And when the mountainous ocean swells and raves, When the ship sinks beneath, Thou makest on the waves The mariner endure protracted death. Long buoy'd by thee, with miserable eye And thinks he can descry The distant vessel o'er the billows bound. Oh, happy, if by no vain wish possess'd, Despair had fill'd his breast, Soon had he perish'd, and the pang been past. Fool! he who trusts thee in the evil hour, Thou parasite of grief, Whose false and boasting power Can only promise, never bring relief. ANONYMOUS. TO THE RIVER TEIGN. OH Thou! the guardian of each floweret pale Foams down the dark and solitary vale; [stray, Which gilds the' encircling majesty of groves; Hail, holy sire! whilst keen remorse corrodes, Sicken'd with pleasure's pangs, this aching Thy freshening streams impart, [heart, And take, oh, take me to thy bless'd abodes! VOL. III. S But if, led on by Heaven's decree to' explore Torn from thy desert caves and solemn roar; Enshroud me far from men, in deep repose. BAMPFYLDE. TO THE POPPY. Nor for the promise of the labour'd field, For dull to humid eyes appear Alas! a melancholy worship's mine! That dost so far exceed The richest gifts gay Flora can bestow, Heedless I pass'd thee in Life's morning hour (Thou comforter of woe), Till Sorrow taught me to confess thy power. In early days, when Fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove Of laughing Spring's luxuriant sweets, To deck ungrateful Love; The rose or thorn my numbers crown'd, As Venus smiled or Venus frown'd. But Love and Joy and all their train are flown, And I will sing of thee alone; Unless perchance the attributes of grief, Their pale funereal foliage blend with thine. Canst close those weary eyes in gentle sleep For, oh! thy potent charm Can agonizing Pain disarm; Expel imperious Memory from her seat, By thee the wretched die! Which bids the spirit from its bondage fly, I'd court thy palliative aid no more! Burst these terrestrial bonds, and other regions try. HON. MRS. O'NEIL. TO THE WILLOW. SEE Nature's fairest gift appear, Queen of flowers, how bright her hue, Flings her refreshing odours to the night! For me a wreath does Fate provide, Sweet rose, be wasted in the cave of Death; Then not for me, too lavish rose, When the wild winds impetuous blow, When the tall elm and stately oak But not for yielding gentleness alone, And patient meekness, is the willow known; 'Tis her distinguish'd lot to prove The last resource of suffering love; Her graceful foliage decks the maid Who weeps too easy faith betray'd; Or crowns the drooping love-lorn swain, Whose haughty fair one scorns his pain; Or marks the consecrated spot where sleep Love's victims, who at length have ceased to weep. Then, still to cureless grief a friend, This lone sequester'd bower of thine: MRS. LOVETT. |