1866, n. 21, jeft of Ber. James Haiker, D9, of Cambridge. (Blass of 1814.) MY DEAR SIR, Boston, June 6, 1853. By an unanimous vote of the ANCIENT AND HONORABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY, the Officers of the past year were directed to present their grateful acknowledgments for the very instructive and eloquent Discourse delivered by you this day, on the occasion of their Anniversary, and to ask the favor of a copy for the press. It gives me much pleasure to be the organ of the wishes of the Company, and of the Officers recently associated with me in command. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, REV. HUBBARD WINSLOWw, 6 Allston Street. FRANCIS BRINLEY. HON. FRANCIS BRINLEY: Boston, June 9, 1853. Dear Sir, Be pleased to accept and to present to the other gentlemen of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, my grateful acknowledgment of the indulgence with which you have been pleased to regard the Discourse delivered by me on the occasion of your Anniversary, and to consider the manuscript at your entire service. With sentiments of highest esteem, I have the honor to remain, Your obedient servant, HUBBARD WINSLOW. |