MISSING PIECES OF THE BIBLE Lost Books Fill-in the Blanks: Lost Books Fill-in the BlanksThere are a lot of unanswered questions in the Bible like: Why was Adam created 'on the earth' and God later moved him to a special garden? Who are the 'sons of God' in Genesis Chapter Six who cohabited with women and produced 'giants' who were on the earth at various times past and will be again in the end times? Whatever happened to Enoch and the prophecy he wrote which the book of Jude speaks of? Who is the man with the writer's inkhorn in Ezekiel Chapter Nine? Who were the wise men in the Book of Matthew in the N.T. who presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh? Is the number 666 really the correct interpretation of the mark of the beast of Revelation? The Bible mentions these things but doesn't seem to provide any real answers, however, there are other writings - books which were lost but which answer these questions and more... |
Introduction | 11 |
CHAPTER TWO Taken | 23 |
CHAPTER FOUR The Mark | 39 |
CHAPTER FIVE Between Corruptibility | 52 |
CHAPTER SIX Daughter of Paradise | 61 |
CHAPTER SEVEN Gold Frankincense | 78 |
CHAPTER EIGHT A Field A Pearl | 86 |
CHAPTER NINE Ancient of Days | 96 |
Common terms and phrases
Adam and Eve angels anointed cherub appears beast behold believe Bible blood Book of Enoch Book of Ezekiel Book of Jude Books of Eden/Adam buying and selling called chariot of fire children of men Christ commanded creature of paradise earth Eden/Adam and Eve Elijah Enoch Chapter evil Ezekiel fear flesh foolish forehead Forgotten Books frankincense garden Genesis giants gifts God's treasure God's word gold heavenly Herod Hidden Prophecy holy horses of fire human women important incense Jesus judgement king kingdom of heaven lamp law of confirming living creatures Lord of Spirits lost books mark Matt means mention mortal myrrh Parable chapters pearl Pharisees Prov Proverbs 31 Psalm receive referring Revelation rubies Saul Secrets of Enoch Semjaza serpent soul speaks supernatural taken Testament things throne token took translated truth unto verse says Vindicatus Watchers wife wisdom wise woman writer's inkhorn