MONTHLY MAGAZINE; OR, BRITISH REGISTER: INCLUDING MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATIONS FROM LIST OF NEW BOOKS, WITH A CRITICAL BRIDE COURT, BRIDGE STREET; By whom Communications (Post-paid) are thankfully received. [Price Fifteen Shillings, half-bound.] Printed by J. and C. ADLARD, 23, Bartholomew Close, MONTHLY MAGAZINE. No. 364.] FEBRUARY 1, 1822. [1 of Vol. 53. BILTON HALL, THE RESIDENCE OF ADDISON. At the pleasant village of Bilton, one mile and a half from Rugby, and two miles from Dunchurch, stands the irregular but spacious mansion, once the property and residence of ADDISON. He gave £10,000 for it and the adjacent manor, furnished it, and hung it with pictures, as a lure to the Countess of Warwick, to whom he was then paying his court. His only daughter, imbecile in her understanding, lived here till 1797, when she died in her 79th year. A long walk is still called Addison's walk, and the spacious gardens retain the fashion of the age of the "Spectator." The adjoining Parish Church, and other places in the vicinity, are consecrated by the habits and presence of the once illustrious occupant. The obliged us to seek a lodging at a small B derabl |