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IN January, 1861, I saw my first case of malignant Diphtheria, a malady then hardly known in Philadelphia. Never having met with the disease before, I had recourse to the treatment recommended by the British and French physicians, and was unsuccessful.

I then determined to make myself, as far as possible, familiar with the nature of Diphtheria, by examining its records from the most ancient times. For this purpose I procured from the Library of the Pennsylvania Hospital all the works relating to the subject.

Since that time, now over six years, I have attended about one hundred and eighty malignant or severe cases of Diphtheria and diphtheritic croup, and at least four hundred and twenty slighter cases of the disease; including in this latter class all where the membrane, or a few patches of it, could be distinctly seen in the throat.

This treatise is the result of my researches and subsequent experience.

The more I contemplate this disease in all its details, the more I am convinced of its identity with malignant scarlatina

and membranous croup, and that these diseases are different manifestations of the same or a similar poison in the blood.

I have contributed my share towards the solution of this important question, and furnished practical information for a successful treatment. My labors, I hope, will not have been in vain.

PHILADELPHIA, March, 1867.


[NOTE.--In order to obtain a clear and easy supervision of the remedies employed, it was my wish to have them printed in the margin of the text. By a misunderstanding they were printed as headings. Throughout the chapter relating my own experience this plan has been followed.]

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