PREFACE. There is, perhaps, no subject contained in the volume o revelation, which is, at the same time, both so importan and so imperfectly understood, by a large proportion a Christians, as the Theocracy of the Hebrews. Very brie are the notices to be found of this form of government in th works of the most learned American divines. Their atten tion has hitherto been almost exclusively directed to th doctrines or duties of Christianity. The consequence ha been, that the four last books of the pentateuch have been too much neglected, as uninteresting to those, who liv under the present dispensation. The works of distinguish ed foreign writers, are too voluminous to be of general us in our churches, and many of them contain opinions man ifestly erroneous and of dangerous tendency. A small treaties on the Hebrew Theocracy, suited to the wants of Christian families and Bible classes, appears to be needed. No work of the kind, it is believed, has eve been published in this country. It is not the intention of the author of this work, to quote ⚫ largely from the writings of others. Much space is sometimes occupied with the refutation of erroneous opinions never before known to the reader. This may be done, no so much to benefit the reader, as to give reputation to the writer. A plain scripture view of the Hebrew Theocracy in its connexions is all that will be attempted. If it contribute to make any part of the volume of revelation interesting and instructive, which has been too much neglected, the object of the author will be attained. (RECAP) 5076 157 |