door which had been designed to exclude it. Facts are all its materials. God's works, are the proof of God's existence. As science enlarges the boundaries of human knowledge, and makes us acquainted with more facts which evince design, natural theology may "lengthen her cords and strengthen her stakes," but the path must only be pursued where "the clear light shineth." Nor is there any need of these philosophical speculations. The humble peasant, who goes out to his daily labor, as the rising sun dispels the darkness, and spreads the landscape with life and beauty; or returns to his cottage as the shades of evening gather, and sees the rising moon, or shining stars as they show themselves in the soft blue sky, feels as firm a conviction of the existence, power, wisdom, and goodness of the Maker of them all, as that philosopher who can explain their laws and count their numbers. One may see more and nicer marks of adaptation than the other, and trace the process of his own mental operations the more minutely; but the very nature of the peasant's mind obliges him to conclude from what he can see, that so much power bespeaks a being who is powerful, so much wisdom a being who is wise. so much goodness a being who is good.' One knows more facts than the other, but the multiplication of facts only varies, without rendering any more complete the demonstration. One may even perplex, and confound, and delude his mind by empty speculations, and his boasted philosophy serve no other purpose but to mislead and destroy, while the other soars to heights which philosophy never trod, and worships "within the veil," where philosophy never entered. On every hand are the traces and voices of the Deity, and like the ancient Roman, he is "never so little solitary as when alone." While other studies may awaken curiosity, and lead the mind onward a few steps in the field of truth, they soon bring it to the limits of all science, and leave it at the confines of an unknown and trackless void; but this, from simple facts and sound deductions, conducts at once to a sure and safe resting-place, the existence of a wise, powerful, and benevolent Jehovah. 2. The true position of Natural Theology. It is the substantial basis on which is laid the proof of divine revelation. By it we learn the fact of God's existence, unity, supremacy, and benevolence. We bring these facts and apply them to the holy scriptures, and prove conclusively, that God gave them," that holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." And with this service performed, its chief work is accomplished. True, it unfolds many duties and responsibilities, and thus leaves man "without excuse," where there is no revelation. But like the law, it is as "a school-master to bring us to Christ," which is its chief design; and then leave us at his feet to hear his words. It tells man, that he is a sinner, but leaves him without help, with "no eye to pity and no arm to save," yet lends its power to confirm the divine authority of the gospel, and sends the sinner there to learn, believe, obey, and be saved. Never is it to be raised above revelation, to become a substitute for it, or deemed sufficient without it; but on the other hand, never is it to be deemed superfluous, or contradictory and uncongenial in spirit, or a profane blending of human and divine science,-an unhallowed mingling of philosophy with religion. Never is the attempt to be made, with sacrilegious hand, to divorce the one from the other. God's works and word harmonize,and he meant that they both should subserve the ends of his moral government. "From the things that are made, are clearly seen his eternal power and Godhead." And when he commissioned prophets and apostles, and Christ himself came in human flesh to reveal the will of God more perfectly, he clothed the revelation with such exhibitions of miraculous power, and filled it with such manifestations of its foreknowledge, that from what we knew of God by his works, we could not doubt, that this message was from him, and that it was in love and kindness to our race. Here is the true position for natural theology. Here God designed it to stand and subserve his glory. It confirms beyond dispute, the record of his Son, "bringing life and immortality clearly to light." We read and examine that record, compare it with the works of God, and see the impress of the same hand,-we trust its promises, commit our souls to its grace, and die triumphant, for "we are Christ's, and Christ is God's." ART II.-SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE HON. STEPHEN MIX MITCHELL, LL. D. In the autumn of the year 1835, the last member except one,* as is supposed, of the congress of the United States, previous to the adoption of the constitution, departed this life at Wethersfield, Connecticut. This was the Honorable Stephen Mix Mitchell. late chief justice of this State, and long known as a distinguished and useful citizen. His life was extended far beyond the usual period assigned to man, having been but little short of ninety-two years. In the last triennial catalogue of Yale College, published in the summer of 1835, it appears, that he was then the living sen Among the associates of Judge Mitchell in that body, were John Hancock, William S. Johnson, Alexander Hamilton, Rufus King, Theodore Sedgwick, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Treadwell, and several other eminent civilians, who have all, it is believed, been called from time, with the single exception of Mr. Madison. ior alumnus of that institution. He was not, however, more venerable for years, than for his patriotic services, and moral worth; and much as he was honored with public testimonials of regard, he was still more endeared to a large circle of friends and acquaintances in private life. Judge Mitchell belonged to that generation of men, who commenced, sustained, and perfected, the independence of their country, who molded its civil and religious institutions, and to whom the nation, on these accounts, is under the deepest obligations of gratitude. Very few of them remain to receive the homage of their countrymen, or to enjoy the reward of their arduous services in the cause of freedom and humanity. The rapid diminution of their number, would naturally, we should suppose, if not from a principle of curiosity, yet from a sense of propriety and justice, call forth the increasing attention of their juniors towards them. The relics of so noble a race, deserve our consideration for many reasons. As benefactors of mankind, and especially of their country, as patriots, and in many instances, as models of civic virtues and christian excellence, they deserve the lasting respect, as well as careful imitation of their successors and descendants. Their principles of conduct, as developed in civil life, and in an attention to the duties of piety, are worthy indeed of our most diligent study. Too much importance cannot be attached to their political and religious doctrines, constituting as these do, the basis of their character: and doubtless the best manner of learning them is from the living voice and example. We have still an opportunity from such a source, of acquiring information of more value to our country, than the experience of all the states of antiquity can supply. A few years, at most, will bear beyond our personal inspection or intercourse, all those, who, either in a civil or military capacity, acted a part in the interesting scenes of our revolutionary struggle. The generation is in embryo who will know these worthies, only in the story of their achievements. We can lose no time, then, in cherishing with a lively regard, those specimens of a class of our fellowcitizens to whom we are so much indebted; and as the chief among them from time to time disappear from the list of the living, we should feel it a privilege to record, in a passing tribute at least, our sense of their merits and services. It is with these views, that we propose to occupy a few pages of this work in giving a sketch of the life and character of the eminent citizen already named. Stephen Mix Mitchell, was born at Wethersfield, in the county of Hartford, Connecticut, Dec., 20th, 1743. He was a son of James Mitchell, who emigrated in early life, from Paisley in Scotland, and settled in the town above named.* His mother was a * James Mitchell first came to Boston, but not being pleased with the country, daughter of the Rev. Stephen Mix, of Wethersfield. She was grand-daughter to the Rev. Solomon Stoddard, of Northampton, and of course, cousin to the first president Edwards. She was a second wife to James Mitchell, and died, leaving her son Stephen Mix, the subject of the present sketch, about four years old, her only child. The father of Stephen, died the first year of the revolutionary war, charging his son on his death bed, never to desert the cause of their adopted country. He had lived to see the latter settled in the world, and happily entered on his professional career. At a suitable age, young Stephen commenced his studies preparatory to admission into college. His principal teacher who was a Scotch gentleman, by the name of Beveredge, and who had been sent for to this country for professional purposes of this kind, perfectly understood his business. He was not only a man of learning, but a disciplinarian of no ordinary character. His young charge in the present instance, soon ascertained, that mistakes in the recitation of his lessons, would be atoned for only by a severe corporeal infliction. The fear of such a consequence, for the most part, overcame the carelessness or indolence of youth. Lessons were well learned, and long remembered, or if blunders at any time were made, these were remembered still longer. To so strict and severe a discipline, however, Mr. Mitchell afterwards felt not a little indebted. He entered college in 1759, and graduated in 1763, when he was nearly twenty years of age. He distinguished himself by his talents and proficiency while in college; and though his course there was not without danger for a time, the influence exerted over him by a class-mate of excellent character, afterwards the Rev. Ebenezer Baldwin, was of a most salutary kind. In 1766 Mr. Mitchell was chosen a tutor in that institution, in which office he continued three years. It was while he was in this situation, that he repaid to a pupil obligations which he owed to a class-mate. It was a case in which he manifested that benevolent interest, which he took in the welfare of others, and which marked his whole subsequent course in life. It deserves a particular notice from the importance of the result. Timothy Dwight, afterwards president of Yale College, was his pupil as well as kinsman. The loose opinions and corrupt practices which then extensively prevailed in the country, had, to some extent, affected that institution. This state of things and receiving an invitation to go by water to Connecticut, he soon left the place to seek a new home. Passing up Connecticut river, it is said he saw nothing that reminded him of the beauty of his native Clyde, until he arrived at Middletown. Encouraged by the prospect, he continued his sail until he reached the rich and beautiful lands which constituted the towns of Wethersfield and Hartford. He stopped at the latter place, but after having lived there for a time, he removed to Wethersfield, where he spent the remainder of his days. operated unfavorably on the noble and ingenuous mind of young Dwight. He had not directly fallen into vice, but the fascinating amusement of gambling, though he never staked money in play, had begun to occupy his attention, to the exclusion of his studies. Mr. Mitchell perceived his danger and desired to rescue him from so hurtful a course. Accordingly he administered a rebuke to his pupil, as he happened to meet the latter without the walls of college. Young Dwight was only irritated by what was said, and so far indulged resentment, as to withhold from Mr. Mitchell, the customary marks of respect due from students to an officer of the institution. Mr. Mitchell, however, could not suffer the affair to pass off in this manner. He sent for young Dwight to his room, and there by appealing to various motives calculated to operate on a susceptible and conscientious mind, (for the feelings inspired by a religious education were still strong,) he effected the change which he wished to see in his pupil. This was a memorable era in the life of Timothy Dwight, who ever afterwards felt and acknowledged his obligations to his tutor. It was a source of the purest satisfaction to Mr. Mitchell, that he had been instrumental in rescuing so fine a mind, from an illusion which had begun to pervert it, and in saving, in all probability, to the church and to the world, a youth who afterwards proved to be one of the greatest and most useful men in modern times. Vast as is the good which has proceeded already from this one act of faithfulness to the subject of it himself, and through him to hundreds whom he trained to virtue, it is probable, that as yet we see and know but a small part of its expanding amount. Let those who have the care of bright and ingenuous youth, be encouraged to the faithful performance of their duty, as soon as the latter are observed to deviate from the paths of rectitude, since they may add not one gem merely to the Redeemer's crown, but a great multitude, which, through a successive instrumentality, shall be fixed and sparkle there. It was during the period of Mr. Mitchell's tutorship, as far as can now be ascertained, that his mind became more especially interested in the subject of personal religion, and that he began to lead the life of a believer in Jesus Christ. He professed religion soon afterwards, in Newtown, Conn., whither he went to reside upon leaving New-Haven. His professional studies had been pursued during his tutorship, and afterwards under the direction of Jared Ingersoll, Esq. He was admitted to the bar in Fairfield county in 1770. In August of the preceding year, he became connected in marriage with Miss Hannah Grant, daughter of Mr. Donald Grant of Newtown, who had emigrated to this country some years before from Inverness in Scotland. Their union was of sixty years continuance. Mrs. M. having been called out of life on the 11th of Feb., 1830, at the |