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Catechism of Scripture Bistory.

First Age of the World.


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Relate what you know of the history of the creation? In the beginning God created heaven and earth; the earth was void and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved over the waters, and God said, "Be light made," and light was made; and He divided the light from the darkness and called the light day, and the darkness night. On the second day God made a firmament and called it heaven,


dividing the waters that were under it from those that were above it. On the third day God commanded the waters on the earth to be gathered together, and to let the dry land appear: the gathering together of the waters He called seas, the earth He commanded to bring forth fruit trees and herbs. On the fourth day God made lights in the firmament of heaven; a greater light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night; and the stars. On the fifth day God created the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air. On the sixth day God created beasts, cattle and creeping things; and last of all man, to whom He gave dominion over the earth and all it contained. The seventh day God blessed and sanctified, for in it He rested from all His work.

Of what did God make man?

He made his body of the slime of the earth, and his soul, which He breathed into him, He created of nothing.

To whose image did God make man
To His own image.

created him." (Gen. i. 27.)



To the image of God He

In what is man like to God?

In his soul.

In what is the soul like to God?

In being a spirit and immortal, and in being capable of knowing and loving God.

Why did God give us souls capable of knowing and loving him?

That we might attain the end for which He made us, that is, to know and serve Him here on earth, and hereafter to see and enjoy Him for ever in heaven.

A.M. 1 to 1656.] Lesson Second. [A.C. 4000 to 2344.


What was the name of the first man?


Where did God place Adam?

In the garden of Paradise.

What was the name of the first woman?

Of what did God make Eve?

Of one of the ribs of Adam, which he took from him whilst he slept.

Where is it supposed that the Garden of Eden was situated?

In Asia, between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris.
Who gave names to all animals on earth?

Adam, before whom God caused them all to pass in review.

What command did God give to Adam on placing him in Paradise?

That he should not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil under penalty of death.

Why was that command given?

To make Adam, though vested with authority over the earth, sensible of God's supreme dominion over him, and of his dependence on God, and as a trial of obedience.

Did our first parents disobey the command of God? Yes, Eve weakly yielded to the temptation of the devil, who in form of a serpent persuaded her that God would not put his threat in execution, and that by eating the forbidden fruit she would become more wise, on which She did eat, and gave to Adam, and he also did eat." (Gen. iii. 6.)


What is this sin of our first parents called?

Original sin; this we inherit from them, and every one coming into the world is infected with it.

What punishment did God inflict on them?

He drove them out of Paradise, stripped them of original justice, and condemned them to death with their posterity.


A.M. 1 to 1656.]

Lesson Third.

[A.C. 4000 to 2344.


Did God give Adam and Eve any consolation in their affliction?

Yes, in the promise of a Redeemer to come.

When was that promise fulfilled?

About 4,000 years after.

What was the name of the first son of Adam and Eve? Cain, who was the first murderer, having killed his brother Abel.


Why did he commit so great a crime?

Through envy and jealousy on account of his brother's superior piety and merit; and because Abel's offering was more acceptable to God than his own.

What punishment did God inflict on Cain?

He cursed him, and pronounced him a fugitive and vagabond on the face of the earth, which He decreed should not yield Cain fruit on his tilling it.

Where did Cain dwell after his sentence was pronounced? To the east of Eden, whither he was constrained to fly; where he in some time built a city which he called after his son Enoch.

What was the name of the son whom God gave to Adam and Eve in place of Abel?

Seth, who was born A.M. 130; he was just, and like unto Abel.

Did any remarkable person descend from Seth?

Yes, Enoch, a just and holy man, who, at the age of 365 years, was taken from among men without dying, and translated to some place of rest and happiness, whence, as the holy Fathers gather from the Apocalypse, chap. xi., he and Elias will come before the last day to oppose antichrist, and having suffered martyrdom, and been again restored to life, will ascend gloriously into heaven. Who was Mathusalem?

The son of Enoch, and remarkable for being the oldest man that ever lived, having attained the age of 969 years. He was grandfather to Noah.

Names and ages of the Patriarchs of the first age.

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460. .1422......962


622...... 987......365 translated to heaven.

Mathusalem, 687......1656......969

Lamech, 874......1651......777

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