GEN. 1. 1.-The province of sense, of reason, and, of faith---Incite. ments to inquire into the origin of all things all ages have attempted it... The several opinions of mankind reduced to Two-First that the world was produced by chance...examined on acknowledged principles ---refuted by Cicero - Appeal to the human frame, and the conversion of Galen---Hypothesis of the Egyptians---a disfigured copy of Moses--hypo- thesis of modern philosophy-Second opinion, that the world is eternal--- By whom held-Refuted by the world's mutability-by: philosophical and astronomical laws-by history-by the arts and sciences-by the or- igin of nations-Objection raised from some recent discoveries in volca- nic irruptions considered-tradition of the creation universal-The being of a God inferred, and our connexion with him exhibited-Mosaic ac- count of the Creation-Dr. Geddes-Light created-Longinus-Work of the six days-Inquiries answered-respecting primeval light-astron- my-extent of the Creation-the six days-the information of Moses.
GEN. VII, 11-24. 2 РЕТ. 111, 5-7. Ruins-apostasy of man-pro- gress of vice-antediluvian longevity-Union between the sons of God and the daughters of men-Giants-State of the world at the time of the Deluge-Plan of the Lecture-The fact established-By the general consent of all nations-Testimonies of Abydenus-Berosus, Lucian-re.
mark of Grotius-By the existence of marine productions on land-Hy- pothesis of volcanic irruptions examined-objections of Buffon and others opposed-Hypotheses of Burnet, Whiston, M. de la Pryme, and St. Pierre stated-Effected by Divine interposition-Objections, respecting the ark, America, ir.fants, and the rainbow, answered-Improvement- appeal to the last judgment.
GEN. xix. 15-26. 2 PET. ii, 6.--Domestic scenes of Genesis--con- trasted with profane writers...the patriarchal tents welcomed--Abrabam introduced-Idolatry of his country-triumphs of faith-titles of Abra- ham-his infirmity in Egypt-his memorials of gratitude--his separation from Lot-the battle of Siddim, and Lot rescued-Melchisedec--Inter- view with Jehovah-Religious worship to be guarded--Domestic con- tention---Hagar's flight-prediction respecting Ishmael-Circumcision, and Abraham's name changed--Three angels visit him...God reveals his designs against Sodom, and Abraham pleads for it---Two angels visit Lot-Danger threatens the city in the morning-Lot hastened-is sent to the mountain--objects-pleads for Zoar--obtains his request---The destruction of Sodom sudden... how effected---the Dead Sea--Lot's wife -Testimonies of Tacitus, Philo, Pliny, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, and Solinus, to this fact-Modern writers-Evidences remaining on the spot -Representations of the Bible concerning its appearance in different -ages--correspondent features remain-testimony of Josephus---Changes supposed to be effected by time, and their immediate causes. The sub- ject improved... Judgments delayed will yet be executed--- The righteous are always safe..
GEN. xlix, 22-26. - Acts vii, 9.-16.-Intervening history slightly
touched...Sacrifice of Isaac-Death of Sarah. Subsequent events enumer-
ated-Joseph's history commences with his mother's death...and at an
interesting age---Jacob's partiality, and its effects upon his sons---Jo.
seph's dreams... His brethren remove from home... Joseph visits them---
progress of sin in their bosoms, and they resolve to slay him---Reu-
ben's interference-Joseph assumed nothing in consequence of his father's
partiality---He is sold, and his coat dyed in blood-Jacob's anxiety and
despair-Joseph in Egypt, and in temptation-Joseph in prison, and his
acquaintance with Pharaoh's chief butler and baker-The chief butler's
ingratitude-Pharaoh's dreams-Joseph's elevation-Justin's remarka-
ble testimony-Joseph's brethren visit Egypt, and know him not-Simeon
bound-They return dismayed-Benjamin brought into Egypt-on their
second return Benjamin is arrested-Judah pleads for his brother-Jo-
seph discovers himself-Retrospection-They tell their father of his
prosperity-Jacob and Joseph meet-Their after-feelings supposed-Ja.
cob introduced to Pharaoh-Israel dies-Joseph's mourning-He returns
to fulfil his duties in Egypt-and dies also-Concluding Remarks on
Genesis-lt relates facts in which we are concerned, and which revela-
tion must necessarily contain-Moses is the author of it-The connex-
ion between it, and the succeeding books, is inseparable. -The historian
writes like a man convinced of the truth of that which he advances-
The difference between the style of Genesis, and that of his other writ- ings, noticed and accounted for.
GEN. XV, 13, 14. ACTS VII, 35, 36 - The Bible recalls past events...
Man always man---his information confined to the past and the present---
he knows nothing of the future... Commencement of Exodus--Subject
proposed, and its arrangement stated...Changes effected in a few years
---How much often depends upon an individual---Ravages of time im-
pressively pourtrayed by the inspired writer. Multiplication of Israel...
Their bondage.. Children slain Birth of Moses and his exposure...He
is rescued by Pharaoh's daughter-her blindness to the future Educa-
tion of Moses... Difference between man and man in talents, in litera-
ture, in rank of life, and in piety.. Silence of Moses respecting the first
40 years of his life. He slays the Egyptian---and flies---He marries Zip-
porah---He approaches the burning bush.--his commission opens...he
meets the Magicians before Pharaoh General statement of his miracles
...Death of the first born--the Israelites depart---Criticism on the word
"TO BORROW"---They pass the Red Sea Foreign testimonies to this
fact-There was such a person as Moses, proved by Justin and Longi-
nus-He brought Israel from Egypt, proved by Justin, Manetho, Taci-
tus, Pliny, Trogus Pompeius--The Jews could not have asserted these
things, unless they had been true, without detection...Testimony of
Numenius...the Jews themselves could not be imposed upon---These
facts are kept in remembrance by their rites-Ancient custom of the
Egyptians on the day before the Passover-Testimony from Diodorus
Siculus-An appeal to Skepticism.
JOSHUA xxiv. 2. 15. Reason is to the mind what the eye is to the Body, and Revelation is to reason what light is to the eye--the one is the organ the other the medium-Revelation necessary to elucidate Nature and Providence--and to develope futurity-the Subject stated in its ex- tent, and arranged according to the Scripture history-Character of the Israelites-They murmur for water-Manna and quails sent a fresh sup. ply of water--Two events distinguished-They subdue Amalek-The Law given-Contrast between Sinai and Calvary-- The Golden Calf-the spies bring an evil report of Canaan-A general enumeration of succeed- ing events---and the death of Moses a tribute to his memory... Joshua succeeds him, and the situation of Israel stated..They pass Jordan--- The fall of Jericho.. and the fulfilment of Joshua's curse A shower of stones, and the sun and moon stand still-Foreign testimonies-Positive evi- dence from the most ancient writers to the history at large--from Aris. tobulus, the Orphic verses, Strabo, Juvenal, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny. Tacitus, Calcidius, Hermippas, and the Poets in general-.-Testimony of Manetho to the antiquity of these events... Circumstantial evidences...
Publicity of the Law---adherence of the Jews to it.- its perfection.--im- possibility of imposition...So also of the miracles of the journey-Cus toms of the Jews, perpetuated to this hour, refer to these events-Rea- son for the reservation of the Canaanites-aspect of the whole to the Messiah-Objections-that the conduct of the Israelites was immoral--- that it was cruel---that the instruments used to punish these nations were improper---refuted--Improvement---the harmony and success of the designs of God contrasted with human fluctuations---he presides in the councils of princes-It is pleasant to see the gradual developement of his plans-it will be delightful in heaven to review the whole.
1 SAM.VIII, 6-16, & 19, 20. ACTS VII. 44-48. НЕВ. ХІ. 32-34
Revelation to be examined with reverence, with caution, and with can-
dor-Retrospection-the subject stated-An inquiry into the rise of
government-The parental and the patriarchal-Nimrod-Origin of mon-
archy-Selection of Israel-Theocracy-derivation of the term-Three-
fold relation of God to the Hebrews-Distinction of the terms, statutes,
commandments, judgments, and testimonies-Scripture epithets expres-
sive of God's choice of the Jews-Appointment of their rulers-Samuel
and his sons-Expiration of the Theocracy; and in what sense? - Monar-
chy of the Jews-The change of government displeasing to God-and
why? Saul anointed his alienation from God-David brought to court
-his friendship with Jonathan-Saul and his sons slain-David's lamen-
tation-His succession, his character, and his trials-His design to build
a temple-The monarchy traced to its close-absorbed in the spiritual
reign of Jesus-Solomon's temple-Evidences respecting it-God's pres-
ence unconfined-Subordinate Scripture facts confirmed.. Gideon's ac-
tions by Sanchoniathon---Jeptha's vow, by the story of Iphigenia --Samp-
son's foxes, in Ovid's Roman feasts---Delilah's treachery, in the story of
the daughter of Nisus---The strength and valor of Sampson, in the la-
bors of Hercules---The victory of David over the Syrians, by Nichelaus
Damascenus--- The taking of Jerusalem, and the destruction of Senacha-
rib's army, by Herodotus The Translation of Elijah, in the story of
Phæton--- Jonah's preservation by the whale, is related of Hercules by
Lycophron, and by Æneus Gazeus--- The dearth in the days of Ahab, by
Menander.--and the fire from Heaven which consumed Elijah's sac-
rifice, by Cyprian, and by Julian... Conclusion... Christ compared with
2 KINGS XVII. 1-6.2CHRON. XXXVI. 14-21.--The history of em. pires is the record of the human heart--The Bible makes us acquainted with MEN--Cautions arising from Solomon's fall--Succession of Reho- boam, and division of the kingdom--The captivity of Israel, when? and by whom?---Samaritans... Cause of the captivity... Menander's testimony--
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