OF THE HOLY WEEK TRANSLATED OVT OF FRENCH With a new and ample explication taken ENRICHT WITH MANY FIGVRES.. Printed by the Widow CHRESTIEN. M. DC. LXX. 138. f. 188 TO MY MOST HONOVRED DEAR MOTHER THE LADY M. B. ADAM, This Translation of the most folemne and magnificent portion of the Churches Office and Lycurgie, was begun by my late most honoured Father a little before his death, and by his order continued by my self: bis intention therein being the speciall fatisfaction and spirituall comfort of your ladyship and my Dear Sisters. And indeed what greater comfort can a devout foul (attentively and wisely exercifing her thoughts and affections on the glorious Mysteries of the death and Refurrection of our blessed Saviour celebrated in this office) enioy, then the contemplating those saving Mysteries represented with all possible lufter and advantage, like the mysticall Jewells of VRIM and THVMMIM put on the Breast plate of the high Priest, and encompassed with a twelve-fold variety of sparkling stones, all whose beames of severall tinctures being united, gave a luster inexplicably delightfull: Or like that precious perfume composed by God himself of most sweet spices with pure frankincense, tempered together, pure and holy, in which an odour exhaled from the fe verall ingredients duly crushed toge ther was fo admirably reviving, that un der penalty of death the like compofi tion was forbidden, except in the service of God. Thus hath Holy Church, the divine Wisedom directing her, composed for the inf truction and confolation of her children these devotions relating to the foresaid faving mysteries, with such admirable variety, that nothing is wanting which may recommend them to our wonder, belief and affection. For here we find them confirmed by Prophecies, embelished by Figures, Allusions Histoires, and Allegories, and in a word enrich'd with all the treasures of Rhetoricall invention and elegance of expreffion. These things confidered I do not doubt but the small paines I have taken in preparing this divine Office for your ladyships use, will be acceptable to you, and now the more, fince being published, many others may become partakers of the spirituall good, at first intended especially for your ladyship : which good fucceffe if it find; . |