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the consolidated fund, and constitutes |
part of the produce of the land-tax in
the ways and means of the current year
Tax on attornies commenced, 1785
Tea-dealers obliged to have sign-boards
painted, 1779

Tea duties ceased, and the double-tax on
windows commenced, Oct. 1784
Temple-bar (act passed for pulling down the
houses without), June, 1795
Tenures held by knight's services abolished
by law, 1643

Terms of law begun, 1079

- Hilary Term begins Jan. 11, ends Jan.
31; and contains 21 days
-Easter Term begins April 15, ends May
8; and contains 24 days

- Trinity Term begins May 22, ends June
12; and contains 22 days
Michaelmas Term begins Nov. 3, ends
Nov. 25; and contains 23 days

- by stat. 1, Wm. IV. c. 73, in case the day
of the month on which any Term, ac-
cording to 1 Wm. IV. c. 70, is to end,
shall fall on a Sunday, then the Monday
next after such day shall be the last day
of the Term, and in case of any of the
days between the Thursday before and
the Wednesday next after Easter, shall
fall within Easter Term, then such days
shall be part of such Term, although
there shall be no sittings in banco on
any of such intervening days. This act
was occasioned by lawyer Scarlett's ig-
norance, that there were such occur-
rences as changes of the moon!

Test act passed, 1673

Thames embankment begun, 1771
Theatres not to be licensed by the king, but
by parliament, 1737
Theft made capital, 964

Threatening letters made punishable, by act
passed, 1730

Tiles taxed, 1784

Tithes first granted, in 854

Tobacco (a proclamation against) used formerly for physic, and a tax laid on it, without the consent of parliament, of 6s. 8d. per pound, besides 2d. formerly. It came from the Spanish West Indies, 1604

prohibited to be planted here, 1624
- first taxed by name, in 1685
- subjected to excise laws, 1789
Toleration act passed, 1689

Transportation of felons introduced, 1590
Treason requiring two witnesses, 1552
Tribute of wolves' heads paid in England,

- paid by the English to the Danes, in one
one year, 48,000Z., 997

Triennial parliaments established, 1694 -repealed, 1716

Trinity act passed, to exempt from penalties persons denying the doctrine of, 1813

Truck system, or payment of wages in certain trades, in goods, or otherwise than in the current coin of the realm, prohibited, 1831

VASSALAGE or serfs abolished b stein and Sleswic, in Denma Vice-chancellor (office of) crea Victualler-enacted, that none than one full ale quart of th ld. and two quarts of the s ld., 1603

UNIFORMITY (act of) passed, 1 - took place, 1662

Union act for Scotland, passed - for Ireland, passed, July 2,

place, Jan. 1, 1801 Urine-the inhabitants of Lon minster, &c. commanded by to keep all their urine, t year, for making saltpetre, Usury forbidden by parliamen -in 1260, 2s. per week for t

which was at the rate of

ann. for 1007. restrained b against the Jews Waggon duty commenced, 17 Wales incorporated with Eng Watches and clocks taxed, 17 repealed, 1798 Welshmen forbidden purcha England, 1401 Whale fishery promoted, by 1749

Widowers taxed, 1695 Wills. (Vide MEMORABLE E Window-tax act passed (first) the net produce of the England and Wales, 1,262,3187. 2s. 6d. *The houses having the of windows in England which has 722; Woburn, Wentworth, which has which has 453; Petwor 350; Chatsworth, which Stowe, which has 261 Wine licenses established, 16 Witchcraft act passed, 1601

repealed, March 25, 1736 ***Barrington, in his Wo cient Statutes, estimat 30,000 persons were ex land for this imaginary g Witnesses (two) required to treason, 1552

Woods (an act for the preser - first taxed by parliament, 3 Wool and woollen manufact and America, prohibited to where but to England, 170 enacted, that none should in woollen, under the pe and 1678, but repealed, Wool, exportation forbidden ed, 1788

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Woollen cloths for burials fi law, 1678

Wolves' heads, tribute fr princes, 975

YORK (Duke of) had 40,000
on him, 1792



BINGDON, in Berks, built in 517 chaia founded, 1800 before Christ gra (East Indies) presidency of, established, 1834

ix-la-Chapelle built, 795

lexandria, in Egypt, built by Alexander the Great, the walls whereof were six miles in circuit, 332 before Christ taken by the French, 1798 and 1836 giers was a Roman province, 44 before Christ

seized by Barbarossa, 1516 seized by the French, 1833

merica first discovered by Columbus, 1492 the complete discovery of South America was made by Vespuccius Americanus, a Florentine, from whom it derives its name, 1497

Mexico was conquered by Spain, 1518
Peru, 1520

Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese, 1500; planted by them in 1549; now erected into an independent empire Terra Firma was conquered by Spain, in 1514

North America was first discovered by Sebastian Cabot, a Venetian, in the service of England, and his son John Cabot, an Englishman, in 1497

John Cabot settled Newfoundland, the first English colony in America, 1498 Florida was first discovered by John Cabot, in 1500; it was ceded to Spain, by the peace of 1783; now one of the United States

Louisiana was discovered by the French, 1663; they took possession of it, 1718; but eastward of the Mississippi was ceded to England, 1763; now forms one of the United States

e first British settlement made in North America was in Virginia, 4 James I., 1607

ew England was the second, in 1614, by che Plymouth Company

1620, a large body of dissenters, who Hed from church tyranny in England, urchased the Plymouth patent, and uilt New Plymouth

lem was built in 1628; and Boston, the resent capital, 1630

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Packet-boats first established between
Old and New Spain, with the liberty of
trading, 1764

Free trade opened between Old and New
Spain, by the Straits of Magellan, 1774 |
Paper currency established in America,
May 15, 1775

Several viceroys appointed in Spanish
America, 1776

Thirteen colonies united, and declared themselves independent of the English crown, July 4, 1776; allowed by France, Feb. 6, 1778; by Holland, Oct. 8, 1782 by the English parliament, Nov. 30, 1783 - American congress first met at Philadel phia, Sept. 5, 1775

William Henry (Duke of Clarence, now William IV.), third son of King George III., was the first prince of the blood royal that ever landed in North America, 1781

Spanish America declared itself independent, 1810

Provinces of, assembled in congress, declared the sovereignty of the people, July 5, 1811

Amsterdam first settled, 1203 walled, 1482

taken possession of by the French, Jan.
18, 1795

Andover made a free burgh, 1205
Antioch built, 300 before Christ
Antwerp first mentioned in history, 517
walled, 1256

pillaged by its garrison, 1576 - ruined, 1585

declared a free port, 1784 surrendered to the French, 1794 Aquitaine erected into a principality, 1362 nnsylvania was settled by William-re-annexed to the crown of France, 1730 Penn, a celebrated Quaker, in whose amily the patent lately subsisted, 1681 aryland, by Lord Baltimore, 1633 rolina, by English merchants, 1670 w York was first settled by the Dutch; ut the English dispossessed them and e Swedes, 1664

Areopagas first erected at Athens, 1272 be
fore Christ

Argos (the kingdom of) began, 1586 before

Arragon erected into a kingdom, 912
Assyria (kingdom of) began under Ninus,
2059 before Christ


Assyria. Lasted above 1264 years; ended with Sardanapalus

-out of its ruins were formed the Assyrians of Babylon, those of Nineveh, and the Medes

| Bruges fortified, 890
Brunswick built, 361

Burgundy (the dukedom of) established, 890 the kingdom founded, 413 - again, in 814

Athens (kingdom of) began, 1556 before united to the German empire, 1035

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Bilboa rebuilt, 1300

Bohemia (kingdom of) founded, 550
Bourbon erected into a Duchy, 1336
Brabant made a dukedom, 620

Brandenburgh created a marquisate, 925
- created a dukedom, 1526

Brazil erected into an empire, 1827 Bremen fortified, 1010 British Isles. They were inhabited originally by a people called Britons, of the same stock with the ancient Gauls or Celtæ the Romans first invaded them under Julius Cæsar, 54 B.C., but made no conquests

-the emperor Claudius, and his generals Plautius, Vespasian, and Titus, subdued several provinces after 30 pitched battles with the natives, A.D. 43 and 44 the conquest was completed by Agricola in the reign of Domitian, 85 wrested from the Roman empire by Carausius, 289; recovered by Constantius, 296. The Romans held their conquests till 428; then the old inhabitants called in the Saxons to assist them against the Picts and Scots; those Saxons made a second conquest, and divided South Briton into seven kingdoms, 455 this government was called the Saxon Heptarchy, and lasted till 829, when Egbert having subdued and united them under one government, was crowned King of England. (See England.) Britanny, founded as a kingdom, 383 - made a duchy, 874

annexed to the crown of France, 1150 Bruges founded, 700

-disunited by a revolt, and divided into four sovereignties, 1074

Byzantium, now Constantinople, founded, 715 B.C.

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Delft city founded, 1072 Denmark united to Norway, 1412 separated from it, 1521

crown made hereditary, 1660

Pomerania, and the isle of Rugen annexed to it in exchange for Norway, by treaty, Jan. 14, 1814

Deptford erected for the king's naval storehouse, 1513

Domingo (St.) given up by the French governor, Rochambeau, to the black troops, Nov. 19, 1803

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conquered in 1500

settled by them in 1506. The first settlement was Goa

the first commercial intercourse of the
English with the East Indies, was a pri-
vate adventure of three ships fitted out
from England, 33 Elizabeth, 1591; only
one of them reached India; and, after a
voyage of three years, the commander,
Captain Lancaster, was brought home
in another ship, the sailors having seized
on his own; but this information gave
rise to a capital mercantile voyage, and
the first East India company's charter,
on Dec. 31, 1600, their stock_consisting
of 72,000, they fitted out four ships,
and meeting with success, they have
continued ever since

- a new company established, 1698
the old one re-established, 1700
agreed to give government 400,000l. a
year, for five years, so they might con-
tinue unmolested, Feb. 1769
house built, 1726

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India bill passed, 1773

sent judges from England thither, 1774 Dutch East India company established,


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James II. was the first king crowned
there, 1437

Egypt (the kingdom of) began 2188 before
Christ, and lasted 1633 years

- reduced to a province, 31 after Christ
-subdued by the Turks, in 1525
-the French army entered it in 1798, and
overthrew it, but were expelled by the
English in 1801

Dover castle built by Julius Cæsar; town Elbing, in Prussia, founded, 1240

fortified, 1525

Dresden founded, 808

Dublin city walls built about 838

- its first charter granted, 1173

castle built, 1220

-university founded, 1591

- students admitted to its university, Jan. 1594

Dunkirk founded, 966

EAST INDIES were first discovered by the Romans, but authors differ as to the time, but with certainty we know, that Alex

Elsineur, in Denmark, built 2 before Christ England, originally inhabited by the Britons, a branch of the ancient Gauls, or Celta.The western part, in the time of the Romans, was inhabited by the Belgæ, the northern by the Brigantes, South Wales by the Silures, and Norfolk and Suffolk by

the Iceni

-invaded by Julius Cæsar, 54 B.C.
- subdued by Claudius, 44, and completely
so by Agricola, in 85

-the Romans kept possession till 410
-conquered by the Saxons, 455, who were

invited over by the ancient inhabitants, and they divided it into seven kingdoms, called the heptarchy

ravaged by the Picts and Scots, 448 -erected into a kingdom by the union of all the kingdoms of the heptarchy, near 400 years after the arrival of the Saxons, 823

called England by order of Egbert, who was the first king of England, in a general council held at Winchester, A.D. 827

the name of England and of Englishmen, had been used as far back as 688, but had never been ratified by any assembly of the nation

conquered by the Danes, 877 -recovered by Alfred, 880

divided into counties and hundreds, 886 - a general survey made, and the rolls deposited at Winchester, 896

-an inglorious peace made with the Danes, and tribute agreed to be paid annually, besides 16,000l. in money, provided they retired, and discontinued their invasions, 995

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-in 1002 the Danes broke the agreement, committed horrid cruelties and devastations, and the timid Ethelred II. paid them no less than 24,000l. for peace, which sum was levied by a tax on all the lands in England for Danegelt, by which ignominious name this first landtax was known and collected in England, till it was suppressed by Edward the Confessor, in 1051. William I. revived it as a crown revenue

in 1012, Swein totally conquered England, and obliging Ethelred to retire to Normandy, was proclaimed king

remained in the hands of the Danish kings, till 1042

William, duke of Normandy, claimed the crown, invaded England, defeated the reigning king Harold II. and the English were next governed by the Norman line, 1066

a new survey made of England, and the register called Doomsday-book, being however only an alteration and improvement of Alfred's, 1080

the taxes were levied according to this survey till 13 Henry VIII. 1522, when a more accurate survey was taken, and was called by the people the new Doomsday-book

- put under an interdict by the pope, for John's opposing his nomination to the see of Canterbury, 1206

interdict taken off on John's submission, 1214

all in arms, 1215

-underwent a reformation in government,

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ceeded to the throne of England, by the title of James I. 1603

the two kingdoms united by the consent of both nations, and thenceforth named Great Britain, 1707

Ireland united to England and Scotland, and the whole denominated the British empire, Jan. 1, 1801

Prince of Wales sworn in regent of the
kingdom, during the indisposition of
George III. Feb. 5, 1811

Erfurt, in Thuringia, founded, 476
Eustatia isle, settled by the Dutch, 1632

FORT ST. GEORGE, in India, first settled by

the English East India Company, 1620 France, the country of the ancient Gauls, a colony of the Belge from Germany were permitted to settle in it, 200 B.C.

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was conquered by the Romans 25 B.C.
the Goths, Vandals, Alans, and Suevi,
and afterwards the Burgundi, divided it
amongst them from A.D. 400 to 476,
when the Franks, another set of German
emigrants, who had settled between the
Rhine and the Maine, completed the
foundation of the late kingdom under

conquered, except Paris, by Edward III.
of England, between 1341 and 1359
an entire conquest by Henry V. who was
made regent during the life of Charles
VI., acknowledged heir to the crown of
France, and homage paid to him accord-
ingly, 1420

-the English crown lost all its possessions in France in the reign of Henry VI. between 1434 and 1450. This is the only state in Europe that could boast a perpetual succession from the conquerors of the western empire


- its first king was Pharamond, who began to reign in 418 Clovis was the first Christian king, 481. It was peopled by the natives of Germany, who crossed the Rhine to invade the Gauls

the assemblies, called the states general, first met in 1302, and continued to 1614 Scots guards were ever about the king, from the reign of St. Louis to that of Henry 11.; and continued through 41 reigns of kings from Charlemagne

- king of, taken prisoner by the English, 1356, under Edward the black prince the Taillion tax established, 1549 the French began to date from the birth of Christ, 1618; before they reckoned from the creation

Queen mother of, visited England, 1638 Law's banking scheme, something like the South Sea bubble in England, took place, 1716 destroyed, 1720

Francis I. taken prisoner by the im perialists, and carried into Spain, Aug. 1525; killed at a tilting-match, 1559 allowed the American independency, Feb. 16, 1778

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