vol.]

4o. Norimbergæ, 1683–92.

Index generalis . . . Dec. I & II, &c.

4o. Norimberga, 1695.

Decuriæ III, Ann. 1-X. [7 Vol. in 4.]

4o. Lipsia & Francofurti, &c., 1694-1706. Index generalis. . . Decuriæ tertiæ, &c. 4o. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1713.

Academiæ... Ephemerides, &c. Centuria I-X. [5 Vol. in 3.] 4. Francofurti & Lipsia, &c., 1712-22.

Index .. rerum quae in Decuriis III ac Centuriis X. Ephemeridum Academiae . . . extant, adjuncta Sylloge alphabetica auctorum, &c. 4o. Norimbergae, 1739. Wanting the first title, which reads: "Synopsis observationum medicarum," dc.

Acta physico-medica, &c. Vol. 1-x [in 5].

4°. Norimberga, 1727-54. Nova Acta (Verhandlungen), &c. Tom. 1→

4o. Norimbergæ, &c., 1757→ Tom. IX have a second title-page reading: "Verhandlungen," &c. In Tom. XXVII-XXXV the reading of the title was varied to: "Novorum Actorum Academiae . . . Tomus," dc. Up to this point the series is also divided into Decades. With but few exceptions there is a separately paged "Appendix" or paper at the end of each Vol. in the earlier series; whilst supplementary Vols are issued with the later one. In Vol. XXVIII-XXXVII each paper is separately paged, and in Vol. XXXVIII→ each paper bears its own pagination in addition to that of the Vol.

Academia Cæsarea Leopoldino-Carolina, &c. Les Ephémérides... depuis l'année 1670 jusqu'en 1686. (Supplément. jusqu'en 1686.-Extrait de la sixième année de la seconde Décurie des mêmes Ephémérides.) See COLLECTION ACADÉMIQUE, &c. Partie Etrangère. Tom. III (& IV). 4o. 1755 (-57). Academia Cæsarea Leopoldino-Carolina, &c. Leopoldina, amtliches Organ der .. Akademie . Herausgegeben . . . von dem Präsidenten, &c. Hft. I, VII→ 4o. Dresden, &c., 1859, 1871→ Hft. II-VI appeared in the "Nova Acta," Tom, XXVIII-XXXVI.

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