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The Matron learned to love the sound,
That frightened her before.

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And 'twas his fate to thrive,

And long he liv'd and spread his fame,

And kept the joke alive.

For many a laugh went through the vale,
And some conviction too :-

Each thought some other Goblin tale,
Perhaps was just as true.

AMONG the baneful effects of Deglected or improper education, may be classed the ignorance of dif

ferent parts of the earth, and that illiberality of sentiment towards the inhabitants of countries with which we are but partially acquainted. We suppose others enveloped in ignorance and error, and are too apt to consider them as infidels, savages, or barbarians.

The term savage signifies uncultivated, uncivilized, barbarous.

Infidel implies an unbeliever, a miscreant, a pagan, one who rejects christianity.

A christian is a disciple or follower of Christ, and is Christ's servant and Christ says, "Ye are my

servants if ye do whatsoever I com. mand you." He commands his to live in love, and not even to resist evil, but to do good for evil, to pray for enemies; and has left the following golden Rule, which is a real criterion of a christian; "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”

From the preceding definitions, can we believe every American


is a Christian? If we judge from the manner of their lives and conduct, we must conclude they are



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is a Christian? Their practices prove many of them are not. trees are known by their fruit,so men by their conduct prove what they


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a savage? Judging, as before, by their fruits, it is evident from a vari ety of well authenticated facts and circumstances, they are not.

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