Let the Words be Written: The Lasting Influence of Eugene A. Nida

Front Cover
Society of Biblical Lit, 2004 - Religion - 199 pages

From inside the book


The Rev Eugene A Nida 1943
Bible Translation before Nida
A New Approach
Eugene and Althea Nida circa 1965
Dr Nida with Khoisan speakers in Africa
Implications of Dynamic Equivalence
Althea Nida teaching typing to indigenous helpers in Africa
Dr Nida in offices at the American Bible Society circa 1975
Dr Nida and the UBS Greek New Testament team
New Relationships More Access Future Directions
Nida the Man and the Scholar
Photographs taken by Dr Nida during his travels 141
Eugene Nida and Johannes Louw authors of The Greek
Other Voices Other Words
Dr Nida with ABS General Secretary the Rev Laton Holmgren 177 Dr Eugene A Nida circa 2000

Taking the Bible Seriously

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Popular passages

Page 107 - And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.
Page 105 - For verily that which hath been made glorious hath not been made glorious in this respect, by reason of the glory that surpasseth.
Page 38 - Translating consists in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent to the message of the source language, first in meaning and secondly in style.
Page 42 - ... the message. A translation of dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of expression, and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture; it does not insist that he understand the cultural patterns of the source-language context in order to comprehend the message. Of course, there are varying degrees of such dynamic-equivalence translations. One of the modern English translations which, perhaps more than any other, seeks for equivalent...
Page 41 - Because translating always involves communication within the context of interpersonal relations, the model for such activity must be a communication model, and the principles must be primarily sociolinguistic in the broad sense of the term
Page 41 - Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, unless the form is an essential element of the message.
Page 162 - By producing the illusion of transparency, a fluent translation masquerades as true semantic equivalence when it in fact inscribes the foreign text with a partial interpretation, partial to English-language values, reducing if not simply excluding the very difference that translation is called on to convey.
Page 50 - For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.
Page 40 - In such a translation one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message.

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