| John Anderson, Jr. (Firm) - America - 1902 - 604 pages
...CENTURY. Edited by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL. CAMBRIDGE: 1842. I2mo, cloth, pp. 70. RARE. 5169 JEST BOOKS. THE JEST BOOK. The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings, selected and arranged by MARK LEMON. CAMBRIDGE: 1865. I2mo, full brown morocco, gilt back and borders, gilt edges. CUT ON TITLE. 5170 JEST... | |
| Bibliography - 1862 - 786 pages
...Series. This day, handsomely printed and bound, with a Vignette of WOOLWEB'S STATUE of BACOIC, 4s. 6d. BACON'S ESSAYS and COLOURS of GOOD and EVIL. With Notes and Glossarial Index. By W. Aim.- WBIOHT, MA, Trinity College, Cambridge. %* This forms one of the " Golden Treasury " Series.... | |
| German language - 1882 - 430 pages
...critical notes ami introductory notices by W. Wagner and L. Proescholdt. Vol. IV. 420 S. Bacon, Lord, Essays, and Colours of Good and Evil. With notes and glossarial index by W. Aldis Wright. London, Macmillan. 880 p. Í2. 4 sh. 6 d. — Twenty Essays, selected in accordance with... | |
| Aeschylus - 1853 - 146 pages
...proper fairy tales." — SPECTATOR. THE BALLAD BOOK. A Selection of the Choicest British Ballads. Edited by WILLIAM ALLINGHAM. THE JEST BOOK. The Choicest...and Sayings. Selected and arranged by MARK LEMON. " The fullest and best jest book that has yet appeared."— SATURDAY REVIEW. BACON'S ESSAYS AND COLOURS... | |
| Bibliography - 1865 - 1208 pages
...new edition, 3s. 6d., marbled old style, 9s. THE GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES, 18mo, extra cloth, 4s. 6d. Bacon's Essays and Colours of Good and Evil. With Notes and Glossarial Index by W. ALOIS WEIGHT, MA, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and a Vignette Engraving, after Woolner's Statue of Bacon,... | |
| Hugh Godfray - Lunar theory - 1859 - 164 pages
...WRITERS. Selected and arranged by ROUNDELL PALMER. SIXTEENTH THOUSAND, with Vignette by T. WOOLNEB. BACON'S ESSAYS AND COLOURS OF GOOD AND EVIL. With Notes and Glossarial Index, by W. ALDIS WRIGHT, MA, Trinity College, Cambridge. And a Vignette of Woolner's Statue of Lord Bacon. Large... | |
| Reinhold Pauli - England - 1861 - 522 pages
...of "John Halifax, Gentleman." THE BALLAD BOOK. A Selection of the Choicest British Ballads. Edited by WILLIAM ALLINGHAM. THE JEST BOOK. The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings. Selected and arranged by HAEK LEMON. BACON'S ESSAYS AND COLOURS OF GOOD AND EVIL. AVith Notes and Glossarial Index. By W. ALDIS... | |
| George Anthony Denison - 1862 - 358 pages
...was honoured with the especial enmity of the Papacy. This day, bandiomely printed and bound, 41. 6d. BACON'S ESSAYS and COLOURS of GOOD and EVIL. With Notes and Glossarial Index by W. ALOIS WRIGHT, MA, Trinity College, Cambridge. With a Vignette after Woolner's Statue of Bacon. *(,* This Volume forms... | |
| Isaac Todhunter - Conic sections - 1862 - 360 pages
...Cambridge. •»• Large Paper Copies, Crown 8vo. 7s. 6ci., or bound in half-morocco, 10J. 6J. 7. THE JEST BOOK. THE CHOICEST ANECDOTES AND SAYINGS Selected and Arranged by MARK LEMON. With a Vignette by CHARLES KEAN. 8. THE BALLAD BOOK. A SELECTION OF THE CHOICEST BRITISH BALLADS. Edited... | |
| Early English newspapers - 1862 - 968 pages
...draw all the benefit from them that may be drawn, to put themselves under the guidance of Mr. Wright. Bacon's Essays, and Colours of Good and Evil. With Notes and Glossarial Clerical Papers, by ONB OP OUB CLUB. (Oxford and London : 3. H. and Jas. Parker.) — These papers,... | |
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