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learn the lessons of humility. ContemplatContemplat- SECT. ing the work of Redemption, we become more and more impreffed with the fenfe of our natural darkness, and helpleffnefs, and mifery, from which it was requifite to ranfom us at fuch a price; more and more confcious that we are utterly unworthy of all the amazing condefcenfion and love which have been manifefted towards us; afhamed of the calloufnefs of our tendereft fenfibility, and of the poor returns of our most active fervices. Confiderations like thefe, abating our pride and reducing our opinions of our felves, naturally moderate our pretenfions towards others. We become lefs difpofed to exact that respect for our perfons, and that deference for our authority, which we naturally covet; we lefs fenfibly feel a flight, and lefs hotly refent it; we grow less irritable, lefs prone to be diffatisfied; more foft, and meek, and courteous, and placable, and condefcending. We are not literally required to practise the fame humiliating fubmiffions, to which our bleffed Saviour himself was not ashamed to stoop*; but the Spirit of the remark applies to us," the fervant is not greater

* John xiii. 13-17. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet, &c.




In promet ing a fpirit of moderation in


purfuits, and cheer

fulness in Tuffering.

"than his Lord:" and we fhould efpecially bear this truth in mind, when the occafion calls upon us to discharge fome duty, or pas tiently to fuffer fome ill treatment, whereby our pride will be wounded, and we are likely to be in fome degree degraded from the rank we had poffeffed in the world's estimation. At the fame time the Sacred Scriptures af furing us, that to the powerful operations of the Holy Spirit, purchased for us by the death of Chrift, we must be indebted for the fuccefs of all our endeavours after improve ment in virtue; the conviction of this truth tends to render us diffident of our own powers, and to fupprefs the first rifings of vanity. Thus, while we are conducted to heights of virtue no otherwife attainable, due care is taken to prevent our becoming giddy from our clevation (a). It is the Scripture characteristic of the Gofpel fyftem, that by it all difpofition to exalt ourfelves is excluded; and if we really grow in grace, we fhall grow alfo in humility.

LOOKING UNTO JESUS! "HE endured the crofs, defpifing the "fhame."-While we' fteadily contemplate

(a) Vide Pafcal's Thoughts on Religion- A book abounding in the deepest views of practical Chriftianity.



this folemn scene, that fober frame of fpirit SECT. is produced within us, which beft befits the Chriftian militant here on earth. We become impreffed with a fenfe of the fhortnefs and uncertainty of time, and that it behoves us to be diligent in making provision for eternity. In fuch a temper of mind, the pomps and vanities of life are caft behind us as the baubles of children.-We lofe our relifh for the frolics of gaiety, the race of ambition, or the groffer gratifications of voluptuoufnefs. In the cafe even of those objects, which may more juftly claim the attention of reasonable and immortal beings; in our family arrangements, in our plans of life, in our schemes of bufinefs, we become, without relinquishing the path of duty, more moderate in purfuit, and more indifferent about the iffue. Here also we learn to correct the world's falfe eftimate of things, and to "look through the fhallownefs of earthly

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grandeur;" to venerate what is truly excellent and noble, though under a defpifed and degraded form; and to cultivate within ourselves that true magnanimity, which can make us rife fuperior to the fmiles or frowns of this world; that dignified compofure of foul which no earthly incidents can deftroy or ruffle. Instead of re


CHAP. pining at any of the little occafional inconveniences we may meet with in our paffage through life; we are almost ashamed of the multiplied comforts and enjoyments of our condition, when we think of him, who, though "the Lord of glory," "had not "where to lay his head." And if it be our lot to undergo evils of more than ordinary magnitude, we are animated under them by reflecting, that we are hereby more conformed to the example of our bleffed Mafter: though we must ever recollect one important difference, that the fufferings of Chrift were voluntarily borne for our benefit, and were probably far more exquifitely agonizing than any which we are called upon to undergo. Besides, it must be a folid fupport to us amidst all our troubles to know, that they do not happen to us by chance; that they are not even merely the punishment of fin; but that they are the difpenfations of a kind Providence, and fent on messages of mercy." The cup that our Father hath


given us, fhall we not drink it?"—" Blessed "Saviour! by the bitterness of thy pains we 66 may eftimate the force of thy love; we are fure of thy kindness and compaffion'; "thou wouldst not willingly call on us to "fuffer; thou haft declared unto us, that all

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" before us.


to them that love thee; and therefore, if SECT. *thou so ordaineft it, welcome disappoint"ment and poverty, welcome fickness and pain, welcome even fhame, and contempt, "and calumny. If this be a rough and thorny "path, it is one in which thou haft gone Where we see thy footsteps we "cannot repine. Meanwhile, thou wilt "fupport us with the confolations of thy 66 grace; and even here thou canst more "than compenfate to us for any temporal fufferings, by the poffeffion of that peace, "which the world can neither give nor take "away."


ing courage and


in dangers,

and hea

"THE Author and Finisher of our faith, Inpromote "who for the joy that was fet before him "endured the crofs, defpifing the fhame, and "is fet down at the right hand of God." From the scene of our Saviour's weakness and degradation, we follow him, in idea, intó the realms of glory, where "he is on the


right hand of God; angels, and principa "lities, and powers being made subject unto "him."-But though changed in place, yet not in nature, he is ftill full of fympathy and love; and having died" to fave his peo

A a


venly mindeda


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