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THE YEAR 1871.




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The books are described as folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., according to the apparent size of the volume, and not according to the printer's designations derived from the fold of the sheets.

In the alphabetical arrangement, the prefix Mc, M', or Mac, is treated uniformly as a component part of the word, as if spelled Mac. Thus, McLeod or M'Leod precedes Maclure. In like manner, the prefixes New, La, Du, etc., are treated as component parts of the words to which they belong. Thus New England follows Newell instead of preceding it, as it would do if the prefix New were treated as a separate word.

It is one of the aims of the present catalogue to furnish with the titles a sufficiently full collation of each work. Thus it is made a part of the description to give the number of pages, in the case of all works not exceeding two volumes, together with the number of maps and plates, if any, and the name of the publisher. The information thus conveyed will, it is believed, be found of practical value to readers, as conveying at a glance some idea of the extent of each work, while the addition of publishers' names is useful as supplying a guide to the identification of editions. In the case of books printed without date, the actual or approximate date is usually supplied in brackets.

Brackets in any part of a title indicate that the words included in them are not found in the title,' but are inserted.

The titles of most modern books are given with approximate fullness, but it is to be understood that long titles are uniformly abridged, the more significant words of the title only being inserted.

The letter s, affixed to any title, denotes that the work belongs to the library of the Smithsonian Institution, now deposited in the Library of Congress.


A. (C.) Jerubbaal: or, a vindication of the sober testimony against sinful complyance, from the exceptions of mr. [John] Tombs, in answer to his Theodulia. Wherein the unlawfulness of hearing the present conform ing ministers is more largely discussed and proved. [anon.] 489 pp. sm. 40. London, 1668.

A. (D. D.) See Dreux du Radier (Jean François).

A. (F. S.) Great success. See Flint (S. A.) A. (H.) Partheneia sacra. See Hawkins (Henry).

A. (J.) The ocean harp. See Agg (John). A. (J.) Princely excellency: or, regal glory. Being an exact account of the most glorious actions of that most potent prince, William the third, late king of England. By J. A. [anon.] 6p. 1. 168 pp. 1 portrait. 180. London, W. Spiller, 1702.

A. (J. M.) Noticia de los procedimientos en la reposicion de la sagrada imagen renovada del sr. de santa Teresa, y afectos de un pecador à sus pies. Por J. M. A. [anon.] 31 pp. 18°. Mexico, R. Rafael, 1846.

A. (L.) Histoire des Wahabis. See Corancez (L. A. O. de).

A. (R. P.) Sister Ruth's stories for the young : or evenings with John Woolman. By R. P. A. [anon.] 121 pp. 1 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, T. E. Chapman, 1865.

A. (S. A.) See Allibone (Samuel Austin). Aa (A. Jan van der). Nieuw biografiesch, anthologiesch en kritiesch woordenboek van nederlandsche dichters, uitmakende tevens een verfolg op Witsen Geysbeeks. Nieuwe uitgave van J. A. Alberdingk Thijm. 3 v. 8°. Amsterdam, C. L. van Langenhuysen, 1864.

Aanmerkingen van eenen reiziger over Hollande, [etc.] See Remarques d'un voyageur sur la Hollande, [etc.] Abailard or Abélard (Pierre). Petri Abælardi opera hactenus seorsim edita, nunc primum in unum collegit, textum ad fidem librorum editorum scriptorumque recensuit, notas, argumenta, indices adjecit Victor Cousin, adjuvantibus C. Jourdain et E. Despois. 2 v. 2 p. 1. vi, 731 pp. 11; 2 p. 1. 830 pp. 11. 4°. Parisiis, A. Durand, 1849-59.

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