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yet, we fay,the continuance of this Frame and Order for fo long a duration as the known ages of the World must neceffarily infer the Existence of God. For though the Universe was Infinite, the Fixt Starrs could not be fixed, but would naturally convene together, and confound System with Syftem: for, all mutually attracting, every one would move whither it was moft powerfully drawn. This, they may fay, is indubitable in the cafe of a Finite World, where fome Systems must needs, be Outmoft, and therefore be drawn toward the Middle: but when Infinite Systems fucceed one another through an Infinite Space, and none is either inward or outward; may not all the Systems be fituated in an accurate Poise; and, because equally attracted on all fides, remain fixed and unmoved? But to this we reply: That unlefs the very mathematical Center of Gravity of every Syftem be placed and fixed in the very mathematical Center of the Attractive Power of all. the reft; they cannot be evenly attracted on all fides, but muft preponderate fome way or other. Now he that confiders, what a mathematical Cen ter is, and that Quantity is infinitly divisible; will never be perfuaded, that fuch an Univerfal Equilibrium arising from the coincidence of Infinite Centers can naturally be acquired or maintain'd. If they fay; that upon the Suppofition of Infinite Matter, every Syftem would be infinitly, and. therefore equally attracted on all fides; and con


fequently would reft in an exact Equilibrium, be the Center of its Gravity in what Pofition foever: This will overthrow their very Hypothesis; at this rate in an infinite Chaos nothing at all could be formed; no Particles could convene by mutual Attraction; for every one there must have Infinite Matter around it, and therefore must rest for ever being evenly balanced between Infinite Attractions. Even the Planets upon this principle muft gravitate no more toward the Sun, than a ny other way fo that they would not revolve1 in curve Lines, but fly away in direct Tangents, till they ftruck against other Planets or Starrs in fome remote regions of the Infinite Space. An equal Attraction on all fides of all Matter is juft equal to no Attraction at all: and by this means all the Motion in the Universe muft proceed from external Impulfe alone; which we have proved before to be an incompetent Cause for the Formation of a World.

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And now, O thou almighty and eternal Creator, having confider'd the Heavens the work of thy Pfal. 8. fingers, the Moon and the Starrs which thou hast ordained, with all the company of Heaven we laud and magnify thy glorious Name, evermore. praifing thee and faying; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hofts, Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory Glory be to thee, O Lord most High.



Confutation of Atheilm


Origin and Frame of the WORLD.

The Third and Laft PART.



Preached at

St Mary-le-Bow,

DECEMBER the 5th 1692.

Being the Eighth of the Lecture Founded by the Honourable ROBERT BOYLE, Efquire.

By RICHARD BENTLEY, M. A. Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God, EDWARD, Lord Bishop of Worcester.


Printed for H. Mortlock at the Phenix in
St. Paul's Church-yard. 1693.

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Ra. Barker, Ro in Chrifto Patri ac Dno Dno Jobanni Archiep. Cantuar. à Sacris Domest.

Maij 30. 1693,


Acts XIV. 15, &c.

That ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, who made Heaven and Earth and the Sea, and all things that are therein: Who in times paft fuffer'd all Nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless, he left not himself without witness, in that he did Good, and gave us Rain from Heaven, and fruitfull Seafons, filling our hearts with Food and Gladnefs.

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Aving abundantly proved in our Last Exercife, That the Frame of the present World could neither be made nor preferved without the Power of God; we shall now consider the structure and motions of our own Sy stem, if any characters of Divine Wisdom and Goodneß may be difcoverable by us. And even at the firft and general View it very evidently ap pears to us (which is our FOURTH and Laft Propofition,) That the Order and Beauty of the Syftematical Parts of the World, the Discernible Ends and Final Causes of them, the Biov or Meliority above what was necessary to be, do evince by a reflex Argument, that it could not be produced by Mechanism or Chance, but by an. Intel

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