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Cann'a, the name of a genus of plants belonging to the natural order Marantaceæ. The seeds are round, hard, and black; hence the name Indian shot applied to the plants. They have very beautiful flowers, are accordingly favourite garden plants for out-of-door bedding during the summer months. C. edulis of the W. Indies, and probably other species of C. also yield Tousles-mois, a kind of arrowroot. The tubers of others are eaten, and in Brazil the seeds of C. are used as beads, and the leaves for packing goods. Cannabina'ceæ, the hemp order, a natural order of Dicotyledonous plants, natives of the temperate part of the northern hemisphere in Europe and Asia. It has but two genera, each containing two species, but both of great economic and medicinal importance. The order yields fibres, and possesses narcotic, tonic, and stomachic properties. Hemp (q. v.) and Hop (q. v.) are the important products of the order.

Canna Annaci.


Cann'æ, a small town of Apulia, about 6 miles from the mouth of the Aufidus. Here the Roman army sustained a terrible defeat by Hannibal, probably in June of 216 B.C. Romans numbered 80,000 infantry and 6000 cavalry, whereas Hannibal's army consisted of 10,000 cavalry, but only about 40,000 infantry. The Carthaginian cavalry under Hannibal, having defeated the right wing of the Romans, attacked in the rear successively their left wing and their centre. No quarter was given. Of the Romans 70,000 fell, including the Consul Lucius Paullus, and eighty men of senatorial rank. Hannibal lost not quite 6000 men.

Cannes ('the reedy'), a seaport in the Riviera department of Alpes-Maritimes, France, on the Gulf of Napoule, about 22 miles S.W. of Nice, and a station on the Lyon Railway. It has a fine climate, which has made it a favourite resort of invalids. The most remarkable buildings in the town are the casino, the picturesque Pont-du-Rion, built about 1070, on the site of an earlier Roman bridge, and a tower of the old abbey commanding a superb view of the Mediterranean. The orange, fig, vine, olive, and other southern fruits flourish, and, along with oil and per

fumes, form the staple exports. Off the coast tunny, sardine, and anchovy fisheries are carried on. Pop. (1872) 7844. Near this Napoleon landed, 1st March 1815, on his escape from Elba. Opposite to C. lie the Îles de Lérins.

Cann'ibal (Canib for Carib, one of the extinct aborigines of the W. Indian Islands), Gr. Anthropophagos, or man-eater. In Homer's Odyssey there is the story of Polyphemus devouring human flesh, and in Herodotus the Massagetæ and the Padæi are spoken of as killing and eating their relations when they become aged or ill. The poet also says that when a man's father dies among the Issedones, his relations come and help him to eat the dead body. Among the ancient Tupis of Brazil, when the chief despaired of a sick man's recovery, his final advice was that he should be killed and eaten. The early Christians regarded pagans as man-eaters, St Jerome asserts, that, when a boy, living in Gaul, he beheld the Scots-a people of Britain-eating human flesh, in preference to the flesh of cattle and sheep, which were plentiful. When the Lombards invaded Italy, in the second half of the 6th c., it was reported of them that they were accustomed to this practice, as it was also of the Slavonian tribes a century later. During the Crusades, the Saracens charged the Christians with it, and the Christians retorted the accusation upon them. But, worse than this, Christian romancers converted their most approved hero, Richard Coeur de Lion, into a C. He is represented, after eating a few Saracens' heads with good appetite, as saying


'King Richard shall warrant
There is no flesh so nourisant
Unto an English man,

Partridge, plover, heron, ne swan,
Cow-ne ox, sheep, ne swine,
As the head of a Sarezyne.'

Marco Polo asserted that the Battas, a people of Sumatra, and the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands ate human flesh. It was reported of the Caribbees, that they preferred sucking infants to all other food, and of the Peruvians that they kept mistresses to breed children for their table, and that they fattened and killed these women when they gave over child-bearing. But these, and all the innumerable parallel assertions of older writers, must be received with a grain of salt. Late travellers, however, put it beyond doubt that cannibalism has been and is practised. The New Zealanders were down to a recent period systematic feeders on human flesh. They despised the aborigines of Australia, who fed on worms and herbs-larger prey not being available-and did not feed on their fellow-men. It is to be observed that while the latter were an extremely degraded type of humanity, the former were the most highly-developed aboriginal race with which European civilisation has come in contact. The extremities to which men have often been driven in sieges and ship

wrecks, and the outbursts of ferocity in degraded natures, have frequently led to the occasional consumption of human flesh, but that is not systematic cannibalism.


his conduct the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, was raised to the rank of Earl, made 'Viceroy of India,' and at once set himself to reorganise the shattered finance of the country. In 1862 he returned to England with a broken constitution, and died in London on the 17th June of the same year.

Cann'ing, George, an English politician and orator, born at London, 11th April 1770, of Irish parents, was educated at Eton and Oxford at the expense of an uncle. His cleverness was shown in the school magazine, the Mikrokosm. Oxford he met Jenkinson (afterwards Lord Liverpool). His vacations were frequently spent at Sheridan's house, where he met the leading Whigs. To their surprise he entered Parliament in 1793 under the auspices of Pitt, who in 1796 made him an Under-Secretary of State. At this time he opposed parliamentary reform and the proposed peace with France, but supported Wilberforce's motion on the slave trade. With Frere and Ellis he contributed largely to the Anti-Jacobin, of which Gifford was the editor. His speeches for the Irish union, his attacks on the Addington ministry, his defence of Lord Melville, all showed great talent for argument and satire. In 1807 he became Foreign Secretary under Lord Portland's ministry. This office he left after his duel with Lord Castle reagh in 1809, and in 1812 began, in conjunction with Grattan, his long series of efforts for Catholic emancipation. During several years he sat for Liverpool, and in 1816 became President of the Board of Control. He abstained from taking part in the proceedings against Queen Caroline. On the suicide of Castlereagh, C. again became Foreign Secretary, and giving up as hopeless the control of Spanish affairs, which, as ambassador to Portugal, he had considered important, he appointed diplomatic agents to Columbia, Mexico, and Buenos Ayres, as de facto independent, and sent British troops to defend Portugallery, whether for fort, ship, or field service. It is a matter of from the despotic menaces of Spain. In April 1827, C. succeeded Liverpool as Premier. This caused the resignation of Eldon, Wellington, and Peel. C. now arranged the Triple Alliance for the preservation of Greece, promoted the Catholic cause, but repeated his declaration against parliamentary reform and the Test and Corporation Acts. He died rather suddenly at Chiswick (the Duke of Devonshire's seat), 8th August 1827, from the effects of a cold. It is thought that C. had opinions and resolutions far in advance of the political parties of his day. There was in his eloquence a piquancy and finish rare among English speakers. Cobbett always refers to him as 'that impudent spouter C.' His loftiness of aim and goodness of His loftiness of aim and goodness of heart were not spoiled by his long parliamentary life. He was He was called by Quincy-Adams the most thoroughly English' of our politicians. Certainly his opposition to the Holy Alliance was well-timed and beneficial. His speeches were collected and published by R. Therry (6 vols. Lond. 1828). See also Bell's Life of George C. (Lond. 1846), and Stapleton's C. and his Times (Lond. 1859).

CHARLES JOHN, EARL C., son of the preceding, was born at Brompton, near London, 14th December 1812. Educated at Eton and Oxford, he entered Parliament as member for Warwick in 1836, and in the following year, on the death of his mother, succeeded to the title of Viscount, and was called to the House of Lords. In 1841 he was appointed Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the government of Peel, and in 1846 Commissioner of Woods and Forests. Hitherto he had not made any great mark as a politician, partly because he was entirely destitute of his father's gift of eloquence; but those who knew him well, valued his powers highly. In the Aberdeen | ministry of 1853 he held the office of Postmaster-General, and continued to hold it when Palmerston was called to power in 1855. In March 1856 C. went out to India as Governor-General, and in little more than a year found himself face to face with the most terrible mutiny of modern times. He met it with a stern, silent fearlessness, which one cannot but admire as an essentially heroic mood, however much the wisdom of his conduct before the outbreak took place may be questioned. It is said that he was badly advised by an official coterie, that he was repeatedly warned of what was impending, and refused to believe it, and that he is, therefore, responsible in some measure for the subsequent massacres and disasters. Be that as it may, not a sound of alarm escaped his lips during the darkest days of the revolt ; nothing moved him to rage or revenge when the hour of triumph came, and in the opinion of some, he helped to re-establish the English empire in India by his moderation and clemency no less than Havelock and Campbell by their valour. C. received for

Canning, Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford, Vis count, a notable English diplomatist, was the son of a London merchant, and cousin of George Canning. Born in 1788, he entered the diplomatic service in 1807, but did not hold any very important post till 1820, when he became Plenipotentiary Extraordinary (1824), his cousin sent him to a similar post at Washington. After visiting St Petersburg as Ambassador in Constantinople, where he attended the conferences of Akerman, but had to retire to Corfu before peace was agreed to after the battle of Navarino. to assist in the final adjustment of boundaries and other Greek In 1831 Lord Grey sent him back Parliament, deprecating interference in Spain, and calling attenquestions. From 1834 to 1841 he represented King's Lynn in tion to Austrian aggression in Poland. In 1842 Peel sent him again to Constantinople, whither, after a special mission on Swiss affairs to M. Guizot in 1847, he returned to protect the Hungarian refugees, and to conduct that long discussion with Menchikoff, which decided Turkey to declare war against Russia, on the promise of help from England and France. In 1858 C. retired from service. The viscountship conferred on him by Lord Derby enabled him to give valuable aid in the House of Lords when foreign relations were under discussion. In 1873 he published a statement of his reasons for remaining a Christian. Cann'on, the general name given to heavy ordnance or artilcontroversy as to when C. were first invented. By some the credit is given to the Chinese, who are said to be in possession of C. made in 80 A.D. It is certain, however, that C. were used by Edward III. in his first campaign against the Scots in 1327, by the English at the siege of Calais in 1347, and by the Turks in the sieges of Constantinople in 1394 and 1453. The early C. were made of wrought-iron bars bound together like casks by iron rings or hoops, the latter, being driven on red-hot and contracting on cooling, gave great strength to the weapon. good example of this system of C. building is the celebrated Mons Meg in the Castle of Edinburgh, said to have been forged at Mons in Flanders in 1486, and unfortunately damaged in firing a salute to James, Duke of York, in 1682, by part of the hoop near the touch-hole being blown away. The projectiles first used were knobs of stone, afterwards superseded by iron shot. In the second half of the 14th c. C., cast from an alloy of copper and tin in various proportions, were substituted for the built guns, and some time subsequently guns made from cast iron came into use, and, along with the bronze, or, as they are called, though erroneously, brass' guns, are used to some extent to the present day. One of the largest cast C. at present known to exist is a bronze one cast in commemoration of the capture of Bejapoor by the Emperor Alum Gir in 1685. It is 14 feet 1 inch in length, and the diameter of the bore is 2 feet inches. At first cast C. were cast hollow, but these, owing to the irregular cooling of the metal, were found not to be equally strong in every part, and since the 16th c. they have generally been cast solid and the interior afterwards bored out.


Rifled C. are believed to have been in use as early as 1620, and breech-loading C. are said to have been used thirty years before that date.

Many of the early C. were of very large size and calibre, and were dignified with grand names-twelve cast by Louis XII. being named after the twelve peers of France, and Charles V. had twelve called the Twelve Apostles. In the 16th c. the size was reduced and general names adopted, such as C.-royal, or carthoun carrying a ball of 48 lbs. ; bastard-C., or -carthoun, 36 lbs. ;-carthoun, whole culverin, demi-culverin, &c.—these again being superseded by names denominating the weight of the balls used, such as 9-pounders, 32-pounders, 68-pounders, and so on; or in the case of shell-guns by the diameter of the bore specified in inches.

At the present day we are reverting to the principles of construction, modified, of course, and improved in many respects, in use in the 15th c., and building or forging our C. from wrought iron, although other systems are also in use. Among the modern systems of gun-building may be mentioned the Arm

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