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WALCHEREN (the island of), taken by the English, Aug. 1809

evacuated by them December following Wales had its prince defeated and murdered, and the principality annexed to England, 1286

- invaded by the French, Feb. 22, 1797

WAR, among many others, with Scotland, 1068

Peace with Scotland, 1091

Peace with France, 1113

War with France, 1116

Peace with France, 1118
Peace with Scotland, 1139
War with France, 1161
Peace with France, 1186

War again with France, with success, 1194
Peace with France, 1195

War with France, 1201

War (civil), renewed, 1215

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War with France, 1422

War (civil), between York and Lancaster, 1452

Peace with France, Oct. 1471

War (civil), 1486

War with France, Oct. 6, 1492

Peace with France, Nov. 3 following

Peace with Scotland, 1502

War with France, Feb. 4, 1512
War with Scotland, 1513
Peace with France, Aug. 7, 1514
War with France, 1522
War with Scotland, 1522
Peace with France, 1527
Peace with Scotland, 1542
War with Scotland directly after
Peace with France and Scotland, June 7,

War with Scotland, 1547

War with France, 1549

Peace with both, March 6, 1550
War (civil), 1553

War with Scotland, June 7, 1557
War with France, 1557

Peace with France, April 2, 1559
Peace with Scotland, 1560
War with France, 1562
Peace with France, 1564
War with Scotland, 1570
War with Spain, 1588

Peace with Spain, Aug. 18, 1604
War with Spain, 1624
War with France, 1627

Peace with Spain and France, April 14,

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Peace with Spain, 1721

War with Spain, Oct. 19, 1739

War with France, March 31, 1744

Peace with France, &c. Oct. 18, 1748

War with France, 1756

War with Spain, Jan. 4, 1762

Peace with France and Spain, Feb. 10, 1763
Peace between Russia and the Turks, 1773
War (civil), in America, commenced June
14, 1774

War with France, Feb. 6, 1778
War with Spain, April 17, 1780
War with Holland, Dec. 21, 1780
Peace with France, Spain, Holland, and
America, 1783

War with France, 1793, by the English, Prussians, Austrians, Sardinians, and Italian States

Peace between Prussia and France, 1795 Peace between France and Spain, 1795 Peace between France and Naples, 1796 Peace between the French and Sardinians, 1796

War between England and Spain, Nov. 11, 1796

War between France, Naples, and Sardinia, Nov. 1798

Peace between Austria and France, Feb. 9, 1801

War between Spain and Portugal, Feb. 28, 1801

Peace between Naples and France, 1801 Peace between Portugal and Spain, June 10, 1801

Peace between France and Portugal, Sept. 29, 1801

Peace between France and the Porte, Oct. 17, 1801

Peace between England, France, Spain, and Holland, March 27, 1802

War between England and France, April 29, 1803

War between England and Spain, Dec. 14, 1804

War between France, Russia, and Austria, Sept. 1805

Peace between France and Austria, Dec. 27, 1805

War between Sweden and France, Oct. 31, 1805

War between England and Prussia, April 1806

War between Prussia and France, Oct. 1806

Peace between France and the elector of Saxony, Dec. 11, 1806

Peace between England and Prussia, Jan. 28, 1807

Peace between France and Russia, July 19, 1807

War between England and Denmark, Nov. 4, 1807

War between Russia and Sweden, Feb. 10, 1808

War between Denmark and Sweden, Feb. 29, 1808

War between Russia and Sweden, March 6, 1808

War between Spain and France, June 6, 1808

Peace between England and Spain, June 6, 1808

Peace between Sweden and Russia, Sept. 17, 1809

Peace between France and Austria, Oct. 15, 1809

Peace between France and Sweden, Jan. 6, 1810

Peace between England and Russia, Aug. 1, 1812

Peace between England and Sweden, Aug. 4-17, 1812

War between England and America, June 18, 1812

War between Sweden and Denmark, Sept. 13, 1813

Peace between Sweden and Denmark, Jan. 14, 1814

Peace between France and the Allies (England, Russia, and Prussia), May 30, 1814

Peace between France and Spain, July 20, 1814

Peace between England and America, Dec. 24, 1814

Peace between Saxony and Prussia, May 18, 1815

Wars of Austria:

1. The War with the Ottoman Porte from 1592 to 1606, terminated by the peace at Sithvarock, in Hungary, on the 21st of October, 1606

2. The war, commonly called the thirty years' war, which lasted from 1618 until 1648, terminated by the peace at Westphalia on the 14th of October, 1648, at Munster, in Westphalia

3. The war respecting the Mantuan succession, which lasted from 1629 to 1631, terminated with France by a treaty of peace at Ratisbon, on the 13th of Oct. 1630; and with Spain by arrangements made on the 6th of April, 1631, at Cherasco, in Piedmont

4. The second war with the Ottoman Porte, which lasted from 1661 until 1664, terminated for 20 years by the peace of Vasvar, in Hungary, on the 10th of August, 1664

5. War with France from 1672 to 1678, terminated by the peace at Nimeguen, in Holland, on the 5th of February, 1679 6. Third war with the Ottoman Porte, from 1683 to 1698, terminated by the peace of Carlowitz, in Sclavonia, on the 26th of January, 1699

7. Second war with France, from 1688 to 1697, terminated by the peace of Ryswick, in Holland, on the 30th of October, 1697

8. War with France and Spain, from 1701 to 1713, terminated by the peace of Rastadt, in the empire, on the 6th of March, 1714

9. Fourth war with the Ottoman Porte, from 1716 to 1718, terminated by the peace of Passarowitz, in Servia, on the 21st of July, 1718

10. Second war with Spain, respecting the possessions in Italy, from 1717 to 1720, terminated by the peace of Vienna, in Austria, on the 30th of April, 1725 11. War with France and Spain, from 1733 to 1739, terminated with France by the peace of Vienna, in Austria, on the the 3d of October, 1738; and with Spain, by the peace at Versailles, on the 20th of April, 1739

12. Fifth war with the Ottoman Porte, from 1737 to 1739, terminated by the peace of Belgrade, in Servia, on the 18th of September, 1739


War of Austrian succession at the

death of Emperor Charles VI. from 1740 to 1748: it lasted with Prussia (for the first time) from 1740 until 1742, and was terminated by peace made at Breslaw and Berlin, on the 11th of June and 28th July, 1742. It lasted with Bavaria from 1741 to 1745, and was terminated by peace made at Fuspen, in Suabia, on the 22d of April, 1745. It lasted with France and Spain together, from 1741 to 1748, and was terminated by peace made at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 18th of October, 1748. Lastly, it was again carried on with Prussia (for the second time), from 1744 to 1745, and was terminated by peace concluded at Dresden on the 25th of December, 1745

14. The seven years' war, or third war with Prussia, from 1756 to 1763, terminated by the peace of Hubertsburg, in Saxony, on the 15th of February, 1763 15. Fourth war with Prussia, respecting the Bavarian succession, from 1778 to 1779, terminated by the peace of Teschen, in Upper Silesia, on the 13th of May, 1779

16. Different wars with the States General of Holland, from 1784 to 1785, respecting the opening of the Scheldt, terminated by the treaty of Fontainbleau, on the 8th of November, 1785 17. Sixth war with the Ottoman Porte, from 1788 until the armistice of 1790, stipulated by the Congress at Rerchenbach, in Silesia, and terminated by peace made at Szistors on the 4th of August, 1791

18, War with France from 1792 to 1797, terminated by peace at Leoben, in Upper Styria, on the 17th April, 1797 19. War with France, March, 1799, terminated by the peace of Luneville, Feb. 9, 1801

20. War with France, 1809, terminated in the same year

21. War with France, 1813, terminated May 30, 1814

The following is a list of the wars between England and France, with the term of their duration, since the one which commenced in 1113, and continued two years: 1116, lasted twenty-five years 1141, one year 1201, fifteen

1224, nineteen

1294, five

1339, twenty-one

1368, fifty-two 1422, forty-nine 1492, one month

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revolts, 1831

surrenders, Aug. 27, 1831

Warwick (Richard Neville, earl of), defeated at the battle of Barnet, April 14, 1441, and slain

Warwick-abbey destroyed by the Danes, 1016

Washington, North America, taken by the British, and the principal buildings destroyed by fire, Aug. 24, 1814 Wight (Isle of), taken by the French, July 13, 1377

Williamstadt evacuated by the French, Dec. 10, 1813

Wilna entered by the French, June 28, 1812 French driven from it by the Russians, Dec. 10, 1812

Witepsk entered by the French, July 28,


- retaken by General Witgenstein, Nov. 1, 1812

Worms was taken by the French, Oct. 15, 1794

Wurtsburg surrendered to the French after five weeks' siege, Jan. 10, 1801

YORK city burnt by the Danes, 1069 again, 1179

York, Upper Canada, capitulated to the Americans, April 27, 1813

Ypres surrendered to the French under Moreau, June 17, 1794; with 6,000 men and 100 cannon, &c.

ZAGAROZA Surrendered to the Spanish Gene. ral Mina, July 30, 1813

Zante, and the rest of the Seven Islands, surrendered to the British, Oct. 1809 Zurich was abandoned by the French, June 20, 1799



While the Work was passing through the Press.


Circumnavigators. (p. 18 ante.)

PP. 1 to 91.

- Freycinet, in the Uranie and Physicienne, 1820

Insurrection of the French settlers in Lower Canada, Nov. 1837

Lawson (Mrs. Margaret), died at Pentonville, at the age of 112 years, having lost none of her teeth, Aug. 1837. She cut two new teeth at the age of 87 Parliament. (pp. 61, 62 ante.) -Twelfth Imperial or Second Reformed Parliament, dissolved July 17, 1837 existed 1 year, 4 months, 26 days Thirteenth Imperial or Third Reformed Parliament, assembled Nov. 15, 1837

[ocr errors]

Republics in America (independence of), which were formerly Spanish Provinces, acknowledged by Spain, Dec. 4, 1836 Revolutions. (p. 74 ante.)

New Constitution proclaimed at Madrid,
June 16, 1837

Reformation of Religion by Luther (commemoration of), at Loughborough, Dec. 27,1837 Trials. (p. 86 ante.)

- of James Greenacre and Sarah Gale, for the murder of Hannah Brown, April 10, 1837 execution of Greenacre, May 2d following Whales. (pp. 89, 204 ante.)

- sixty-six captured on the coast of Eday, one of the Shetland Isles, Nov. 1837


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Bells. (p. 143 ante.)

PP. 139 to 186.

- Empress Anne's at Moscow, raised from the ground, where it had long lain, Aug. 4, 1836 Forest (subterranean), in High-street, St. Giles, Westminster, discovered at about fifteen feet below the surface of the

ground, while the common sewer was being excavated, 1837 Railways. (p. 171)

the railways for which the Acts of Incorporation were obtained in the Session of Parliament of 1837, were fourteen in number


PP. 191 to 204.

Aurora Borealis. (p. 191 ante.)

(magnificent and splendid displays of), in
the United States, and the British Pro-
vinces of North America, Nov. 17, 1835,
April 22, 1836, and Jan. 25, 1837
above 240 columns appeared at New
York, Nov. 12, 1837

Meteoric showers of shooting stars have
occurred, from the years 1831 to 1836 in-
clusive, on the 13th or 14th of November

each year, in the United States. That of 1832, appeared in the United States, at Mocha (in Arabia), in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, near Oremburg (in Russia), and at Pernambuco (in Brazil) Koeslin, in Prussia-A hill more than 100 feet in height suddenly disappeared, and the adjoining hills were raised 20 or 30 feet above their usual height, April 28, 1837


PP. 205 to 224.

Marriage and Registration Acts (1 Vict. Pillory (abolition of punishment of), abolished c. 23), passed, 1837 by Vict. c. 22, 1837



PP. 253 to 279.

City of London School opened, Feb. 2, 1837 | Hippodrome Race-course, at Bayswater, Thames Tunnel. (p. 276 ante.)

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opened June 2, 1837

Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, begun 1837

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Bathurst (Henry), bishop of Norwich, "the | Latham (John), M.D., author of "General only liberal-minded bishop in the House of Lords," died 1837, aged 93 Burgess (Thomas), bishop of Salisbury, editor of "Dawes's Miscellanea Critica," &c. died 1837, aged 80

Brydges (Sir S. E.), author of "Censura Literaria," &c. died 1837, aged 72 Beauharnois (Hortense Eugenie de), duchess of St. Leu, daughter-in-law of Napoleon, and wife of Louis Buonaparte, died 1837, aged 54

Davidson (John), the African traveller, murdered, 1836

Grimaldi (Joseph), the paragon of clowns, died 1837, aged 57

History of Birds," died 1837, aged 97 M'Adam (John Loudon), the introducer of the system of M'Adamizing road-making, died 1837, aged 80

Mellon (Harriet), duchess of St. Alban's, the comic actress (the only person of that calling who has become a duchess, Miss Bolton, the original "Polly," in the "Beggar's Opera," having been a singer), died 1837

Simeon (Rev. Charles), author of the" Helps to Clerical Composition," &c. died 1837, aged 78

Thornton (Robert), M.D., author of several botanical works, died 1837

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