ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. IV THE following work was written by a Lady, who dedicates much of her time to that most useful and charitable employment of giving religious instruction to a parish-school. To make this employment more easy and methodical, she drew up the following mode. of instruction; at first for her own use; but afterward printed it for the use of those who might choose to follow her method. Nor has she been deceived. A small edition hath been called for, to make the work more universally useful. At The At her request I looked it over. reader will not expect many new thoughts on the subject: but will find a judicious collection from Pool, Stanhope, Sherlock, and other writers; in which he will meet with much good divinity, and many scriptural rules brought more closely together, than he will easily find elsewhere. VICAR'S HILL, WILLIAM GILPIN. THE CONTENTS. The miraculous conception of Mary. Joseph's doubts are Joseph goes with Mary to be taxed at Bethlehem, where Christ is born. His birth made known to some shep berds by an angel. The circumcision of Jesus. The prophecy of Simeon. On the neglect of public worship. On the utility of making children early partakers of Wise men from the east come to Jerusalem to inquire after Christ. King Herod alarmed on that occafion. The wise men are directed by a star to Christ, and worship him, offering gifts. The flight of the holy family into Egypt. Herod's massacre of the children in Bethlehem and its vicinity. On the passions of PACH |